Along the way, six people suffered multiple body attacks.

These violent corpses, with the weakest strength, are comparable to elite masters. With one punch and one foot, they contain extremely strong rule power. Some of them even reach the level of grand master, which is only a little worse than a star general.

What's more, the most terrible thing is that the defense is as strong as the strength of the violent corpse. Even if it's Xiong Dao, the two-star general, it takes more than ten sticks to kill him.

According to Lin Shou, the corpses are divided into five levels.

The primary corpse is comparable to the elite master, the intermediate corpse is comparable to the top master, and the senior corpse is comparable to the grand master. On top of it, there are top-level corpses and the king of violent corpses.

The primary corpse can make Qiao Yu at the level of one star general immortal with one sword. The middle level corpse bear road needs five or six sticks to kill. For the senior one, it needs more than ten sticks. No wonder Lin Shou said that if a star general goes deep into the hidden shadow abyss, he will die.

"Chu Wu, do you regard me as coolie? You can solve this violent corpse."

Once again, I met several violent corpses, one of which was an intermediate one. After Xiong Dao solved a primary one, he left the intermediate one.

After all, even if he wants to solve an intermediate violent corpse, his arm will be numb for a while.

"In the early stage, you naturally need to make more efforts, but in the later stage, it is difficult for you to contribute." Chu had no face and no expression.

Bear way eyebrows erect, eyes a stare way: "don't talk wild, you first solve this intermediate violent corpse again."

Bear way also want to see, Chu Wu's strength how.


Intermediate body violence no sense, with the bear road back, toward his nearest Chuwu run past.


When the knife came out of its sheath, the light of the knife flashed, and a huge head rose into the sky.

The person who made the knife was Chu Wu.

Xiong Dao needs five or six sticks in succession to kill the middle-level violent corpse. In Chu Wu's hand, he can't even hold a knife. He's a direct owl.

Xiong Dao's face is a little ugly. Judging from the power of this sword, Chu Wu is at least several levels stronger than him. Is this the strength of the five northern generals?

"How strong."

Li Fuchen's eyes narrowed.

In his opinion, Chu Wu's knife even has the strength to kill Lin Hu.

Even if Li Fuchen was a fool, he knew that Chu Wu had cultivated heaven level sword technique, or heaven level sword move.

In addition to the sky level sword technique, there is also a heaven level sword technique and a heaven level palm skill. This is incomparable to the second rate King level family. Only the first-class King level family can barely compare with the king level family.

"Worthy of being one of the top five generals in the north."

Lin Shou praised the way.

Qiao Yu and lengxue are also shocked.

They are just one star general. Although they think they are not weak in one star general, they are no doubt much worse than Chu Wu, a top two-star general.

Next, xiongdao no longer complains about Chu Wu, as Chu Wu said, this kind of small scene, it should be their more efforts.

However, Xiong Dao is also a bit depressed. In addition to Chu Wu and Lin Shou, he is the only one with the strongest strength. Every time, he is responsible for solving intermediate and even high-level violent corpses. This is a bit of a big contribution.

His eyes swept over Qiao Yu and lengxue.

The strength of these two people is ordinary. Fortunately, they are good at fighting together. When they join hands, they can almost fight with two star generals.

However, the violent corpse is not a two-star general. If you want to deal with the violent corpse, the attack power should be high enough first. There is no big difference between the two people working together or not.

Finally, Xiong Dao focuses on Li Fuchen.

Li Fuchen's strength is no doubt much stronger than Qiao Yu and Leng Xue. He is basically a sword to deal with the primary body explosion.

But the other side is very slippery, never dealing with intermediate and high-level violent corpses.

"Li Fuchen, you won't wait for the later stage to make efforts!"

Bear road sneered.

It's funny to see that Li Fuchen is fighting for the front several times

The first few times, Xiong Dao deliberately expressed himself, very hard, and later felt some difficulty, this just did not want to lead the battle.

Bear road is not good way: "I am tired, can't I?"

As for his physical strength, he should not be too tired to stay behind.

"Well, let's take turns solving intermediate and high-level corpses."

Li Fuchen nodded.

There are a lot of corpses in the wilderness. It's not easy to find a middle-level corpse.

Li Fuchen stepped forward and pulled out the red lotus sword. A bright red silk thread twisted out.


The head of the intermediate corpse is crooked and the neck is half broken.

It's no different from cutting your neck.

In terms of attack power, Li Fuchen's sword is much worse than Chu Wu.

The main reason is that Chu Wu's cultivation has reached the peak of fighting spirit state, and Li Fuchen has only five levels of fighting spirit state.Of course, the gap between the two is not as much as quadruple repair.

Judging from the Dao just now, the opponent's Sabre skill level should not have reached the level of perfection.

And Li Fuchen's ruthlessness has reached the state of perfection.

This is not something Chu can compare.

Lin Shou has already seen Li Fuchen's strength, so he doesn't care.

But Xiong Dao and others were surprised.

Judging from Li Fuchen's sword, Li Fuchen's strength is at least two-star general level.

"What a pig to eat a tiger!"

Xiong Dao skimmed his mouth and admitted that Li Fuchen's strength was not weaker than him.

You need to see him in a row.

This is mainly because the stick is blunt, but the violent corpse has strong defense and immunity to blunt weapons.

It's like beating a tree with a stick, not cutting it with a sword.

If the target is a person, the stick will have greater lethality. The external appearance of the stick will be harmless, and the interior may be shattered.

The concept of time in the abyss of latent shadow is not clear, and we don't know how long it has been. People come from a wilderness to a group of mountains.

The mountains are very desolate, bare without any vegetation, giving a feeling of emptiness and illusion.

After solving several waves of corpses, six people came to a dark cave.

After being swept by the spirit, everyone's eyes were bright, including Li Fuchen.

The cave is not deep. It is more than 100 meters in shape. At the end of the cave, all the six people have observed that there are high-quality spirit stones in it, and there are many of them.

"A total of 17 violent corpses, do not rule out the existence of top-level violent corpses. Xiong Dao and Li Fuchen are the two leading the battle. Chu Wu follows. If you encounter high-level and top-level violent corpses, Chu Wu will solve it." Lin Shou opens his way.

Hearing the speech, Chu did not nod.

The reason why he agreed to form a team together with Lin Shou is that he knows that Lin Shou has a quasi heaven level secret treasure, and his strength is not weak at all. Only such a team mate can ensure that he can go deep into the latent shadow abyss. Otherwise, it is not his style to play small games on the periphery.

Therefore, Lin Shou's arrangement, he still wants to listen.

Under the arrangement of Lin Shou, Xiong Dao and Li Fuchen entered the cave first.


The roar of the corpse was heard, and it was the sound of fierce fighting.

Six of them were lucky. There were seventeen violent corpses, none of them were top-level ones, only one was high-level one.

This high-level corpse only supported two knives under Chu Wu's Sabre technique.

At the end of the cave, people hold their breath.

On the wall at the end of the cave, there are dozens of crystal stones with amazing aura.

The crystal stone, even the breath of the road, escaped.

Top grade spirit stone!

Only the best spirit stone contains such a strong aura, and only the top spirit stone contains the flavor of the road.

Dozens of top-grade spirit stones, equivalent to hundreds of thousands of middle grade spirit stones.

It doesn't sound like much, but the key is that there is no top-grade spirit stone on the market. If you want to have a high-quality spirit stone, you can either try your luck at the auction, or you can explore and find it yourself.

"There should be more than so many high-quality spirit stones."

With a wave of his hand, Lin Shou shot a silver light.


The wall of the mountain collapsed into powder, and more top-grade spirit stones appeared.

Finally, they cleaned up the end of the cave, and found a total of 101 top spirit stones.

According to the previous agreement, Lin Shou accounted for 30% of the total, so he took 30 top spirit stones, and the remaining 71. Chu Wu took 25, Xiong Dao 15, Li Fuchen 15, Qiao Yu and lengxue each had eight.

"Is this the best spirit stone?"

Holding a top-grade spirit stone in his hand, Li Fuchen's face was full of wonder.

The aura in the top-grade spirit stone is just like a long river, surging and surging. Moreover, its purity is very high, and there are almost no impurities. The most important thing is that the spirit stone contains the flavor of the road, which is very helpful to practice.

The top spirit stone is in hand, and everyone is ready to leave the cave.

"No, I can't get out."

Qiao Yu's face changed.

Outside the cave, I don't know when, surrounded by a large number of corpses, people were blocked in the cave.

Chu Wu sink voice way: "the most periphery has a black body, he is manipulating the group of violent corpses."

"Control the mob?"

Lin Shou said bitterly: "if you can really control the group of violent corpses, there is no doubt that it is the king of violent corpses. Only the king of violent corpses has given birth to a trace of wisdom."

In serious terms, violent corpses are just walking corpses, and there is no intelligence.

But the king of the dead is different. The king of the dead has already given birth to wisdom, which is equivalent to another kind of life.

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