As a first-class God City, the level of prosperity of the wasteland city is far beyond what Li Fuchen knew before.

Here, there are exciting and bloody arenas.

As the name suggests, a Colosseum is a place where people and animals fight or semi gods fight each other, and the spectators can bet.

Some people become rich overnight, while others lose their fortune overnight.

Here, there is a more bloody fighting field.

Unlike the Colosseum, only demigod warriors are allowed to participate in the bloody arena, and the rewards are extremely rich.

According to the rules, in the blood fight field, you can get a poor God stone if you win one game, two stones in two games in a row, and four stones in three games in a row

That's right. Every time you win a game in a row, the reward will double. If you win ten games in a row, the reward of only the tenth game will reach 512 stones of inferior quality. With the accumulated rewards before, you can buy an ordinary semi artifact if it is properly over 1000.

However, because of the rich rewards, the battle was extremely fierce. Some people had won nine games in a row. He would never give up in the tenth game, even if he would pay the cost of his life.

In addition, wasteland city has casinos, trading places, and a variety of service industries.

There is no doubt that these service industries, although they also provide services for ordinary people, are mainly served by inferior gods.

After all, the financial resources of a lower God are thousands of times that of ordinary people.

If you want to have a meal in the wasteland City, you may need several inferior stones. If you are extravagant, it is normal to spend tens of hundreds of inferior stones. However, for ordinary people, a poor God stone is a lot of money. They usually trade it with God's coins. Generally, the value of ten thousand God's coins is equivalent to that of a poor God stone, but the inferior stone can be used for it In practice, divine coin is only a kind of currency. Many precious things can't be bought with it.

For a period of time, Li Fuchen saw no one hundred or eighty gods in the wasteland city. Li Fuchen estimated that there were at least thousands of lower gods living in the wasteland city.

The precious materials needed by so many lower gods are very amazing. The materials sent by various God villages are basically used to satisfy these lower gods. Correspondingly, the consumption of these inferior gods is also giving back to the big God villages.

In a word, no matter where they are, there are only a small number of elites who are eligible to enjoy them, and the rest are serving them.

Of course, everyone knows this truth. If the next God does not go out to make money, he will be poor and unable to maintain his upper life in the wasteland city.

Blood moon pub.

Asked for a glass of wine worth a poor stone, Li Fuchen found a seat and sat down.

"Brother, you can't take the task of killing the rhinoceros with ice armor. One person has a thousand bad stones." A lower God with tiger stripes on his face came over.

In the divine world, there are many races, and Terrans are only one of them. There are also demons, demons, Titans, blood and werewolves. Basically, there are all races in the universe in the divine world. Of course, more of them are of mixed blood. The lower God in front of us should have the blood of demon clan.

"Find someone else." Li Fuchen shook his head.

There are a lot of thousand bad stones, but he is not short of them.

"Play garlic."

The next god of tiger pattern muttered to leave.

"The team of five is exploring the Grottoes in the wilderness. Now there is still one person short. Who will come?"

After waiting for a long time, Li Fuchen finally arrived at the interested invitation.

As one of the three dangerous places outside the wasteland City, if Li Fuchen doesn't go to see it, he will come to the wasteland city in vain.

"Count me in."

There are not many lower gods who are willing to go to the grottoes of the wasteland, and Li Fuchen's reply is so quick that he grabs the quota.

"What's your power index? It's not good to be below 50."

At the third table next door, four lower gods were sitting there. The speaker was a big man with a horn on his head. He turned his hand and took out a crystal ball. He said to Li Fuchen.

"Power index?"

Li Fuchen has never heard of the word divine power index, but judging from the current situation, it should be to input the divine power into the crystal ball and test the divine power index by the crystal ball.

"Well, I'll try."

Li Fuchen walks over, sticks his hand on the crystal ball and starts to input Kendo magic power.

10、 Twenty, fifty

Soon, Li Fuchen's divine power index soared to 50, and is still soaring upward.

Eighty, one hundred, two hundred.

The big man changed a little.

Although the power index can not fully reflect the strength of a subordinate God, it is also one of the important standards.

Divine power is influenced by many aspects, such as spirit, spirit, body and realm.

Generally speaking, the power index of the newly promoted lower God is about 10, which is very weak.

However, there are also exceptions. Although the power index of some lower gods is weak, the level is very high. Once promoted, they reach the peak of the lower gods. This kind of inferior gods can compete with their own lower gods several times or even ten times their own.If the divine power index reaches 50, they belong to the common lower gods.

Those whose power index reaches 100 belong to the elite inferior gods.

200 is the top God.

Those who are three hundred or more are inferior gods at the top.

"Two hundred and forty."

Li Fuchen's divine power index was finally set at 240.

This index is undoubtedly very high. Among the 100 lower gods, few of them have such a high power index.

"Swallow star, what is your power index?" The big man looked at the black, thin, middle-aged man.

Despite the fact that he is thin and middle-aged, he seems to have no momentum at all.

But the body of the black and thin middle-aged is a giant star beast.

The power of the celestial beast is always powerful and terrible. After being promoted to a God, its power is many times higher than that of other lower gods.

"Two hundred and sixty." Swallow the stars and solidify the road.

When he was promoted to the next God, his power index exceeded 100.

"The index should be about the same." Li Fuchen did not go all out, he vaguely felt that his divine power index would be very high. Once he did his best, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"I have to buy a crystal ball to test the power index." Li Fuchen's secret way.

"It's a top subordinate God. It's amazing."

The eyes of people around him changed.

The existence of a top inferior God can not be ignored wherever he goes.

"Good. You are fully qualified to join us." Another God with blonde hair stood up and said with a smile.

After some understanding, Li Fuchen knows the names of the four lower gods. The big man with a horn on his head is called cafferos, the middle-aged man with black hair is named tunxing, and the man with golden hair is dean. The last woman with dark hair is Zhao fei'er. Li Fuchen can see that the other party is not a human race, but a werewolf family.

The divine power index of the four is not low. The divine power index of cafferos is 120, swallow star 260, Dean 180 and bila 150.

The reason why they only require the fifth member's divine power index to reach 50 or more is mainly because they are not going to fight, but to explore. If they are going to fight, their magic power index must reach at least 100.

"Anthony needs abyssal magic flowers, the more the better. For an abyss magic flower, he will give us the price of a lower grade God stone. However, the abyss magic flower generally grows below the 10th floor of the Grottoes in the wasteland. There is a high probability that there will be abyssal beasts. We should be prepared for fighting."

Antony in cafferos's mouth is a God at the top of the mountain. As for the abyss magic flower, it's useless for most people. Even if you see it in the grottoes, you won't pick it. The main reason is that the abyss magic flower is so polluted that it will be very troublesome if it is accidentally polluted. People can't understand why Anthony needs the abyss magic flower and use one Of course, no matter whether they understand it or not, they will go. This is a good opportunity to make Shenshi. Fortunately, cafferos and Anthony are familiar with each other, so they have this opportunity.

"How to distribute it then." Li asked.

Although he doesn't care about one or two sacred stones, it's always good to say good things in advance, so as to avoid conflicts at that time.

Dean said: "the personal discovery belongs to the individual, we work together, according to the size of the output distribution."

"Good." Li Fuchen nodded.

There was no immediate action. We agreed to start early tomorrow morning.

While it was still early, Li Fuchen went to buy a crystal ball to test the divine power index.

This crystal ball is called divine power ball, which is specially used to test divine power.

According to the quality, the price is different.

The power ball to test the lower divine power index is worth a lower level divine stone. The test limit of the divine power index is 500.

The test limit of the divine power index is 5000.

As for the supernatural sphere that tests the upper divine power index, wasteland city does not.

After biting his teeth, Li Fuchen spent ten inferior stones to buy a magic ball to test the medium divine power.

He was afraid that the next god could not measure the power ball.

"It turns out that the divine power index is related to the quality of spirit, spirit, body and realm. No wonder my power index is so high." When buying the magic ball, Li Fuchen learned some information about the divine power index.

Other people, at most, have high realm, but Li Fuchen is high in all aspects, especially the spirit.

The spirit is the key of God and the core source.

Back at his residence, Li Fuchen took out the middle divine power ball and began to test his own divine power.

The first is the power of time and space.

Among all the powers, his power of time and space is the weakest.

One hundred, two hundred, three hundred

"There are actually more than 500, which has exceeded the test limit of the next god power ball." Li Fuchen was a little surprised. He thought the magic power of time and space was three or four hundred at most.

Next comes the power of the fire.Three hundred, five hundred, eight hundred.

The power of huodao is more than 800.

What I want to say here is that after he was promoted to the next God, Li Fuchen's strongest Dao was not fire, but kendo.

This is because, before promotion, his fire path strength comes from the red flame suit, after promotion, comes from himself.

Now the red flame suit is far less important to him than before he was promoted.

In fact, after promotion, the source of power has changed, whether it is the way of fire, time and space, or kendo.

I haven't heard of any lower gods whose power comes from demigods.

For God, the semi artifact is just an instrument that can increase strength.

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