Yin & Yang Pleasures Of Cultivation

Chapter 314 - Heavenly Step

The unfathomable sensation of a Heavenly Spirit Sense transformed Darcel's entire mental psyche. It was at this moment, he genuinely felt like he shredded right past his ordinary mortal limits.

With just a thought, he could spread his Spirit Sense for thousands of miles, essentially covering the whole of the Siren Blood Mage organization. 

This extreme range was Darcel only just probing out his ability.

At his complete focus, the distance of his Heavenly Spirit Sense could only be imagined. 

And not only did his range increase, but Darcel could also now accurately pinpoints numerous things that have the slightest strand of energy.

Provided that the person he's searching for isn't majorly stronger than him, Darcel can detect any presence.

Along with his ability being upgraded, Darcel, in general, felt sharper. 

His intelligence was already quite high. But after this, Darcel felt as if it became even more refined and perfectly clear. 

Darcel only took a second to bask in this sensation before focusing up to complete his breakthrough.

At this stage, a cultivator would experience enlightenment about their sense of self. Their minds broaden to the point where they need to questions their goals and desire. 

Asking themselves if the path they're going is their genuine goal?

No matter how talented she is now, Masami still had to do deep self-reflection upon herself. Of course, her already firm Will allowed her to easily bypass this step, but it was nevertheless required.

Even Aniela had to take a moment and experience enlightening self-reflection. 

She formed her Heavenly Spirit Sense only seconds behind Darcel. And now she's at the next critical juncture to finally become a Heavenly King.

The enlightening self-reflection was in Darcel's mind for some time now. Even before this breakthrough, he would constantly reaffirm the goals in his head. This was so he could find the burning drive and motivation to keep going every day, no matter how tough it becomes.

His notion has been set down for years already. 

So it should have come with no shock that Darcel's already enlightenment mind shattered the block preventing him from directly absorbing Heavenly Qi!

Darcel only felt his mind slightly shook. But other than that, he had zero reactions. 

For years he always knew what he wanted. And though more goals have been added to his drive, Darcel never wavered in the slightest.

After all, as long as Aniela and Masami are alive, he can't let himself die or become weak! 

At this moment, the black spatial cracks lines tremble. Then, in the very next second, rich waves of Heavenly Qi energy soared straight at Darcel.

Sensing the intensely powerful waves of Heavenly Qi, Masami flung open her eyes, only to immediately widen them in slight shock. 

"Tch! This guy never stops showing off!" Masami was truly stunned and envious. 

During her Heavenly Transfomarion breakthrough, her phenomenon was not as intense as Darcel's. Although, she can admit that Heavenly Qi pouring into Darcel was a sight to behold.

Those waves of Heavenly Qi brightly lit up their entire room. It was almost like gazing into a rainbow light show. 

At this time, Darcel was refining his body into a Heavenly body and forming his Heavenly Core with Heavenly Qi.

The quality of Heavenly Qi contains a quantitive richness that simply can not be compared to the previous realms.

Not even speaking about the power difference, the amount of pure Heaven and Earth's energy within Heavenly Qi is scaled up by a tremendous margin. 

This step is truly shedding away every drop of impurities a cultivator accumulated from the previous realms.

Darcel was undergoing this process, yet there wasn't any spot of gross impurities shedding away from his body. 

Likewise, when Masami reached this realm, there weren't any gross impurities out from her body as well.

This is all because of the high pureness Heavenly Qi possesses, being able to wipe away cultivation impurities without a trace. 

Minutes flowed by, soon transiting into a full hour.

At this time, an incredible wave of Heavenly Qi rushed out of Aniela like a vigorous storm. From the black spatial cracks, tears, rainbow color Heavenly Qi rushed into her body as if she was a Polaris magnet.

It took slightly longer, but now Aniela crossed over the last mental border of the Heavenly Transformation realm, taking her first official step. 

During this time, Masami simply opted to wait until the duo was finished.

She couldn't precisely immerse herself into cultivation with the reckless waves of energy flowing out and in Darcel and Aniela. 

Soon enough, even more time swiftly passed. 

And it was finally after forty minutes, Darcel and Aniela changed.


At the same time, Darcel and Aniela's bloodline arms vigorously surged! 

Their powers erupted like a volcano, causing brilliant black and white Light to shroud the entire room, completely covering up the rainbow color Heavenly Qi.

"Th-this?! Holy, where they always-?" 

At first, Masami was simply shocked at the pure overwhelming power gushing out of the duo. It intensely pressured her while just being in her base state.

But before Masami could properly reveal in their bloodline might, her breathing suddenly got hitched. 

Among the brilliant Light show, two definite images formed out of Darcel and Aniela. 

A single black wing and a single white wing were unfurled from Darcel and Aniela's bloodline arm. Their bloodline wings stood majestically tall, emitting ethereal auras that was impossible to ignore.

"Since when….since when they had this?" Masami could only blankly stare at the wings. 

Because the crimson Magical Mark made it impossible to see, she never had the chance to properly obverse their bloodline wings. Furthermore, during their missions, the duo was never pushed to a point where they needed to go all out. 

Seeing their wings for the first time, Masami honestly didn't know how to describe her feelings.

All at that moment, Masami's breath was truly taken away. However, this magnetic feel only lasted for a second. 

Afterward, Masami rapidly blinked her eyes. 'I never really put much thought into their bloodline, but….is it that special?'

Indeed, Masami always regarded the duo's bloodline as a rare Heavenly Rank one where it allows them to amplify their Qi energy to an insane degree. 

But after this moment, she slowly started to realize there was something profound about their bloodlines.

However, before her thoughts could divulge, she sensed movements from Darcel and Aniela. 

As Darcel and Aniela's bodies sparsely twitched, their bloodline powers recalled back into their bodies, causing the room to fall into a normal state.

Upon reverting back to normal, a new kind of aura oozed out of the duo. 

It was the same aura that naturally emits from Masami or any other Heavenly Transformation cultivation.

This was their Heavenly Aura! Darcel and Aniela had finally crossed over to the first level of the Heavenly Transformation realm! 

Within their now Heavenly Magical Dantian space, their Heavenly Cores was a mix of Chaotic Energy and roaring black flames.

At the first level, their Heavenly Core was only just a vague phantom image. However, the size of their Cores was tremendous. It nearly equaled to the size of their phantom Dragon Magical Core!

When everything was finally settled with, Darcel and Anieal's bodies stopped twitching. Then, simultaneously, they flung their eyes wide open. 

For a brief second, rays of Darkness and Light spewed out of their eyes before quickly returning to normal.

Masami gave an immediately pleased smirk, congratulating the duo. "Well, well! That was a nice flashy show. But hey, now we're all full-fledged Heavenly Kings!" 

"Hehe~! You were right, Sami. This power is so robust."

Aniela slowly stretched her arms, taking in this overwhelming feeling of power. 

With what she's sensing now, Aniela was more than sure they could properly dominate Mercenaries group's Captains such as the ones from the Snow Angel group or the Shadow rouges.

"And to think, all we really need is just resources." Darcel absentmindedly threw out a comment. 

More than just this feeling of power, he was moreso delighted at the prospect of how smooth their cultivation is.

If they could adequately accumulate all the resources they can, they wouldn't even be stuck in the Heavenly Transformation realm for a long time. 

Truthfully, with all the resources they acquired, Masami could have achieved a small breakthrough.

But she declined doing so, in favor so that he and Aniela could rapidly advanced. Although her reasoning wasn't a warm and affectionate one like Darcel would expect with Aniela.

She simply told him, 'Our team needs to be an unstoppable force of nature. So naturally, you two need to become Heavenly Kings now! This way, we can venture where ever whenever we very well want. And challenge whoever we want.'

It was an action-orientated reason, but one that Darcel expected and wouldn't have it any other way. 

As he thought of this, Darcel threw an appreciative glance towards Masami.

But while doing so, he caught a brief flash of a strange expression on her beautiful face. The expression happened so fast that Aniela didn't notice it, and Darcel was sure he wouldn't have either.

He only did so because he felt his Darkness Soul link quiver for the briefest of split seconds. 

Darcel's curiosity was immediately aroused. However, he chose not to press her for an answer.

If it was something that was truly bothering her, Masami would never hesitate to blurt it out loud. So Darcel assumed it was just her wandering thoughts. 

Although, he did note this in the back of his mind for later.

After clearing away his thoughts of this, Darcel then focused on their next goal. He began to speak up, interrupting Aniela and Masami's current discussion to tell them, 

"Alright then. With our prowess, we have no reason to fear any mercenary groups. So, it's finally time to take that trip towards Mawold Town."

"Wha?? Uggh…." 

Collective groans of agony sounded out from both Aniela and Masami. Their expressions right now was honestly like they stepped in gross rat shit.

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