Yin & Yang Pleasures Of Cultivation

Chapter 309 - Mystical Aura Arts

A few minutes later, Aniela and Masami swiftly got dressed, ready to inspect their rewards. 

Currently, the trio sat on the edge of their bed as Darcel held Siren Star's spatial magical ring. 

Since they had plenty of time, Darcel, Aniela and Masami were slowly sweeping their Senses through the ring. Not wanting to leave anything out, the trio was even using both their Spirit and Magical Senses to inspect it.

Still, with their extraordinary senses, it didn't take long at all to find several things of great interest. 

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's eyes brightly it up from what they discover.

To say there was just a lot of Spiritual Magical Beads inside the spatial ring would be an understatement. Darcel, Aniela, and Masami could sense there was at least several thousand compacted in there!

Such a high amount of resources would be considered extraordinary to even other Senior-ranked Siren members. 

Unknown to the trio's thoughts, but Siren Star actually had quite the high and formidable reputation among Mage Matches.

Though Mage Matches rarely happens between Senior Siren ranked Mages, there are times were engaging in one would bring numerous significant benefits. 

Benefits that could even lead to a bottleneck breakthrough.

Siren Star was one such Mage who frequently used this Mage Matches to his advantage. And, of course, he easily won all of his matches, barely having to use five moves to win.

This kind of prowess commanded the utmost respect and talent. 

In Mage fights, things are far more difficult to predict. Depending on how far a Mage had grasped the understanding of Magical Energy, it would undoubtedly sway the tide of battle.

Siren Star's understanding of Magical Energy reached a degree where only a few Senior Ranked Mages can truly match him. Hence why his abundance of resources nearly seemed outrageous.

For sure, given enough time, Siren Star most likely would've reached a significant process in the upcoming dozens of years. 

However, after losing to Darcel, the setback he experienced could only be imagined.

Moreover, this also adds to why the whole Siren Blade Mage organization was shaken to its roots by one mere loss…. 

Of course, neither Darcel, Aniela, or Masami could possibly know of this.

And even if they did, neither would even put much thought into it. 

For that matter, Masami wouldn't even care in the slightest; Aniela would only have a little interest while Darcel would only remark it to the back of his mind.

"Seriously! With this amount of stones, it looks like we won't have stayed at some undefined bottleneck for an indefinite amount of time." 

Masami's eyes sparkle brightly. Then, her expression turned inquisitive. "But say? What about these Mage Staffs? Our current sets of weapons only consist of several half-step Royal Spirit Swords and low-quality completed Royal Spirit Swords. Compared to that, I can sense that these Mage Staffs pack far more of a punch."

Aniela and Darcel's interest was immediately piqued. Recalling their experiences, none of them knows anything about wielding or correctly using a Mage Staff.

Even though it all ran off from the understanding of Magical Energy, weapons like this still require extensive training to properly master. 

Thinking of this and trying to apply it to themselves, Aniela and Darcel immediately found it inconsequential to them.

With her eyes shimmering an abundance amount of interest, Aniela explained to Masami, "We might as well get the hang of switch-wielding Mage Staffs and cultivation weapons. You two felt it, too, right? Siren Star's Magical Energy intensified to a noticeable degree after bringing his Staff out. The same as when we take out our weapons. And with our level of adaptability, I'm more than absolutely positive we can quickly grasp using Mage Staffs."

"Mnh….further thinking about it, we'll become dangerously versatile handling both Mage and cultivation weapons! I can't help but feel just the tiny bit of pity for all of our future opponents.." Masami was quick to agree, feeling slightly a bit cocky. 

"Ehehe~. Things really are shaping up for the better." 

A soft giggle came out of Aniela as she too could see they would cause their foes so much grief with their versatility. 

Darcel didn't offer any verbal response, only tacitly giving his silent agreement. 

The reason for Darcel's more intent focus is because he stumbled upon something highly intriguing while the girls were discussing.

'Out of everything….why is this here? The mystical spirit arts….it seems like no Mage would ever use this.' 

There were numerous Gold or even Grand Ranking Magical Arts inside the spatial ring.

However, only one caught Darcel's interest. 

The 'Mystical Spirit Arts' seemed like an art entirely unfit for any standard Mage but perfect for him and the girls. So, with a thought, Darcel swiftly brought out this Art.

A flash of purple sparked on his palm, and a blue color scroll appeared next to the spatial ring. 

"Oh? This is…." 

Aniela and Masami trailed their eyes over the Magical scroll. Questions began popping into their mind as they both slowly muttered, "Mystical Aura Spirit?" 

"That's right. This is actually the most suitable Magical Art for us, believe it not."

Hearing that, Aniela and Masami kept quiet but tossed their attentive gazes onto Darcel. 

Continuing on, Darcel had explained to them, "From what I briefly read over from the scroll, apparently this Magical Art has no clear defined ranking. But despite that, only a few can actually study this Art. All of this is because one needs to have high talent and understanding in both Magical Energy and Qi Energy."

"Wait, really?!" 

Aniela and Masami jumped with immediate shock, nearly springing upright to their feet. 

Out of everything they could expect, dual practicing Magical and Qi Energy was the farthest out of their realm of expectations.

With everything they've experienced so far, it was understandable that their reactions would be so intense. 

From every Mage they encounter, there hasn't been a single one that didn't look down on Qi energy or cultivators in general.

Even those seemingly amicable lightning Mages held a certain aura of superiority. They all retained a bearing of complete confidence even when attempting to show off a nice side.

With all this in mind, using Qi Energy along with Magical Energy almost seemed like it would devolve in the heathen territory. 

Masami's eyebrows immediately burrow when she comes upon this thought. 

She cautiously said, "These arrogant bunch practicing with Qi Energy? Far too suspicious! Maybe this is some sort of trap?" 

"A trap? Indeed it could be but…." 

Aniela's eyes drift back over to Darcel, ponderance clear on her face. "Is there any more background information on this, Darcy? Like who made it, or where it was found? The Siren Chains arts had this." 

When recalling the Siren Chain Arts, Darcel knows it didn't have some significant, profound history.

It was rather quite simple. 

From a combination of several highly talented Grand Mages, they were able to combine pre-existing Magical Arts to form the Siren Chain Arts.

The pre-existing Magical Arts all ranged from the Gold ranking and managed to achieve the rank of Grand Arts once combined together. A brief history but one that tells how profound this technique was.

Compared to this….the mystical Spirit Aura didn't really have much. 

Darcel swept his Magical Sense several times through the scroll, but his results didn't change. Slightly tilting his head, Darcel told the girls,

"No….actually, I didn't even notice this at first. But beyond its name and description, there's barely any background information on this. I'm assuming Siren Star must've randomly got this scroll but never bothered to dive deep in because of its requirement. Still, despite this oddness, I think you girls jumped the gun on your assumptions about what this Art can do."

"Ehh?? We did??" At that last point, it finally got Aniela and Masami to come down from their excited highs. 

Smiling a bit, Darcel continued to explain, "Yes, you see, this Art doesn't allow us to unleash a great attack combining Qi and Magical Energy. But rather, increase our growth speed. Studying this Art will allow us to enter into a mystical aura state. In this state, our dantians and Magical phantom cores will perfectly sync with each other, achieving a mystical harmony. From there on, both our Magical and Qi Energy absorption will be greatly boosted beyond even our limits."

Aniela and Masami silently took in Darcel's words. After a few moments, the girls then swept their own Magical Sense into the scroll and immediately became further shocked with surprise. 

"You're right, Darcel. This really was meant for us." 

Though Masami was the one to get bored the quickest with cultivation, she felt the sudden urge to practice now with this mysterious Magical Art.

"Indeed it is. But I still can't help but wonder if someone just like us created this Magical Art." Aniela still couldn't get this nagging feeling from her mind. 

This Magical Art just seems too precious to be causally swept under the radar.

Darcel could only offer a shrug, being just as confused as her. For a brief moment, he considered asking other Senior Ranked Siren Mages or the Elders.

But, he almost immediately pushed that idea down. Not to say it was a bad idea, but Darcel didn't want to raise any more noise after their recent mind-shattering fight.

He then decided, "Well, in any case, before we go out to do some mission, let's see what this mystical art is about."

Aniela and Masami promptly nodded to that decision. 

Quickly, the trio got into their regular cultivating position and began comprehending the Mystical Aura Arts.

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