High in the skies, deep within the Plunged Tundra, three figures swiftly shot through the gray clouds. 

Their speeds was so incredible to the point Mid-ranks Heavenly Kings would have trouble tracking them.

Neither of them feared getting stopped by a flying Spirit Monster or any other type of organization. With their combined might, the trio doubts there are not many in this region that can ever hope to match them.

Of course, this trio was Darcel, Aniela and Masami. 

A couple of days have passed since they left the Siren Blood Mage organization, and it was all smooth travel. 

Because of their already high reputation, nobody bothers questioning where they would be going.

The Siren Mages were, of course, curious. But, each of them, even down to the Senior-ranked Mages, knows it's all but impossible to involve themselves with Darcel's group.

As for their reputation across Azog Ice Town, it also served as a deterrent to be left alone. 

Typically, other cultivators or Mages organizations would want to keep tabs on the strongest people within any powerful organization. 

Darcel, Aniela and Masami were no exceptions. Especially with their rumor prowess, many other organizations had set their eyes on them. 

However, none of them had the courage to actually follow through in attempting to keep tabs.

With the number of high-ranking missions the trio completed, it was only natural that the rumor of their combat prowess reached unnatural degrees. 

Some rumors even involved that Darcel, Aniela, and Masami were actually secret demons disguised in human clothes just waiting to take over the whole city!

After all, what else can explain the possibility of insanely high cultivation and Magical Talent? 

Fabricated stories only seemed like the truth involving them, at least.

When these rumors reached Darcel's group ears, Aniela giggled in amusement; Masami wanted to let these ignorant people experience the rumor for themselves while Darcel barely cared.

What Darcel did care about was nobody foolishly attempting to follow them out of Azog Ice Town. If anyone were to do that, then he and the girls would've had perfect stepping stones.

Unfortunately for them, it seemed as if their reputations is more fierce than they thought. 

Still, being able to relaxedly fly through the air with Aniela and Masami was genuinely pleasant for Darcel.

Their flight was especially telling since Aniela and Masami were far more energetic than usual, presumably because of their recent Heavenly Transformation breakthrough.

Whatever the reason, Darcel was thrilled that their mental state had taken such huge strides. 

After flying for several days now, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami could finally spot a relatively large town in the distance.

"This place…." The trio simultaneously muttered in slight nostalgia. 

Sudden fond memories began to resurge, causing a warm sensation to course throughout their bodies.

Indeed, how could they ever forget this place? This is where their destinies intertwined forever! 

Furthermore, this is also where they had unleashed that mysterious formations into the entire world.

It wasn't an overstatement to say Mawold Town was the turning point in Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's lives. 

'I still remember when Masami got so embarrassed over any perverse things. Now, she's cute yet aggressive.'

Most memories Darcel recounted was of his relationship building with Masami and Aniela. He didn't put any other thoughts into the various fights they had around here, deeming them as less important.

And while Aniela and Masami were similarly nostalgic in these kinds of memories, there was other thoughts they couldn't let go of. 

When recounting this, the nostalgia in Aniela and Masami's eyes were immediately replaced with undisguised annoyance.

"Che, you know what would make this trip down memory lane better? If that woman just had completely forgotten about since it's been so long." Masami lightly snorted. 

Though she knows deep inside that's an impossibility, it still felt good to vent a little. 

Aniela smoothly followed up with Masami, talking in a more critical tone of voice. "That would be for the best. I truly don't find her particularly pleasing. And she would be better without us."

At this point, Darcel just lets the girls speak their feelings without care. 

He hopes that one day, these two will start to objectively see the benefits of having Darkness Servants who are actually willing to serve him.

Pushing that intriguing thought down for later, Darcel was about to speak up his own comment. 

But right then, they all abruptly stopped dead in their tracks. 

Unknowingly, they were mere miles away from Mawold Town. And upon reaching this distance, slight familiar pings went off in Aniela and Masami's Darkness Soul links. 

While Darcel actually felt his Darkness Soul link quiver like a boiling volcano.

Aniela and Masami's frowns increased as Darcel gained a curious grin. They all knew what this sensation meant. 

But before the trio could even think of their next move, a melodically sweet-sounding voice echoed out to the skies.


Even though it's been so long, neither Darcel, Aniela, or Masami could ever forget that voice. It belongs precisely to the leader of the Silver Bloody Hammer group organization, Silver Ninu!

Upon reaching this moment, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami thought they would calmly meet her. 

However, as they sensed the sheer power behind Ninu's loud shout, the trio completely froze.

"Woah, Woah! What the hell? Since when she became a fifth-level Heavenly King??" Masami blurted out what they all were thinking. 

Again and again, the trio swept their Spirit Sense onto a rapidly approaching aura.

But no matter how they re-sensed her, Ninu's Heavenly Aura couldn't and wouldn't change. She had indeed reached the fifth level of the Heavenly Transformation realm. 

In just a short time frame of a little bit over a month, this kind of speed should be utterly inconceivable for a mere average Heavenly Transformation cultivator. 

Say if Ninu was a talent at least slightly worse than someone like Zhaun Kitsui, then the trio would be more willing to believe this speed.

But Ninu never once showed exceptional cultivation talent. She was among of average. 

Of course, given that she could reach the Heavenly Transformation showcased, she has far higher talent than thousands of other cultivators.

But she should never be able to match levels from great geniuses in prominent and powerful Sects or similar organizations. 

'Could it be some kind of great treasure?' 

This thought simultaneously struck Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's minds. This seemed like the far more plausible reason. 

But at the same time, the trio didn't ever recall the Nobe's Fang group or the Silver Bloody Hammer group having a unique locating treasure tool.

Only Fruna has that, and the trio was sure she mainly used those treasures for herself. 

As Darcel, Aniela and Masami was temporarily lost in thought, a beautiful woman suddenly appeared before the trio.

This beautiful woman floated several feet from the trio, spouting one of the happiest expressions she ever mustered in her life. She was donned entirely in a bright silver robe; her eyes seemed to sparkle in the same shimmering silver radiance.

Anybody who was to look at her would immediately be attracted to those gorgeous silver eyes. 

Face to face with this woman, Aniela and Masami pursued their lips while Darcel spouted a casual smile.

"Ah, Master! It's been too long! I was seriously so worried, but now, it's all fine!" 

Ninu took the initiative to speak first. Her voice was lovely, full of charm that made it impossible to ignore listening to.

"Ninu, you really remember us?" Darcel curiously asked. 

Even though he's faced with the absolute truth, it was still slightly surprising to see that all-powerful yellow-eyed woman failing in destroying this Darkness Soul link like all others.

In response to Darcel's question, Ninu tilted her in a cutesy manner. "Why wouldn't I remember you, Master and Mistresses? You three literally shaped my entire life for the better."

"Heh, is that right?" Masami dauntingly narrowed her gaze on Ninu. "So how come you suddenly reached the fifth level so quickly on your own? Last we checked, you were merely a second-level Heavenly King."

Ninu wasn't affected at all by Masami's intimidation, responding to her in a cordial tone, "Ah, this. Of course, for Master and Mistress, it is no problem for you to reach the Heavenly Transformation realm so quickly. As for me, weeell….come. I have a few great treasures that allowed me to become so powerful. And I was saving them up for you, Master and Mistresses."

"Hmph. A cheat, as I expected." Masami crossed her arms and haughtily huffed. 

"Don't be too hard, Sami. It's only expected for others, right." Aniela said with a seemingly soft, small smile.

Both girl's words didn't seem that harsh on the surface, but the tone they were using spoke volumes. This was simply a blatant provocation.

Even average cultivators wouldn't want to be reminded of how average they are.

Darcel expected at least even the slightest reaction. But as he studied Ninu's face, he quirked an eyebrow. Her blossoming smile never once left her face despite Aniela and Masami's non-welcoming vibes.

Briefly, Darcel wonders if this is just a part of her personality or the effect of their Darkness Soul links. 

It would undoubtedly make things interest to know that Ninu simply has this high level of tolerance.

Before his thoughts diverge anymore, Darcel told Ninu, "Don't mind your mistresses, Ninu. We are truly curious to see those treasures. Lead the way."

"Right this way then, Master, mistresses." Ninu already eagerly turned around at the end of her sentence. 

As they prepared to fly down to Mawold Town, Darcel spared one last glance over at Aniela and Masami.

Any comments the girl had at that moment was shut down. They instead crossed their arms and slightly huffed, wanting to always maintain their air of superiority around Ninu.

Shaking his head at their antics, Darcel turned back around began following behind Ninu.

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