"I'd like to introduce to you Chu Wu, an imperial disciple of Chihong Zong, a two-star general, and one of the top five generals in the northern part of the Chiyue empire."

Lin Shou stands up and introduces Li Fuchen and others.

Chu Wu is the most important part of the journey to the hidden shadow.

Others do not know the strength of the five northern generals, but Lin Shou is very clear.

The two-star generals in the north, not 100 or 80, can stand out from so many people and become one of the top five generals. You can imagine how powerful their strength is. I'm afraid they can kill the weaker king of Yuanhai.

"Are you Chu Wu? There's a chance to fight. " Bear road grinned.

Chu Wu Dao: "I'm afraid I can't control my strength. I'll kill you."

"Even Samsung generals may not kill me." Bear road picked eyebrows, confident way.

Lin Shou said, "Chu Wu, they are Xiong Dao, Qiao Yu, lengxue and Li Fuchen..."

Lin Shou introduced four people respectively.

Chu Wu nodded lightly and did not speak.

"Now that all the people are here, let's go!"

With a wave of Lin Shou's hand, a ship more than ten meters long appeared in the air. There was an array tower on the ship. A murderous air comparable to the king of Yuanhai was diffused, making the air in the central garden a little bleak.

We all know that this is a seven level low-level small warship.

The cost of a class-7 warship is very expensive. The cost of a small class-7 low-level warship is at least more than 5 million medium-sized spirit stones. Moreover, to motivate the warships, it is also necessary to use them.

Looking at this seven level low-level small warship, even Chu Wu, can't help but squint.

Junzi is worthy of being a Junzi. Even if its own strength is not very strong, but relying on foreign objects, it is enough to crush the weaker yuan Hai Kingdom's low-level king.

On the warship, Lin Shou's mind moved, and the ship turned into a light, breaking through the air.

The speed of the seven level low-level warship is very fast, which is not inferior to the ordinary low-level king of Yuanhai. A month later, people came to a grand canyon.

This is an incomparably huge Canyon, which is at least ten thousand miles long and hundreds of miles at its widest point.

According to Lin Shou, the canyon is actually just a crack caused by the battle between the emperor and the emperor. There are many such cracks, even bigger ones.

"The latent shadow abyss is in this crack. Basically, there are several layers of latent shadow abyss in each crack. The level of the latent shadow abyss here is relatively low, and the rules are more" taking care of "the cultivation of fighting spirit realm. However, if the strength is not up to the level of one star general, if you go into it, you will almost die, and only two star generals will have the strength to protect themselves."

The crack is unfathomable. At a glance, it looks as if it can devour the soul.

There are also many small cracks in the cracks, which should be the entrances of the latent image abyss.

Lin Shou said, controlling the warship to fly to the small crack in the middle on the left side of the crack.

The small crack seems small, but as the warship approached, Li Fuzhen found that the crack was dozens of miles long and more than a mile high.

"A lot of people?"

Qiao Yu frowned as soon as he saw the spirit.

There are restaurants, teahouses, inns and shops all over the small crack. It seems like a gathering place for human beings. All the people who are active here are masters of doulingjing. The number of them is not 10000, but at least 8000.

Lin Shou explained: "although the latent shadow abyss is extremely dangerous, there are still many people who risk their lives in it. After all, if you find a top-grade spirit stone in it, you can be comfortable for half a life."

Li Fuchen nodded, seeking wealth and danger, which is human nature.

Moreover, cultivating martial arts can make people sacrifice their lives.

When the ship landed, Lin Shou took it back.

The rules of qianyingyuan are chaotic. The greater the movement, the more dangerous it will attract. Therefore, it is better not to take out the warship until the critical moment.

After all, the size of the warship is a little bigger, and the noise caused by flying is also large.

In the center of the building complex, there are many transmission platforms, which are very busy. From time to time, some people send them away or come over.

Lin Shou said: "this transmission array is connected to several cities nearby. The rules of the latent shadow valley are chaotic. The farther the transmission distance is, the more likely it will go wrong. Therefore, it can only be transmitted at a short distance."

In fact, even if the rules of qianyingyuan are not chaotic, there is no way to connect the 660 cities of the red moon empire.

The more advanced the mainland, the higher the cost of building the transmission array. Some important materials can not be found, especially the core material of the transmission array, space crystal.

Although the Chiyue empire is rich, it is impossible to make the whole empire higher than that of the foreign imperial clan. Even if an empire can't afford to consume the resources, even an empire can't afford it. What's more, the space crystal is in which place The mainland is very rare, space crystal is not much, no matter how much resources are useless.

Therefore, in the whole empire of the red moon, only County cities, state cities and imperial cities had teleportation arrays,If it wasn't for the high-quality spirit stone produced by qianyingyuan, maybe even the transmission array would not be built here. After all, a transmission array needs a space crystal, which is not worth it.

"Stop him. There are two high-quality spirit stones on him."

There was a dark whirlpool in the deep of the small crack. Suddenly, two bloodstained figures rushed out of the dark whirlpool, and the man behind yelled at the surrounding people.

"Top quality spirit stone?"

"And two?"

"Ha ha, if you stop him and get a top-grade spirit stone, you don't have to worry about it all my life."

Many masters of doulingjing rushed out one after another.

However, Li Fuzhen found that these people could not fly at all, they could only run, and when the distance was very close, none of them attacked from the air.

Lin Shou explained: "although it's only the latent shadow, there are also chaotic rules leaked out. Here, you can't fly, and you can't attack from the air. If the king of Yuanhai comes here, the rules will become more chaotic and form various crises. In this way, the advantage of the number of people will not be able to play out, and there is no need to face the threat of the king of Yuanhai."

When Lin Shou was talking, the figure who was surrounded by people suddenly took out a piece of shining gem, crushed it, and the dazzling light burst out. It was hundreds of meters round and could not see five fingers. The next moment, the figure rushed onto the transmission platform, threw out a high-quality spirit stone, and then sent it away from here.

"Damn it."

They were not willing to stop him.

You should know that the two top-grade spirit stones are worth 20000 middle grade spirit stones, and this is the market price. If you get them at the auction, it will be easy for a top-grade spirit stone to sell 15000 or even 20000 middle grade spirit stones.

But in the public unwilling, another person came out of the dark whirlpool.

"Stop him. There may be a high-quality spirit stone on him."

All who come out of the abyss of latent shadow are the targets of all.

Puff, puff

However, people underestimated the strength of this man.

He was able to come out of the shadow abyss and was extremely powerful. According to Li Fuchen's estimation, he was a very powerful presence among a star generals. Basically, one move and several breaths made him kill more than ten fighting spirit state masters.

Aware of the existence of Li Fuchen and others, this man with a trace of fear on his face, hurriedly left through the transmission array.

"Let's go in, too."

Lin Shou didn't see one or two top-grade spirit stones at all. What he needed was more top-grade spirit stones.

Under the leadership of Lin Shou, a group of six people enter the dark vortex.


It's a dark and weird world.

In the sky, the shadows are entangled, and the mountains around them are like huge shadows, wriggling and changing. Even some grass and trees on the ground are like small shadows.

Stepping on the earth, the six people have a feeling of not stepping on the real object.

Lin Shou said: "it is speculated that one of the two sages at the beginning of the war was proficient in the shadow rules, so the shadow rules were very powerful in the latent shadow abyss, entangled with other rules, resulting in strange chaos."


Lin Shou's voice fell, a shadow grass suddenly shot at Li Fuchen.

There was a sword in his fingers, and Li caught the shadow grass.


Under the attack of sword, the shadow grass becomes nothingness.

"In the latent shadow abyss, many things have no substance, just the rules and vitality."

Lin Shou sees strange, said.

"I see."

Li Fuchen nodded.

Roar! Roar!

The latent shadow abyss is very big, Li Fuchen's six people just walked a part of the way, then heard the unusual roar.

This roar, not like a monster, not like a demon, a bit similar to the roar of human beings, but full of chaos and tyranny.

"Be careful. Is this a violent corpse?"

Lin Shou's eyes are dignified.

Soon, the roar came near.

It's not far from the crowd.

Although the spirit consciousness of Li Fuchen can't sweep too far away, it can still sweep out a considerable distance with the strength of his spirit consciousness.

In the telepathy, a humanoid monster with black body and hard skin like steel ran over.

After a few breaths, the humanoid rushed to the crowd.

"I'll meet him."

Qiao Yu took up the iron fan, pulled out a shining silver sword, and chopped it on the human monster.


Mars straight up, humanoid monster uninjured, fortunately its strength is not so strong, directly split out.

"Good defense."

Qiao Yu looks ugly.

Lin Shou said: "the violent corpse is the body of a warrior. Because it is contaminated with different rules, it is extremely strong and hard to kill. In fact, the force is not particularly strong. Of course, in the depth of the latent shadow abyss, there are extremely powerful violent corpses. Even the two Star generals are not rivals.""Just a violent corpse."

Bear road chased up, a stick hit on the head of the body.


The head of the corpse is split and falls to the ground. There is no breath.

"But so it is."

Speaking so, Xiong Dao secretly rubbed his right arm. The shock force from the stick just now made his right arm numb and gave birth to a trace of fear in his heart.

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