Ying Chong

Chapter 78: Chapter 78


It stands to reason that in Paner's position, it is impossible to get too far behind.

That is, on the first day of the first day, following Queen Fu came to Cunning Palace to worship the queen mother, but at that time there were a lot of people, Paner was caught in the crowd, and the position was back, so I just looked at the queen mother from afar. All I knew was that she was a kind-hearted old man.

I don't know who mentioned the prince's dragon and phoenix, and the queen queen Xuan Paner took the dragon and phoenix to see him.

Pan'er was still a little nervous before going. It is well known that the queen mother looked at the princely concubine quite differently. Would she not look at her so well? Of course, she knows that the queen mother will not embarrass her in public, but there are too many ways to embarrass people in the palace, and most of them make you bitter.

But nervousness has to go, this is not what she can counter.

Pan'er is more familiar with the Cining Palace. After all, she lived here for almost a year when she was a queen queen. At first Paner also used the villain's heart to measure the gentleman's belly, thinking whether the concubine had deliberately given it to her. Who knows if she entered the temple, not only the concubine, but also the noble concubine and Zhou Xianfei.

Almost the moment she walked in, the eyes of the temple gathered on her.

"This is Su Liangzhang? It looks really good. Look at the queen mother, isn't it a flower-like figure?" Gao Guifei said to the queen with a smile.

"Looking at this person, I envy the young girl." The queen mother smiled and said to Princess Zhou Xianfei.

Zhou Xianfei laughed with a cover: "Sister Gao always likes to admire those young concubines. The younger sister often tells her that young is young and tender. This is incomparable to those who are older, but there are also charms that are not comparable to those of young concubines. , Such as Sister Gao, who would not say that Sister Gao's grace and elegance are extraordinary. "

"You're really tricky, look at your little mouth. Oh, your majesty still tells me that the concubine is gentle and gentle, and she is beautiful. If you let your majesty see your tricky side, see if he still says so in the future. said."

The two high-ranking concubines came and went with me. The queen queen was only smiling with a smile, but she did not express any opinion. After seeing it almost gone, the queen mother smiled and said, "Yeah, you're really not in shape, but don't scare Su Liangzhang, and say that it is better to look at the dragon and phoenix, you are fighting."

Obviously, the queen mother's tone was not a reprimand, and Gao Guifei and Zhou Xianfei casually spread a pamper and sold a good one and passed. Paner can see that the two are very much loved by the queen mother. These can't be said in detail, only from the tone and attitude of their speaking.

Probably because of her junior, the princess has no seat here, except that the princess is standing first, and she is standing next.

It seems that this incident was not made by the Crown Prince, and I only hope that the Princess will be smarter so as not to give her problems and let her deal with the three above.

These thoughts were only momentary, Paner respectfully saluted, until the queen queen called, and said that the child was brought over to look, then looked sideways to the two nurses behind her.

The meaning in the eyes is clear to the milk ladies, Paner explained before coming.

The two grandmothers carefully hugged the child up and naturally showed it to the queen mother first.

"The two children are strong, but this sister is stronger than the younger brother." The Empress looked sideways.

Pan'er said, "If you go back to the queen mother, this is brought out of the womb. The taiyi doctor said that she should raise more days, and the gap will gradually narrow."

"It's really strong, look at this little face is fat and fleshy." Both Gao Guifei and Zhou Xianfei stood up and came to the queen mother to watch the children.

Not only look, but also touch it, but Gao Guifei's hand has not been stretched out, she was stopped by the queen mother.

"It's really not careful, like a child. I can't give the armor yet," the queen mother said with a smile.

Such a tone, did not make Gao concubine look embarrassed. After she smiled, she quickly said that she was negligent, so she asked the personal palace girl to help her to remove the armor, and then she stroked her uncle's face.

At this time, I have seen it and touched it. The queen queen retracted her hands and leaned back. Gao Guifei and Zhou Xianfei returned to the seat with interest. The two grandmothers held the child aside, and Pan'er was loose. Tone.

The queen mother looked at Pan'er and said, "Donggongzi is thin and weak, and you can be regarded as a merit if you can give birth to the twins of the dragon and phoenix. Now that your position has been promoted, the Ai family will not reward you, exquisite--

Following the words of the queen mother, Linglong stepped out of a palace girl, and came to Pan'er with a tray in her hand.

"I hope you will abide by your duties in the future, and wait for the Prince and Princess, and most of them will be children of the East Palace. At that time, the family will reward you."

"The queen mother thanked her mother for her reward, and she must follow the instructions of the queen mother."

The queen mother nodded in satisfaction and waved Paner back down.

When he walked out of Cining Palace, Pan'er felt a lot easier.

After all, the queen mother is a wise old man. The kind of favoring one and suppressing the other will not happen to her at all. It should be noted that although she is a small good-will, she is also a prince-good-will.

The queen mother made trouble for the prince and concubine for no reason. If this kind of thing is known to outsiders, she thinks that the queen is dissatisfied with the East Palace and is dissatisfied with the future heirs. This kind of thing that affects the whole body, the queen queen confuses the harem for decades, how can she not understand.

Paner guessed that today ’s event is probably the noble concubine or concubine Zhou Xian, seeing the princess waiting to be beside the queen queen, the trip that was deliberately made by the prince, whether it was the prince prince doing something in the heart or the queen ’s face for the whole prince , Intentionally make her something ugly.

In short, as long as something happens today, I am afraid that tomorrow ’s East Palace wife and his wife will be at odds with each other, the Crown Prince will not have the appearance of virtue, and the Queen Mother will be dissatisfied with the East Palace.

Even before Pan'er went out, I did not expect to face such a situation, which seemed bland and strange, but it was all hidden murder.

Fortunately, I spent it smoothly.

Although the queen queen kept her duty, she also let her be a child of the East Palace.

At the other end, Gao Guifei and Zhou Xianfei sat down for a while and then resigned.

The prince-in-law looked at the expression of the queen mother, and was about to resign, but who knew that the queen mother was talking at this time.

"Are you disappointed? Why didn't Ai's family help you over the Su Liangzhu today?"

The princess' face was stiff, and she immediately knelt down with her head down.

The queen queen stopped, "Okay, your legs aren't all right, and you thought you could hide the sad family? Linglong went to help her up and move a seat."

Linglong walked over to prince concubine, and carried her to the chair and sat down.

auzw.com After this, the crown prince's forehead was already covered with sweat, and she was shocked and hurt. Linglong took out a piece of parcel and handed it to her. The prince concubine smiled at Linglong, and took the parrot and wiped the sweat on her forehead at will.

"Imperial grandmother, stunned ..."

The queen queen raised her hand: "You know what you want to say. The family knows you. Since you know that Gao Tuesday proposed to watch the dragon and phoenix, you didn't have a good idea. Why the Ai family did this. Being a right wife, especially a concubine, is the worst errand in the world. There are queens and queens, there are countless servants, and there are still countless others waiting to catch them. Your mistakes. You ca n’t be too light, you ca n’t be serious, you ca n’t be wrong, you ca n’t make a mistake.

When it comes to the end, the color of the wife is gentle, and she smiles at the princess.

The princess's tears suddenly came out, but she hurriedly lowered her head and wiped it with a papa.

"You must know that Princess Prince is in front, Princess is in front, Princess is in the back. You are the first Princess, you are a wife, and the last is yourself, so if you want to leave your elder, you will be my own. Ann, if the order is wrong, everything is nothing, everything is falling down. "

"The emperor's grandmother ..." said the princess, and she seemed to understand this vaguely, but no one had analyzed it so thoroughly.

"In the palace, a woman can be weak or completely strong. It all depends on how you borrow. You give up your mother-in-law and you grieve your family. It seems that you have fallen into the lower stratum. In fact, it is not unhelpful. Queen Fu Nai Nakamiya's first-line resources, she worked **** her, can not have obvious results, on the contrary, if the family mourns, it can bring a lot of benefits to the East Palace. "

This remark made the Crown Prince concealed and blushed. She really thought so.

What she thinks is actually very simple. If she wants to strengthen her position, she must make herself useful. The Chen family can only protect her from being abolished, but if she wants to go further, it is difficult, so she needs a strong backer, even at the same time. It is also useful for the East Palace, so that you can maintain your status forever, but it was unexpectedly seen by the queen queen.

"You see that since you can understand this truth, you naturally understand that no matter how many contradictions you have with Su Liangzhang in private, when you are outside, you have one thing in common, you all represent the East Palace. It may seem a bit confusing, but if you can really listen to it, it will be of great benefit to you now and in the future. "

After a pause, the queen mother said again, "The family of Ai was also tired for a day today. I was a little bit tired today. You just stood there for a long time and knelt down for a while. Go back and look at your legs, don't brace yourself. Women do n’t have much, just time, so do n’t worry about some things, the days are still long, and the family is not in a hurry, waiting for your filial piety. ”

The princess prince gave respectfully and retreated, and these words that the queen mother said today are enough for her to ponder for a long time.

After the prince went away, although Linglong didn't speak, it was enough to say nothing.

The queen mother smirked: "Was it why she was surprised and sad to order her?"

Linglong thought for a while and nodded.

"But there is such a feeling of sympathy for the sick. Being able to sit in the position of the concubine may not be a queen in the future. Being a queen may not mean that you have won, because you do not know whether you can be a queen in the future. The woman is too bitter in her life, fighting with her sisters at home, marrying and fighting with the uncles and the uncles, waiting for the masters, she has to continue fighting for her children and grandchildren. It ’s not like this. Now that I have no son and no grandson, I have saved a lot of light. It is rare to see someone who looks like me when I was young, and I ca n’t help but say a few more words. ”

Linglong is not too young. Don't look at the queen mother calling her Linglong. In fact, everyone who goes out will call her a whistle. She was also accompanied by the queen mother all the way, and naturally knew how many ups and downs.

As soon as the queen mother said that her son was gone and her grandson was gone, Linglong's eyes became wet.

"You said that if I could meet someone who ordered me, would I be able to take a lot less detours, would it be my rue ... not to mention these unpleasant. Although the sad family is old, No matter what happens, in the end it is still the queen of a country. Some attitudes should be set out, or they should be set out, not for personal preference, but for the people of Li. "

Linglong knelt down and said, "The queen mother Dazhi is the blessing of Li Min in the Zhou Dynasty."

The queen queen was teased, "Okay, you're making these tricks with me."

Linglong was also a little embarrassed, and rubbed her tears to her feet: "The slaves are not speaking falsely. If it is not for the people, why are you involved in such a thing?"

"Let's make an atonement for something that has been done before. Speaking of this, you accompanied me to burn the incense for the Buddha, and I ignored it for a few days ..."


This year was not over until the 16th of the first month, and even Paner was relieved.

It's too tired, it's not the body but the mind.

Overall, this year has been good for the East Palace.

The crown prince's filial pie name is widely transmitted, and the queen mother also reveals her position very rarely. Regardless of what is inside, at least on the surface, the Empress Dowager and the East Palace are linked together, which in itself illustrates the problem, and it is worth pondering for a long time.

Such things, naturally, will not be immediate and effective, but only from the cabinet will be Cheng Andi's approved red gift to the East Palace to the Prince, it is enough to see the clue. Although this is a gradual process in itself, it seems that it has little to do with the attitude of the queen mother, but when you meet good things, you always have a sense of good things.

The princess turned over again.

Regarding this, Pan'er has been surprised for a long time. In the past life, Queen Chen has been ups and downs many times. She seems to have a special resilience. No matter how this time, she will never admit defeat and will always return.

The temple went down and Jidetang had lunch. The matter was reported by Xiaodezi, and Paner scolded him with a smile.

Xiaodezi scratched his head and stumped on his knees, saying, "Minion, this is not a princess ..."

In fact, Paner knew what he meant without the words of the little German.

The wind direction of the East Palace has recently changed again, and even the little virtue feels uneasy, and wants to remind her to be vigilant by this matter.

How can I be vigilant?

The crown prince is a princess. Although she is a good concubine, she is a concubine. As long as the princess does not make mistakes, no one puts more words. Even if she makes a mistake, it is not something she can judge, not to mention that between the prince and the princess It ’s not her turn at all.

"Where is it now? If you are in a hurry, close the door and practise patience. OK, I will not report such things in the future, lest people think that I deliberately spied on the movement of Ji Detang."

After Xiao Yingying said it, Pan'er said to Aunt Qing again: "Yes, aunt, the ex-grandmother told me that Yuner can sit for a while. I teased him twice yesterday. He didn't want to talk to me. We see It ’s almost six months since I went to see the children.

The author has something to say: Thank you for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the [grenade]: Mary has a little sheep, la la la ~ 1;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: Lin Shenbai Qianqianjing 5; Erwang likes good weather, 嘤 嘤 嘤, fat 啾啾 = 3, Qian Yu, Xiao C, Spring sauce, Qing Yigu, Jing Ye Sizhou, wind Blowing eggs are so cool and one month;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

Don't ask me who is 59 quietly; 56 bottles under the stars; here are 50 bottles of Aleu, Anemos; 45 bottles of Jiuyi; 40 bottles of lady's figure; 2247121835 bottles; 30 bottles of fat women; Gutu Road, Liuchen. , Saratys, la la la ~, 20 new green willows; 20219238, Wu Zhao + two trillion 15 bottles; please call me a big 12 bottles; Carmela,-soba noodles-, ancient moon? Wuxiang, 27341013, hum, 10 bottles in April; fat 啾啾 = 37 bottles; magical girl 卞 卞 卞, cooperi, a little hot, Wangfu ’s little girl, feast in period, orange forest, big 5 Bottles: 4 bottles of Mao Maomao; 3 bottles of EL, Chiyi, and Umm; 2 bottles of fat pig jio, vegetable garden, original Xixi bottle; 30376530, orange cat, Hua Shao, big bear, love noodles, Jingma, 24828306, Lin Lin, a fairy, loves to watch Wenwen and Cong Rong 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!

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