Huge wooden carts were driving on the wasteland.

The carts were loaded with huge pieces of meat, piled up like hills.

These wooden carts were made by the demigod warriors of Tongfu village. The materials of these carts are gray wasteland, a kind of solid wood, frost iron wood.

Looking at the meat of the glacier demon wolf on the wooden cart, the copper tiger licked his lips and said to the middle-aged demigod warrior beside him: "uncle, this glacier demon wolf can last us tongax village for at least a year and a half!"

"A year and a half? You don't look down on divine animal meat. If properly preserved, a piece of meat the size of a fingernail can make a senior soldier energetic all day long. As for those below senior soldiers, they can't eat it at all. Otherwise, they will bleed from seven orifices and even die. There are only three lower gods in our village. This glacier wolf can last us for two or three years. "

The food intake of the lower God is different from that of the demigod warrior. Although the lower God can not eat for a long time, it can also eat the food of the upper demigod warrior for several months at a time.

"Such a powerful glacier wolf can't even catch the sword of Lord Li." Copper tiger can't help looking at Li Fuchen again.

A few days ago, the power of Li Fuchen's sword shocked everyone and left an image of invincible sword God in the hearts of all people.

With the protection of two lower gods and the fact that this place is just the edge of a gray wasteland, there are basically no twists and turns on the way back.

In the blink of an eye, half a month later, Li Fuchen has been completely used to the rules of the divine world.

Correspondingly, Li Fuchen's hand of God finally broke through the level of robbery hand and reached the seventh level of God's hand that the immortal God had never reached.

In the seventh layer of God's hand, it is no longer the power of plunder, but the power of divinity.

Li Fuchen, who had the power of breaking the divine power, naturally transformed the immortal body into the spirit body of destruction.

Compared with the eternal body, the destruction of the divine body is more domineering and more unfathomable.

It can be said that even if Li Fuchen is standing still, few lower gods have broken his broken spirit.

Attack has the power of kendo, the power of fire and the power of breaking, the power of escape has the power of time and space, and the power of defense has the power of breaking. Among the lower gods, Li Fuchen is absolutely a monster without any flaws. It is estimated that if we want to test the strength limit of Li Fuchen, only the middle God can do it.

"Li Fuchen, in three days' time, Tongfu village will organize a group of people to go to the wasteland city. You can go too!" This day, copper spear came to tell Li Fuchen a message.

"Three days? Good. "

Li Fuchen knows that every few years, Tongfu village will bring some materials to the wasteland city for trading. For example, the meat of glacier devil wolf can be sold at a good price. Of course, tongax village does not take advantage of Li Fuchen, and gives him a lot of divine materials.


The wasteland city is a first-class holy city with a population of nearly one million and is extremely prosperous.

Looking at the lower gods coming and going on the street, the soldiers in Tongfu village are curious and nervous one by one.

In the whole wasteland City, I'm afraid only the wasteland city can see so many lower gods.

When he got to the wasteland City, Li Fuchen and Tongmao were separated. He had his own business to do.

"The prices are really different. An ordinary semi artifact is worth between 500 and 1000 low-quality stones, and a high-quality semi artifact is worth between 3000 and 10000 inferior stones."

After a tour, Li Fuchen had a good understanding of the price of semi artifact.

There is no such term as "demigod stone" in the divine world, only inferior divine stone and divine stone. In fact, inferior divine stone is the best semi divine stone. In other words, in the divine world, an ordinary semi divine tool can sell more than 500 top semi divine stones at will. This is unimaginable in the God's battlefield.

However, it is also easy to understand that in the God's battlefield, there are more semi artifact and less excellent semi divine stone, while in the divine world, there are less semi artifact and more inferior divine stone. Therefore, this seemingly unreasonable but normal price is caused.

As for the top half artifact, it is much more expensive and worth more than ten divine stones.

One divine stone is equal to ten thousand inferior divine stones.

The peak semi artifact is worth more than 100 divine stones.

However, the price of the suit is lower than that of Li Fuchen. For the same level of suit, the price is more than ten times that of a single semi artifact. If it is in the battlefield of God, the price is at least dozens of times.

On second thought, Li Fuchen came up with the key to the problem.

In the God's battlefield, the suit can make the demigod's half god's power stronger, but not in the divine world.

After all, people in the divine world do not need to be baptized by demigods, so they can continue to improve. They rely on their own strength. Demigods and suits are just auxiliary.

Of course, even so, the price of the set is extremely amazing. Li Fuchen saw in a very famous semi artifact shop that a set of top-notch semi artifact sets with a price of 300 divine stones is enough.

"The red flame suit on my body is worth at least a thousand gods stone."

Li Fuchen guessed.

Due to the change of rules, all the semi divine stones in Li Fuchen's space ring have dissolved into the spirit of the divine world except for the best semi divine stones, that is, the inferior divine stones. Now, there are only tens of thousands of inferior divine stones in Li Fuchen's whole body.After thinking about it, Li Fuchen decided to sell some semi artifact.

Although his semiartifact is basically left to the sword clan, and his suit is not brought with him, there are still some in the space ring.

"Two hundred and eighty-eight thousand poor quality divine stones."

After selling some chicken ribs or repeated ordinary and advanced semiartifact, Li Fuchen's inferior divine stone increased from tens of thousands to 298000.

Li Fuchen didn't intend to sell the remaining ordinary and high-quality semiartifact. Anyway, in his case, there would be no shortage of inferior divine stones in the future. These semidivine artifacts can be used to send people or do other things.

As for the top demigods and peak demigods, Li Fuchen didn't sell them.

First, it's too conspicuous.

In the wasteland City, only the middle God is equipped with top demigods and peak demigods. If he makes a move, he will probably attract the attention of a certain median God.

Second, for the time being, he is not short of God stone. The God stone brought here is enough for him to practice for a period of time.

Third, it is not necessary to sell half artifact to earn God stone.

In the sky, there is a luxury warship flying by.

Li Fuchen knew that the owner of the ship was a middle God.

In the wasteland City, only the median God can fly, and only the median God has the ship demigod.

You know, the worst ship demigods are all the top demigods. If they are too bad, there is no need to refine them.

Li Fuchen smiles, no envy. He has several ships here.

At the beginning, he had only one top ship semi artifact. After sweeping the nine God battlefield cities, he also collected some top ship demigods. If most of them were not left to Jianzong, there would be more of them.

Looking at the luxury warships flying in the sky, many lower gods are envious.

It will be good when they can also become median gods.

Most of them are still using ordinary demigods, and few of them have advanced ones. The top demigods are just an extravagant hope. As for the top ship demigods, you don't have to think about them.

"It's Lord Mayfield's broken cloud. It's a top ship semi artifact. It's worth hundreds of sacred stones." I do not know when, copper spear came to Li Fuchen side, longed for the way.

It's not so easy to get whether it's a poor God stone or a god stone. Although he has several sacred stones on his body, he can't afford to trade them. It's too late to cultivate himself. You should know that the divine power contained in the divine stone is the second, and the rich rules of the divine world are the true value of the divine stone.

As for the poor God stone, he has only a thousand of them, only enough to buy a common semi artifact.

Hundreds of sacred stones are undoubtedly a huge number for him.

"Come on, I'll invite you to dinner."

Li Fuchen didn't pay much attention to the feeling of copper spear, and took the lead to a luxury restaurant nearby.

"Dear, it's really expensive. It's the same kind of animal meat. It's tens of times more expensive here." Copper spear while eating the meat of the beast, while angry.

Li Fuchen said: "the restaurant is selling signs and taste, so don't be cynical."

The animal meat cooked in restaurants is more delicious than that cooked in Tongfu village. This is enough.

This meal, enough to eat Li Fuchen dozens of poor quality God stone, although not to pay his own bill, but the copper spear also heartache.

"Li Fuchen, are you really not going back with us?" Asked the bronze spear at the gate of the city.

Li Fushen nodded, "I come out to travel, is to sharpen myself. If I stay in a place all the time, how can I sharpen myself?"

"Be careful. I hope I can see you again."

The copper spear slapped Li on the shoulder and turned away.

Seeing this, the other half god soldiers of tongax village quickly followed up.

"Tongfu village is only a village after all. The news is not as good as that of the wasteland city. Next, let's get to know the wasteland city first."

Just spent a poor God stone, Li Fuchen from a child there, know the general information of the wasteland city.

There are nine median gods in the wasteland city. Qianshi, the strongest of them, is the Lord of the wasteland city. In the wasteland City, no one can match his status. It is said that the other eight median gods may not be his opponents, and they do not know whether it is true or not.

For this news, Li Fuchen thinks it is mostly true.

If Qianshi has a set of top demigods, the eight middle gods may not be his opponents.

Among the nine median gods, the second is blood moon, which has a pub called blood moon pub in the wasteland city.

Blood moon pub is actually a black market, only entertaining the next God.

The third middle God is long Kun, who has a large mercenary Regiment under his command

Outside the wasteland City, there are three dangerous areas: misty mountain range, gray wasteland and wasteland grottoes.

The misty mountains and the grey wasteland are not to mention, but the legend of the grottoes connects the abyss.The abyss is a place of incomparable terror. Any existence that has a little relationship with it has strong pollution.

There are mythological records that countless years ago, the wasteland grotto was only a relatively deep cave. Under the pollution and erosion of the power of the abyss, the time and space of the grottoes were eroded into many layers. Each layer had a large number of semi divine animals and divine beasts. These semi divine beasts and divine beasts were polluted by the power of the abyss. In fact, they were not normal semi divine beasts and divine beasts, but the abyss and semi divine beasts The abyssal beast.

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