After defeating the fury axe Emperor Wu, Li Fuchen continues to sway in the core. This time, his goal is to change the life of seven stars into grass.

At this stage, ordinary rootless flowers can no longer strengthen his elixir field, so he plans to find another way to find herbs to enhance the root and bone. When the root bone is raised, the elixir field will also be promoted. There is a direct relationship between the two.

Of course, it would be better if we could get a better root and bone herb than the Seven Star plant.


"It's your good fortune that the Lord of blue sun empire can take a fancy to you. You don't know how to cherish it and hurt Emperor Wu of Qinghe seriously. What should you do?"

Deep in the core of the fury axe abyss, a great war is going on.

The two sides of the war were a woman in black and three emperors in law.

The three emperors of Dharma phase realm had the lowest level of cultivation, but there were also three levels of Dharma phase realm. The one with high accomplishments reached the sixth level of Dharma phase realm. The one who spoke was the triple emperor of Dharma phase realm.

If Li Fuchen is here, you can definitely recognize that the woman in black is Yan Qingwu.

Compared with the original, Yan Qingwu is a little more mature now. Its five facial features are more delicate and harmonious. It's amazing that the temperament has changed a lot. It's mysterious and ethereal, with a trace of cool, gorgeous and domineering atmosphere.

In fact, Yan Qingwu did not meet with the leader of the blue sun Kingdom, but did not know where the Lord of blue sun knew her existence. He sent emperor Qinghe to take her to the capital of the blue sun empire. Naturally, Yan Qingwu would not agree and hurt the emperor. Then, he was in a state of escape.

The reason why she escaped to Nu Fu Yuan is that she needs the high-level root bone herbs of Nu axe yuan. Only when her own root bone is raised to eight stars, can she hope to be promoted to the level of Dharma Realm in a short time. Otherwise, even if she was a great emperor in the last ten years, she would not be promoted to the level of FA Xiang Jing within ten years.

The three emperors of blue sun empire were shocked by the strength of black swords and Yan Qingwu.

The opponent is obviously just the peak state of Yuanhai state, but he is stronger than any of them. In particular, the opponent's Sabre technique is extremely powerful. Except for the great emperor and some top Dharma prime ministers, they have never seen such a powerful sword technique.

"Red flame method phase!"

"Qinglei FA Xiang!"

"Wind shadow method phase!"

The three did not intend to waste time, but urged to send out Dharma.

The weakest Dharma king, the triple emperor, was called the red flame emperor. The Dharma king he urged out was a giant shaped like red magma. The giant was much smaller than the Nu ax FA Xiang of Emperor Wu, about 600 Zhang high.

Then there was Qinglei Wudi, who had four reconstitutions of the Dharma environment. The Dharma image he sent out was a giant wrapped in blue thunder and lightning, with a size of 800 Zhang.

The strongest one is the wind emperor, who has practiced the six aspects of the Dharma Realm. The Dharma image that he urged out was a shadow with no substance. It was a thousand hundred Zhang in size. It came and went without a trace. It was very terrible.

Three people into the Dharma, kill to Yan light dance.

"Black knife & middot; heaven's secret!"

The swallow dances lightly, its body is spinning, and the light of black knife is emitted.

Rub, scrape

The earth is split, and there are three Dharma forms that split together.

Yan Qingwu's Sabre technique, with no intermittence, aims at the weakness of the Dharma.

However, FA Xiang is not flesh and blood after all. Even if all of them are destroyed, they can condense again. The split Dharma is closed together. The three people intend to slowly dissipate the true Qi of Yan Qingwu, and then capture each other in one fell swoop.

Yan Qingwu doesn't know the intention of the three people. After a knife was sent out, her figure flashed and disappeared.


Yan Qingwu obviously mastered blink.


But almost at the same time, Yan Qingwu was bounced out of the void again.

Qinglei Wudi sneered: "in front of Liangyi Fengtian pan, even if you can blink, how about it?"

Yanqing dance is no secret, so he specially applied to bring out the heaven level secret treasure Liangyi Fengtian pan.

The power of this secret treasure lies in that once it is activated, it will create a strong border around it, cutting off the contact with the outside world.

However, teleportation requires media, and the media are cut off, so it is difficult to move out in a flash.

"Is Liangyi sealed?"

Yan Qingwu has heard of Liangyi sealing Tianpan, which is one of the proud secrets of the blue sun state Lord.

"In that case, let's fight!"

Yan Qingwu spins the black knife in her hand. The light of the sword is like black lightning, galloping in the border.


The red flame Dharma of the red flame emperor splits from it and almost cuts into the internal red flame emperor.

"Lei Kong Quan!"

Above, the green thunder method blocks out the sky and the sun. One fist carries endless thunder and lightning to Yan.

Yan Qingwu, with a flash of body shape, appears behind Qinglei FA Xiang, and inserts a knife into it.

If it wasn't for the critical moment, Emperor Qinglei changed his position. This knife can definitely hurt him.

Master the blink of the swallow dance, even if not escape, the three seem to be no match."No!"

At this time, the hand of the wind emperor also appeared a secret treasure.

This is a blue pearl. The moment the Pearl appears, the blue light bursts and penetrates the void.

Then Yan Qingwu finds that she can't perform the evasion skill.

"You are very good, but we were prepared for it."

The wind emperor admired Yan Qingwu in his heart. In his opinion, the strength of the soul emperor was just like this.

In addition to Yan Qingwu, there is no such powerful king of Yuanhai in this empire.

Yan Qingwu's heart sank. With his current strength, it's not a problem to solve any one of the three, but it's impossible to solve three people at the same time. The biggest problem in front of him is the amount of true Qi.

Unless she can kill with a knife.

It's a pity that they all hide in the Dharma. They don't know each other's position at all. They can only use their intuition to make a knife, and it is difficult to achieve a fatal one.

"Fengshen combo!"

Controlling the wind shadow method, the wind emperor killed and danced lightly to Yan, consuming the other party's true Qi crazily.

As time goes by, more than 90% of Yan Qingwu's real Qi has been consumed.

Goo Doo!

Swallow a pill to recover Qi. Yan Qingwu continues to fight.

After all, she was a great emperor. How could she be so easily captured.

Unconsciously, a day and a night passed.

Yan Qingwu's real Qi began to get messy.

This day and night, she did not know how many pills she had taken, which had begun to affect the quality of her true Qi.

"Don't struggle. Why make yourself in such a mess? The woman our country wants has never been denied, and you are no exception."

The wind emperor's voice is illusory and ethereal. If it was replaced by other people, I was afraid that the war spirit would have disintegrated.


Yan gently danced and chided. With a knife, he split the body of Qinglei Wudi and spat out a mouthful of blood.

If it was not for Dharma and heavenly armor to weaken the power of sword light, he would surely die.

"Ha ha, you're in a trap."

Yan gently danced in the sky, red flame FA Xiang waved his hand, and a large bright net fell down.

Seeing that yanqingwu was about to be covered, a figure suddenly appeared beside Yan Qingwu. With his right hand outstretched, a big hand sprang up into the sky, holding the bright net and kneading it into a ball, together with the red flame Dharma.

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