The speed of the upper spirit craft ship is very fast, and people can see the purple cloud divine world wrapped in purple clouds in the distance.

But it doesn't mean you're really close.

Ziyun divine world is too big, just as the so-called mountain running dead horse.

According to the old man's estimation, it will take at least three or five years to reach Ziyun.

"From the locust bandits."

Along the way, it was not peaceful. There were often bandits watching the spaceship.

The locust bandit group is a bandit group that moves around Ziyun divine world. There is a middle Xuanshen and two lower Xuanshen in the regiment. Among the numerous bandit groups, its strength is fairly good.

As the saying goes, all day long, the wild geese peck at them.

If we replace Jingtao Xuanshen with other middle Xuanshen, the locust bandit group may succeed.

But they met the mysterious God.

Jingtao Xuanshen, who integrated the supernatural skills of shenti Xuanshen, ignored the attack of locust bandit regiment leader, killed two deputy leaders with one hand, and then eliminated locust Xuanshen within a thousand moves.

"How strong."

Seriously speaking, the strength gap between locust Xuanshen and Jingtao Xuanshen is not big, but the former's attack falls on the latter, which only consumes the other party's mysterious power and can't fight at all.

Li Fuchen was glad that the supernatural skill of the wind sickle was not the supernatural supernatural skill. Otherwise, the effect of his five thunder thunders and spirits destroying talisman would be greatly reduced.

In addition to the bandits, the ship also met a terrible domain God strong man.

The domain God seemed to be searching for someone and forced the spaceship to stop.

In the face of a domain God, Jingtao Xuanshen didn't dare to say half a word and let it search the spaceship for half a day.

"Let's go!"

With a wave, the domain God let the ship leave.

"Thank you, master." Jingtao Xuanshen controls the spaceship and leaves in a hurry.

"Feel the horror of the domain God!"

When the spaceship was far away, the old man said, and he didn't know whether he said it to himself or to Li Fuchen.

Li Fuchen nodded. As soon as the strength of the other side was dispersed, the space-time inside the spaceship was frozen, and no object could move at all.

You can see the power of Yu Shen.

"In Ziyun divine world, it's not uncommon to become a Xuanshen. As long as you have a little talent and a little chance, you will have the opportunity to become a Xuanshen. However, the domain God is different. It is not a real genius, and it is impossible to become a god of the universe." The old man sighed and said slowly.

In three or five years, it's not long or short. There may be some things that really need to pay attention to timing. Just when the spaceship was about to arrive at the Ziyun divine world, Li Fuchen's space-time rules naturally broke through to the initial state of the next God, which surprised Li Fuzhen.

After consuming some inferior deity stones, Li Fuchen's spatiotemporal divine power index has increased to 30 million, which is much closer to the 50 million divine power index of the next spirit God.

Of course, compared with Kendo's divine power index, the spatiotemporal divine power index is still far from that.

With the breakthrough of Kendo rules to the upper spiritual realm, Li Fuchen's Kendo power index has already exceeded 100 million, reaching 140 million.

You know, the power index of the middle spirit God is between 150 million and 300 million, and that of the upper spirit God is between 500 million and 1 billion.

As we got closer, the magnificence of Ziyun's divine world slowly unfolded in front of everyone.

From the outside world, the whole purple cloud divine world is like a huge purple gem. This purple gem, clearly pure, has no trace of mottled color, but it is also suffused with intoxicating colorful meaning.

Different from Xiaoqian, the outside of Ziyun is not empty, but surrounded by layers of purple clouds.

It is estimated that the origin of Ziyun divine world comes from this.

"Is this the heaven of Ziyun?"

Although he has not yet entered the Ziyun divine world, Li Fuchen has already felt a tremendous momentum.

Fortunately, this momentum is not aggressive. Otherwise, Li Fuchen can be sure that even the gods of the world of gods would be shattered and destroyed in the face of this momentum.

It can be found that with the spacecraft gradually approaching the Ziyun divine world, there are more spaceships around.

Among them, there are small private ships, chamber of Commerce ships, restaurants that can eat and drink, and trading ships that provide trading places.

Before entering the Ziyun divine world, people really felt the bustle of Ziyun divine world.

"Ladies and gentlemen, there will be about half a month before the spaceship will enter the purple cloud divine world. You are ready to get off the ship. At that time, we will find a holy town to land at any time." Jinwu chamber of Commerce, a voice spread all over the ship.

"It's time to get to the purple cloud kingdom. It's really exciting."

"Yes, I've been stuck in the upper realms for hundreds of thousands of years. If I don't break through, I'll die of old age."

"Me too."

Everyone is very excited, whether it is on the deck or on the aisle outside the room, it is difficult to communicate one by one.Hearing these people's conversation, the old man shook his head, "if these people know that in Ziyun divine world, the spirit is nothing at all, I don't know if they will be so excited."

Li Fuchen said: "it's better than being stuck in the upper level for a lifetime. Sometimes, life needs to be more vigorous."

"Yes." The old man nodded.


"Ha ha, I broke through."

"I broke through, too."

"Here already contains the complete purple cloud divine world rule."

Only a few days away from Ziyun Shenjie, there were people on the spaceship who broke through to the next level.

"It is worthy of a thousand gods, and the power of rules has radiated beyond the interface."

Li Fuchen has long felt the complete Ziyun divine world rules.

Compared with the rules of Xiaoqian, the rules of Ziyun's divine world are not only many times complete, but also many times more profound. This kind of profundity is different from the obscure, clearer and more organized, just like a fine cobweb.

Whether it is the realm of Kendo rules, space-time rules, or life realm, Li Fuchen has already reached the level of spirit and spirit. If he wants to break through, he can break through it at any time.

But his breakthrough was too dynamic, so he decided to enter the Ziyun divine world and find a suitable place to break through again.

Li Fuchen can control whether he breaks through, but others can't.

Most people's regular state and life state are in the perfect state of the upper true God. If they can not break through when they can break through, they are likely to stay in the upper level true God realm for a period of time, which can be long or short. If it is too long, it will be a great loss.

So as long as they feel that the bottleneck is loose, 99% of the people will choose to break through.

Sikong also chose to break through.

In fact, Sikong chuixing's star rule has reached the initial state of the lower spirit God, which means that the realm of life is still the perfect state of the upper true God.

If we say that the breakthrough of other higher gods is a flame burning.

The breakthrough of Sikong Zhuoxing is like a volcanic eruption, and the activity is more than ten times more than ten times.

With the inferior spirit stone provided by Li Fuchen, Sikong Zhuoxing has successfully broken through to the lower spiritual realm.

Li Fuchen specially asked Si Kong to test his power with the strength crystal.

Obviously, psychic strength is not so good to increase.

Although the star rule can be regarded as the top rule, it does not make Sikong chuixing's star power reach double strength.

Finally, Ziyun divine world arrived.

Through a layer of purple film, the spacecraft enters the purple cloud divine world.

It's too broad. This is the first impression of Ziyun.

The purple sky of unknown geometry, the burning sun with eternal breath, the ever-changing clouds, and groups of giant birds and animals.

The thick earth, the continuous mountains, and the fertile fields with the meaning of wildness are full of ancient strange life on the high mountain, and the sacred villages are large or small.

All of these constitute a magnificent scene of Ziyun and Zhongqian.

Maybe Shenxu is much bigger than Ziyun Shenjie, but everything in Shenxu is too monotonous and less abundant than Ziyun Shenjie.

Therefore, although Shenxu is shocking, it will not be moved.

Many people can't help crying when they see the scenes of Ziyun divine world.

It's tears of excitement.

In Ziyun divine world, the most common is Shencun, with hundreds of millions of sacred villages distributed in every corner of Ziyun divine world.

Shencun is not protected, so Li Fuchen saw that many battles were taking place in Shencun along the way, including between Shencun and Shencun, and between Shencun and bandits.

Above the village is the town of God.

Shenzhen is built by various local forces, so it is countless times safer than Shencun.

Enron Town, the first level God Town, was built by the four star sect Enron sect.

Enron town is one hundred miles from north to south, and more than 80 miles from east to west, which is enough to accommodate millions of people.

At the airship square of Enron Town, the spaceship of Jinwu chamber of Commerce arrived quickly.

"What a terrible oppression."

In the spaceship, there is a shield to isolate. People don't feel anything. They just feel that the gravity of Ziyun divine world is very large, and the sense of rule oppression is very strong.

Now without the protection of the spaceship shield, people immediately feel different.

"The gravity is about 100 times that of Yuguang."

Li Fuchen carefully sensed a little, dark way.

No wonder the newborn children of Ziyun divine world are at least inferior gods. If they are not, they can not bear the gravity of Ziyun divine world.

It's just gravity, the environment of a place, gravity is just the basis, such as air, such as light, such as space compression, such as rule compression, and so on. Many external factors affect the life level here."Under the interference of so many external factors, the size of Ziyun divine world is even bigger."

Enron town is one hundred miles from north to south, and more than eighty miles from east to west. To tell the truth, it is very small. If you put the town in the Yuguang Kingdom, it is not very impressive at all. If you probe into the supernatural power of the upper God, you can easily perceive all the details of the town.

But here is the purple cloud divine world, the sense of oppression is too strong, the upper God here, the divine power can not be released, let alone divine power exploration.

The true power of the real God can only be extended to several tens of meters to hundreds of meters. Li Fuchen heard the conversation of several real gods just now.

The exploration of the divine power of the gods and spirits should be expanded a lot. Sikong's star power can be put out for thousands of meters.

After a little calculation, it can be inferred that from one end of the town to the other, it may take a day for the upper gods to arrive. Thus, an town less than 100 li in size is not small at all, on the contrary, it is very large.

After leaving them in Enron, the Jinwu chamber of Commerce left.

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