"Since Ziyun is here, I hope to see you again."

The old man didn't tell Li Fuchen's name from the beginning to the end.

He plans to find a place to understand the true meaning of life. If he can understand the best, his life can be increased ten times. If he can't understand it, he can't blame anyone. This is his life.

With the old man's departure, Sikong Zhuoxing also has his own decision, he intends to join the four-star sect of Enron.

Ziyun's divine world is in chaos and danger. He is a newcomer and experiences alone. It's an act of seeking death. It's better to join the sect first and enhance his own strength with the help of sect resources.

He believed that with his own intelligence and understanding, he would certainly be valued by the Enron school and would not be mediocre.

The next day, Sikong Zhuoxing and a large number of people boarded the spaceship to Enron.

Obviously, he is not the only one who wants to join Enron.

"Relax for a few days, then find a place to break through."

Li Fuchen is not in a hurry to break through the realm. He plans to take advantage of these days to have a good understanding of the local conditions and customs of Ziyun divine world.


"It is worthy of being a thousand gods."

In one of the best restaurants in Enron Town, Li Fuchen sits by the window and drinks leisurely.

The population of Enron town is about 8 million. Jiucheng is the middle God and the superior God. The number of true gods is less than one million, and the number of spiritual gods varies from thousands to thousands. There are also several Xuanshen, including the mayor and deputy mayor of the town.

This is just a first-class town. Above the first level, there are second-class and third-class.

Due to the majority of middle gods and superior gods, the consumption level of Enron town is very low. If you stay in an ordinary Inn for one night, you only need tens of thousands of substandard divine stones, which is equivalent to the price of a lower artifact.

However, in Ziyun divine world, the lower artifact is not valuable at all. One artifact master apprentice can forge the lower artifact. When the artificer apprentice can forge the middle artifact, he will be a formal star artifact master.

From the situation of Enron Town, Li Fuchen can see that Ziyun divine world is full of talents from all walks of life, so the price is relatively low.

For example, a lower artifact has only tens of thousands of inferior artifacts, a middle artifact has hundreds of thousands of substandard divine stones, and a superior artifact has millions of inferior divine stones.

Even if it's a lower level artifact, it's only a few hundred million substandard divine stones.

It may sound like a big number, but you should know that this is the purple cloud divine world, and the consumption is also large. If a superior God practices normally, it will consume at least 100 substandard divine stones every day. A month is thousands of substandard divine stones. In addition to other consumptions, the minimum consumption of a superior God is at least 10000 or more per month, and it is more than 100000 or 200000 a year.

Therefore, the prices in Enron town are really relatively low.

"It's a paradise for outsiders."

No one who comes from the small thousand gods world does not have hundreds of billions and trillions of substandard God stones on his body, but he has hundreds of billions and billions of substandard God stones on his body.

With their wealth, it is estimated that they will live a very beautiful life for a long time in the future, and they don't have to go out to earn God stone.

"But it's also good. When I first came to Ziyun, I still focused on cultivating and getting familiar with the environment."

There are a lot of God stones in Li Fuchen's body. There are about 10 trillion substandard divine stones, one trillion is 100 million yuan, the inferior ones are more than 10 trillion yuan, and the middle grade ones are more than 1 billion yuan.

This is a very large number.

Li Fuchen took a special look at it. The spirit artifact in Enron town can only be purchased with the lower level artifact stone. The lower level spirit artifact is probably worth several hundred million lower level divine stone, the middle level spirit artifact is several billion lower grade God stone, and the upper spirit artifact is tens of billion lower level spirit stone.

Li Fuchen's inferior spirit stone can buy hundreds of upper spirit artifact.

"My guest, you have consumed 9.8 million substandard stones." Seeing Li Fuchen ready to check out and leave, the shop assistant quickly trotted over.

"Here, the rest is the tip."

Li Fuchen handed each other a black iron coin with a face of ten million and a bloodstain on the back.

"Thank you, sir."

As soon as the shop assistant's eyes brightened, 200000 substandard Shenshi had been his salary for several months.

Li Fuchen smile, bloodstain palace issued bloodstain currency is really convenient.

When it comes to bloodstained coins, we should first talk about bloodstain palace.

Ziyun divine world has seven continents, which are ruled by seven super powers.

The land where Li Fuchen lives is called bloodstain continent, which is ruled by the super power bloodstain palace.

In order to facilitate the transaction, the bloodstain Palace used its own power to issue several kinds of bloodstained coins, namely black iron blood mark coins, bronze blood stained coins, silver bloodstained coins and gold bloodstained coins, corresponding to inferior Shenshi, inferior Shenshi, Zhongpin Shenshi and Shangpin Shenshi.

Li Fuchen is not clear about the other bloodstained coins. The black iron and blood marked coins have seven denominations. From low to high, they are millions, tens, billions, billions, billions and trillions.

Li Fuchen felt that it was really convenient, so he directly saved a trillion of substandard God stones to the bloodstain coin village set up in Enron town by the blood stain palace.Originally, Li Fuchen still wanted to save some inferior Shenshi, but for the first and second level Shenzhen, there were only black iron bloodstain coin shops, and only level three Shenzhen towns had bronze level bloodstain coin houses.

The streets are full of traffic and people are coming and going.

The chariot is a chariot, and the one pulling it is a divine beast.

It is not impossible to domesticate mythical beasts. Generally speaking, those with lower level and lower intelligence are relatively easy to domesticate.

These chariot pulling deities are basically the lower or middle ones, and the upper ones are rare.

As for the real beast, it may not be possible to see one in half a day. However, the owners who can pull the cart are rich or expensive. They look very beautiful.

Out of the town of Enron, Li Fuchen flies to the direction of few people.


Here is a barren mountain. There is no life in the barren mountain, but there are traces of mining.

In the valley of the barren mountain, Li Fuchen sat cross legged.


Without any bottleneck, Li Fuchen's Kendo magic power immediately broke through the obstacles, from the upper level of the true God to the lower level.

Between heaven and earth, the majestic spirit of the divine world swept down, just like a tornado storm connecting heaven and earth. Accompanied by the spirit of the divine world is the perfect divine rules of Ziyun divine world.

Without this perfect rule of the divine world, even if the spirit of the divine world was ten times stronger, Li Fuchen could not break through to the next spirit God.

"Not enough."

Li Fuchen took out a large number of inferior Shenshi.

One million, ten million, one billion

Li Fuchen's body is like a black hole, devouring the spirit of the divine world and the spirit of the stone.

Li Fuchen remembers that the last time Kendo magic power broke through from the middle God to the upper level God, which consumed tens of millions of lower level God stones. According to the normal development, it broke through from the upper level true God to the lower level spirit God, with a maximum of several billion lower level God stones.

But this time the situation is different. This time, Li Fuchen's level of Kendo rules has been improved too fast. At present, it is the initial state of the upper spirit God.

In addition, the essence of Kendo also has a qualitative breakthrough.

10 billion, 100 billion, trillion

Li Fuchen's Kendo magic power didn't change until he consumed more than one billion inferior divine stones.

At this time, Li Fuchen's Kendo magic index also rose from 140 million to 600 million.

You know, under normal circumstances, the power index of the upper gods is between 500 million and 1 billion.

"I don't know what the strength of psychic power is?"

Li Fuchen took out the old man sent him the strength of the Spirit Crystal.

Kendo power infuses into it.


The psychic light reached the third scale.

This means that Li Fuchen's initial spiritual strength has reached three levels, which is the same as the ordinary upper spirit.

"There is no white consumption of the more than one trillion lower grade divine stone."

Li Fuchen smiles on his face.

At the moment, there is nothing wrong with regarding him as a superior spirit God, because he is not weaker than the ordinary superior spirit God in all aspects, and some aspects are even better than the ordinary superior spirit God. For example, he practices the top rules of kendo, and the essence of Kendo has a qualitative breakthrough, which is not inferior to any congenital top-level rules. Most of the other upper gods practice ordinary rules and higher rules There are few.

In addition to the changes in the divine power, Li Fuchen's spirit has also been upgraded from the lower level to the middle level.

If he had been able to compete with the lower spirit level soul before, he should be able to practice with the middle spirit level soul now.

"I don't know when I can get a magic skill of hundao and even the supernatural skill of hundao."

Youneng fireball is only the real magic skill of the lower soul Dao. The level is too low to give full play to his spirit advantage.

As for the creation of soul skill, the difficulty is too high and the time is too long. With this time, he can achieve more in kendo.

Unless he can get a lot of soul skills and understand the true meaning of soul way, he is confident to create one or two powerful soul skills in a short time.

After the breakthrough of Kendo power, Li Fuchen's space-time magic power also broke through.

It has consumed more than one billion lower level divine stones, and the spiritual power of space and time has stopped changing.

Compared with Kendo's divine power, the space-time divine power index is only over 100 million, which is six times different.

Generally speaking, the difference of divine power index is twice, and the difference of divine power is about five times.

The divine power index is six times different, and the divine power is about thirty times different.

The power index of the lower gods is generally between 50 million and 100 million.

The power index of the upper gods is generally between 500 million and 1 billion.

That is to say, the power of the lower gods whose power index reaches the normal limit is dozens of times lower than that of ordinary upper gods.

This is a big number.

If the power of the lower spirit is compared to that of a stream, the power of the upper spirit is the waterfall.

The latter does nothing, a divine shock, I guess you can't bear it.Of course, the power of God is not large in one aspect.

In addition to divine power, there is also divine strength.

The power intensity of space-time supernatural power belongs to the ordinary level and is only one weight.

In this regard, Li Fuchen is not disappointed.

The power of time and space has always neglected the strength of divine power, but valued its application and characteristics.

No matter how high your power is, you can't hit me. What's the use.

But I can use the rules of time and space to attack you easily. I can even disorganize the time and space you are in and let your divine power collapse and your spirit become lax.

Originally, Li Fuchen's Kendo magic power was also very high, but facing the boundless time power of Si Hai, there was no way to use it.

But now it's different. The breakthrough of Kendo to Xiaocheng makes Li Fuchen really realize that everything in the world can be a sword. Even the rules of the other side can be transformed into his own Kendo rules. In this way, even in the face of top-level rules such as time rules, space rules, or space-time rules, five elements rules, Li Fuchen's Kendo rules can also fight Who is stronger and which is weaker, we have to fight before we know.

Of course, Li Fuchen also knows that it is only temporary for the Kendo rules to compete with the congenital top rules. In the later stage, if the Kendo realm does not continue to improve, it will still fall into the downwind.

The congenital top-level rules are different. With the improvement of the rule realm, the characteristics of the congenital top-level rules will become stronger and stronger, and there is no need to do anything deliberately.

This is the difference between the inborn top rule and the postnatal top rule.

The latter needs to work hard all the time to catch up with the former. If you don't pay attention, you will be far away.

However, everything has its advantages and disadvantages. If the day after tomorrow's top rules reach the top, they have the potential to surpass the congenital top rules.

Because the former has already set the frame, just fill in the content until it is filled.

The latter everything is unknown, how much potential, completely depends on the individual.

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