Yin & Yang Pleasures Of Cultivation

Chapter 315 - An Old Friend

"Seriously, do we really need to visit that woman again? I mean, I know she is somehow still connected to you, but wouldn't it be better for her to live like that? Just believing it was a dream?

There was a clear trace of disdain filling Masami's tone. Mawold Town, more specifically, Silver Leader Ninu, brought up rather negative feelings for her and Aniela. 

Compared to any other person, Ninu certainly has a more profound relationship with them. 

Quite literally, Darcel touched her very soul's essence core, the meaning of who she is. 

And by doing so, he forcefully molded her into becoming a mere servant, somebody who will never show resistance to him. 

Even from the beginning, Masami was never truly fond of this idea. Neither was Aniela, though she was slightly more tolerant. 

After all, unlike how they build their relationship from numerous life-or-death situations, these Darkness Servants simply took these massive shortcuts to gain these fabricated feelings.

There was no actual genuineness, all just cohesion and force. At least, that's what both Aniela and Masami believed it to be. 

And making matters worse, the fact that some of their Darkness Servants acted all affectionate to Darcel irked the girls in all the wrong places.

Ninu was one such servant who acted particularly close to Darcel. 

Even now, both girls could remember the unmistakable sour taste over remembering how Ninu seemed so enthralled by fabricated soul feelings.

It's all why they both expressed significant sourness overseeing this 'old friend' again. 

Aniela had even added on to Masami's point as said next, "At this point, she and we particularly live in different worlds. I don't see any true benefits for this excursion."

Hearing both girl's complaints, Darcel took it in calmly. He was more than aware of their varying feelings. Plus, he could also understand their point. 

Not even he wants a relationship made up of fabricated feelings.

No matter if his powers specifically related to seducing women or giving them easy pleasure, forcing relationships only gave Darcel a sensation of hollowness. 

Although, at the same time, Darcel could also see that both girls just have plain, regular jealousy.

'Really, before I knew it, they've grown close, very close with each other. Still, this is better than them clawing away at each other, even if they do more often than not clash.'

Truly, Darcel counted his blessings that despite the girls having clear contrast in personality, they can also smoothly bounce off each other. 

He shudders to think what would happen if he needed to step in for actual violent actions.

Turning his thoughts away from that, Darcel reorganized his mind and explained his reasoning. "I know it may very well seem like a waste of time but, I can tell it would be worth it. From what I pieced together, that woman was unable to destroy our sour links because we're too interconnected. As for Ninu, she was unable to destroy but had certainly damaged it. However, even after all this time, my soul link to her somehow grew stronger. I can feel her vehemently pinning for us. Plus, I can also vaguely feel out she too experienced great changes since our time."

Aniela and Masami certainly heard Darcel, but they didn't respond for a moment. 

They attempted to keep up their intent stares, hoping to penetrate into Darcel's mind even just slightly.

However, no matter how hard they stared, Darcel stayed unmoving. It was like two slightly smaller lions attempting to pressure in the biggest, dominant lion. 

And in the end, Aniela and Masami gave out.

"Haah~. We know that look right, Sami?" Aniela simply exhaled a quiet sigh. "Let's just sack it up and quickly do this. Besides, in the end, she's still only a servant. That position can never be changed."

Listening to that, Darcel nearly snorted. He remembers all the way back when they first encountered Masami, Aniela was so insistent in her belief that jealousy would never affect her.

Now, she's become quite possessive and territorial. 

Darcel could only assume because his soul instinctively called out to Masami, it in return made Aniela's soul far more willing to accept since she was already tightly connected to him.

Without that little fact, Darcel could only imagine how their interactions would've turned out. 

"Hmph. I suppose that she is. Well then, let's get it done with now. The sooner we are done, the faster we can back on to more critical subjects."

Masami was already back on her feet when she finished speaking. She cracked out over any leftover kinks from cultivating for so long, feeling her body surging with vibrant energy.

At that moment, Darcel let loose a slightly wryly smile and told the girls, "We don't need to treat this like a mission, you know? It's just a simple check-up, and plus, we can use this time to leisurely relax. Cultivation isn't all about rapidly promoting strength. It is nice to divulge ourselves once in a while."

"Che, you only say that because your powers are literally linked to being perverse." Masami snorted. 

"And we can't help but surrender to his Dark claws~." Aniela cheerfully added.

Lightly chucking to himself, Darcel prepared to stand so they could promptly leave. But as did so, a sudden purple glow surged from the bookshelf. 

In that instance, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami immediately snapped their attentions over.

"Say….isn't that one of the Elder's rings?" Aniela asked with an evident hint of surprise lacing her tone. 

Indeed,  the cause for the sudden purple glow was from the contact ring on their shelf.

The contact ring that direly connected to one of the high-level Elders of the entire Siren Blood Mage organization. 

For weeks now, the trio has completed so many missions. And yet, no Elder ever bothered to contact them until now.

Reasonably, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami kept their suspicious up. Preferably, the trio didn't want to answer the call. But things would be far more troublesome if they chose to ignore.

With this in mind, Darcel walked over to the bookshelf, picked up the ring, and kept his tone even when speaking into it. 

"Hello? Is this one of the Senior Elders trying to contact us?"

The response was instant. 

"Indeed it is. This is Elder Yang speaking." 

Though it's been some time since seeing him, the trio could recognize that voice within a second. Out of most high-level figures, Elder Yang seemed to radiate a certain unforgettable aura that translated into every action he made. 

"The reason for my call is a fair warning. The level of feats you three achieved in these sort weeks is highly unprecedented. And while you three may not care to notice, you cause quite the chaotic storms. My advice is to always watch yourself and barely trust anyone, even myself. The situation between all Mages is quite complicated and jealously is most prominent here."


This sudden speech threw Darcel, Aniela, and Masami for a loop, each of them letting out confused noises simultaneously. 

Truly, none of them couldn't think of anything to say back.

Leaving them even more stunned was when the contact ring quickly lost its luster a mere second later. Without even giving the trio a chance to respond, Elder Yang swiftly cut off the connection.

A strange silence filled their room. 

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami didn't move, their minds staying focused on trying to process Elder Yang's words. 

And it was this time, a glint sparked within Aniela's eyes. "Say, Darcy, isn't this kind of similar to what you said about that rouge Siren Mage? Really seems like this place is more distrusting than we thought." 

"And let's not forget how weird these Elders are. I didn't think it could happen, but now, I'm actually looking forward to getting out of this place." 

Masami remarked. She already held a predisposition dislike towards Mages, so this wasn't truly surprising to her.

And, of course, this wasn't any sort of news to Darcel. In fact, during their mission times, he fully expected some troublesome situations to occur. He could only bless his luck that none of that had happened to them.

Still, even with their newfound strength, Darcel can tell that the decision to stay here is unwise. 

Considering this, he then told the girls with a soothing calm tone,  "Come on. Let's leave right now. No point in delaying anything for even a second." 

Aniela and Masami, who were initially against this meeting was now pumped up to go. 

Without a moment's delay, the trio swiftly gathered everything they needed and left their room.


Thousand of miles deep in the Plunged Tundra. 

On the Plunged Tundra icy roads, three hooded figures who seemingly looked unremarkable traveled together. 

No other cultivator or Mage bother to spare even a passing glance from this trio. And on first senses, anyone would perceive a masked Heavenly Aura from them. 

Most obviously, one would assume they were simply a batch of generic Heavenly Transformation cultivators.

However, that thought couldn't be further from the truth. 

For as the hooded figures were Zhaun Koizma, Cui Koduka, and Kassidy Kitsui! 

These three were the absolute pride of the Ice Nine Tail Sect. Each of them was an extreme genius in their faction, commanding the utmost respect from the younger generation. 

Under normal circumstances, these three would emit an unfathomable air of utmost pride.

Their heads would be held up high, looking down on most other people. 

However, at this moment, none of that prideful might could be seen. 

Zhaun and Cui kept their heads down, their minds deep into contemplation.

While Kassidy exuded an overflow of negative sentience. If anyone were to stare into her eyes, they would bear witness to pure, unadulterated hatred. 

Between the trio, no words were shared for quite some time.

The only reason they're still banded together was because of their hatred for Masami. 

Mainly it was Zhaun and Cui following behind Kassidy as she apparently had this great confidence in finding her again.

Although as time flew by, the trio still had no chances at success. And it was suddenly during this walk, Zhaun had to ask Kassidy, 

"This would be probably the hundredth town we visit. How can you be so sure this would be any different."

"Because I feel it in my soul." Kassidy sharply explained. Her tone made it abundantly clear she wasn't going to speak further about this. 

Zhaun could only shake his head and go back to his own contemplation.

As he did so, he quietly muttered to himself, "Out of all places, what would this weak Mawold Town possibly have?"

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