Ying Chong

Chapter 79: Chapter 79


Between the words, the figure of the two did not get outside.

Xiaodezi asked for nothing, and scratched his head from the ground.

"You like to find nothing." Xiang Pu whispered to him when he went to an empty place outside the door.

"Why am I okay? I've been away recently, especially since I gave birth to two little masters. Let's spend a leisurely time here, following the actions of Detang, there is no problem. You said that after the princess completely turned over, she Can you spare our master? "

"What's wrong, our master hasn't done anything disrespectful to the princess, and in the end she's sorry for our master, even if you want to find a fault, there must be a reason. Besides, the queen mother There is a prince, who values ​​the lord so much, and can sit and watch the prince bully our lord? "Cattail was not convinced.

"What do you know!" Xiaodezi couldn't explain to her, only to be discouraged.

"I don't understand anything. I know that our master is very clever, and there is a prince and queen mother and two little masters. Not anyone can bully."

"Do you really think that a bully in the palace would have to open fire on the table? You haven't seen Xu Liangyuan tying up Princess Concubine again, and Zhao Fengyi. If the Princess Concubine lifts up the surname Zhao, she hates our master like that Not just a crazy dog ​​without a rope, he can bite regardless of it. "

When it comes to this crop, cattails are also a little interested.

"Then you said that the princess would really promote that surname Zhao?"

"It's hard to say. Even if you don't lift up now, when the relationship between the Prince and the Crown Prince has eased, it will definitely be lifted up. You think about it, if you were caught by someone for doing something bad before, will you still go up next time? Sure You have to hide behind and make others come on. "

"That said, I really have to remind the master. Just leave it alone. You just stare outside, and I will quietly say something to the master."


A little man walked in front of him, and a cattail in the back.

After Cattail went down, Paner shook her head with a smile while playing with her son and daughter.

Aunt Qing said: "It also shows that these two loyalty are afraid that the master will suffer."

Wan Wan is lazy, no matter how she puts her, she doesn't want to work hard. Pan'er specially made two mattress pads at the back, so she wanted the child to sit up with the mattress. Unfortunately, it didn't help Wan Wan very much. She annoyed her in a moment, her frown wrinkled, her mouth Li Wala Wala protested.

Aunt Qing could only pick her up, put it on her lap, and let her sit face down against her chest, it was finally noisy.

My brother-in-law was much more obedient. It seemed that being able to sit up made him very curious, and it was rare to be a little naughty. After Pan'er put him in place, he held his head around and looked around. As soon as the balance was broken, people fell.

His face fell down on the mattress. This face was blindfolded, but he was anxious, and his arms and legs were scratched in various ways. Pan'er was amused and laughed, not forgetting to help him up in the past, to organize him well, and to put a small pillow on each side of him, so that he can borrow.

This was much better, and finally Erren was able to sit still, showing a smile with only two teeth.

During this period, Pan'er didn't forget to talk to Aunt Qing: "I understand what they mean, but aunt, you have to know, if there's any conspiracy or tricks over there, we can still make some articles. But if it's Yang Mo, We better watch it quietly. "

This is the biggest difference between conspiracy and conspiracy. Conspiracy cannot be seen, and it is easy to be used. And Yang Mou went right upright and upright.

Is it wrong for Xu Liangyuan and Zhao Xiyue to get close to the Princess?

No, it is only natural that the chamber is close to the mother.

Is it right for the princess to want to lift the two?

Nor is it true that if the wife and concubine in the backyard want harmony, there must be a relationship between them.

In fact, Paner didn't think about it at all, but it was due to be drafted last year. It was delayed by the Southern Tour and Taishan Festival. This year, it must be added.

When she was at Kunning Palace the day before yesterday, she accidentally heard an ear, saying that the ship to pick from the south had already arrived in Tianjin, and she would probably enter Beijing soon.

Once the draft, the current number of people in the Prince Edward's backyard, the East Palace must enter, this is the biggest problem at present.


Paner was right. It didn't take long before news of the draft came out.

The big week draft is different from the previous dynasty. The front dynasty draft doesn't count on the origin, regardless of whether there is an official in the family, as long as the innocent family-aged women can join the draft.

However, a big week draft system has been added, and all daughters of five or more officials can also participate in the draft.

Each draft is a big event in the palace, from March to May, it will take two months to choose. Whenever this time, even the bird calls in the palace are extremely crisp, it seems that this incident adds unlimited vitality to the Forbidden City.

This is not the case, after all, the draft is not only for the emperor, there are also men of the right age in the royal family who will take the opportunity to arrange at this time. There are also the princes who have been married. The royal son-in-law is the most important. At this time, there are a few people in each backyard.

Because they are also related to themselves, everyone is quite attracted to the draft.

Which show girl looks good, and which one has a good-looking and noble lady, even the eunuchs in the palace can tell you one by one. It ’s like listening to a story, this is where Xiaodezi played. Who did the show girl step on? Who did the show girl go to the Royal Garden without sleep at night and was caught by the guard in the palace? The woman is quite loved by a woman, and she has been told to talk a few times in the past.

This draft was hosted by Queen Fu, accompanied by Gao Guifei and Zhou Xianfei. They should stay in place until they have been watched by Emperor Cheng and Empress Dowager before going to their respective places.

The showgirls who can be left are naturally one-on-one. It is not an exaggeration to say that they can be chosen for thousands of miles. Some of these people can become the emperor's concubine, and some can be given to a prince and a relative of the country. Each way has its own way of thinking, and there are many things that naturally occur.


It ’s just that Pan'er heard it, but recently she asked Emperor Fu to be anxious.

"Queen maiden, seeing you lately doesn't seem to be very good, you still have to pay more attention to the Phoenix." Before leaving, Pan'er couldn't help but say a word.

"This palace is not sleeping well lately, and there are too many people in the palace recently. It is really noisy."

It's enough to show a little concern, and it's hard to say too much about Paner, so he took the grandmother holding the child back.

After she left, Queen Fu rubbed her brows and told Nianci to come and press herself.

"Mother, don't worry too much, even if the daughters of the Yu family and Jiang family can't enter the East Palace, Princess Zhou Xian will not be cheaper, noble concubine, they are fighting for it."

Each draft will also start an invisible war in the palace.

When I was young, I was afraid that the newcomers would share their favors. When I was older, I would plan for my son. Naturally, Xiaomen and Xiaohu are unnecessary. The family power behind Xiu Nu is a network of people. These need to be considered.

And many times, you feel good, maybe others also feel good, so a scramble for war comes unexpectedly. And how to fight is good-looking, so as not to fall into the lower levels, and be able to meet their own wishes, it depends on their respective wrists.

"Who knows if they will join forces and press down this palace and divide up one? No, this palace cannot sit still, even if you can't do it, you can't make them cheaper. You let people go to Chu Xiugong and arrange for a lead I went to meet with her Majesty, and this palace remembers that Jiang ’s daughter is light and has the good name of Xiao Feiyan. Her Majesty likes it the most in the past two years, and the rest let them fight for it. In addition, the Li family ... ... "

As soon as Pan'er stepped out of the gate of Kunning Palace, he saw a group of people walking not far.

Approached only to discover that it was the five emperor's concubines, the Qi Family.

The five princes have recently been named the king of Yue, and they will soon be out of the palace to build the government. However, the government still has to wait for a while to live in the palace.

The origins of the five princes are not high, and the mother-in-law is just a palace maid, and she is not very favored. Until now, she was only a coward. Because Shuzheng and Queen Fu walked very close, the prince and his brothers had a closer relationship with the fifth prince.

Men are close, and women are naturally close.

Pan'er and Qi's met a few times. He is a gentle and showy temperament. He is also very shy and rarely goes out. However, in the past half month, Pan'er had bumped into Qi's several times in Kunning Palace, but did not expect to meet again today.

"Five princesses."

"Little Misaki."

Speaking of this little prince, it still has some origin. It was called once by the five princes during the Chinese New Year. However, Qi Shi never called it like this when he was in front of him.

She and Pan'er are not close to each other. Most likely it was a banquet in the New Year's Palace. The two were arranged to sit in the same place a few times. In addition, each other's temperament is a kind of relatively low-key. You can also say a few words when you meet.

"Is here to greet the queen lady? Where is the lady?"

Qi nodded implicitly, which is the default.

After the two did not talk much, they went their separate ways.

Pan'er's heart sighed a little, she knew why Qi's recently went to Kunning Palace, which had something to do with Shuyi.

At first, the five princes married the right concubine, because Shuzhen's mother and son were not allowed to be favored in the palace, and it was considered to be a relatively transparent existence.

Qi is just the daughter of a Wupin Xiaojing official family.

It is said that the five queens and concubines were fancy by Queen Fu, and Shuzhen nodded before deciding. It may be because the son has grown older in the past two years. In addition, since the prince entered the dynasty, the five princes have been stained with the side and led the errands. Shuyuan now feels that her son has some skills and is slightly dissatisfied. status quo.

I heard one ear when Paner came last time. It seems that Shuzheng intentionally chose a side concubine for the five princes.

Therefore, there are some reasons why some people do not show up in the palace. For example, this lady, the daughter-in-law is not from a high school, and a high-profile concubine is back. What do you want to do? I'm afraid the house is not too chaotic.

This is the original words of Queen Fu. Paner heard an ear when she went in. Queen Fu was very dissatisfied with it, but could not wear it.

No, Qi probably knew about it. Recently, he always ran to Kuning Palace. He probably wanted Queen Queen to dispel this idea, but he didn't know how to speak.

The above is just a speculation based on the existing ones, but she feels that they are inseparable.

The previous king of Yue also had a close relationship with Emperor Jianping. She remembered that there was an uneasy side concubine in the previous king of Yue ’s palace, but this matter could not reach her. To her, it was like a story that she would forget. Followed.

However, she knew that Princess Yue of the previous life had died prematurely. Later, the uneasy side concubine was righted. It was because others talked about it that she had a preliminary impression of Princess Yue. I saw the living five princesses at the palace banquet before, and she couldn't adapt to it. It was only a little better to see her again later.

This draft has not only disturbed one's heart, but Pan'er feels that according to the character and way of doing things of the five empresses, I am afraid it can't stop it.

It's just that this has nothing to do with her, but just look at it.

Bustling, May has passed, and at the hottest time of the year, the draft is finally over.

Emperor Cheng An added several beauties, not to mention, Qi Wangfu, Chuwangfu and Yanwangfu entered two each, and the courtyard of the five princes of Ganxi's five princes also entered two.

The East Palace entered the most, with a total of four.

Queen Fu had originally set two people, who knew that the queen mother also rewarded two. It is said that the queen concubine begged the queen mother and said that Donggongzi was thin and the queen mother was rewarded.

The author has something to say: Li Yangmou is actually very difficult for people to stop, because he walks in the right way.

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