It's not Li Fuchen who is coming.

Liangyi Fengtian disk can block general evasion, but it can't block special evasion.

Especially Li Fuchen's sword escape.

At the moment when he saw Yan Qingwu, Li Fuchen determined that the Yan Qingwu was not the Yan Qingwu he was familiar with. The God was different.

God is not the soul.

Yan Qingwu's soul flavor, in Li Fuchen's opinion, has not changed, becoming a character and sentiment.

Generally speaking, a person's personality and emotions change slowly, and it is impossible to have a big change. If there is a big change, it is probably caused by the evil spirit.

Obviously, Yan Qingwu is not a demon in the heart.

"It's you."

Yan Qingwu is a little surprised.

She underestimated Li Fuchen.

Although Li Fuchen was able to dominate Donglin at the beginning, he can be called a rare genius in Donglin.

But Donglin is just a common low-grade continent.

In this world, I don't know how many low-level continents are. In a low-level continent, it's nothing to be in a middle-level continent.

However, it is obvious that even if Li Fuchen comes to the top intermediate emperor Tiandi, he is still that immortal genius. This kind of talent and understanding is not under her at all, or even above her. After all, she has awakened the memory of the great emperor.

"Long time no see."

Li Fuchen smiles and grabs his right hand.


The red flame Dharma burst out, and the internal red flame emperor spat out blood and was seriously injured in an instant.

Li Fuchen's Kendo strength seems to be not weak, but seriously speaking, there is still a gap.

After all, the hand of force is equivalent to the medium level martial arts of heaven level, and the power of the medium level body refining martial arts of heaven level is not much worse than that of the high-level true Qi martial arts of heaven level.

Li Fuchen could not even see the shadow of his physical strength if he didn't bear the six sword ideas, if he didn't have Huo Dun and jiandun.

With fire escape and sword Dun, Li Fuchen can attack and retreat to keep up with the pace of physical strength.

"Who is it?"

The wind emperor was very angry, and the wind shadow method changed into a long gun, and suddenly stabbed Li Fuchen.


One hand, holding the point of the spear.

With a click, the spear was crushed.

In front of the hand of force, Dharma Chang gun is not much harder than tofu.


Behind him, the blue thunder FA Xiang's whole body thunders, a huge thunder palm, pats to Li Fuchen.

Li Fuchen did not turn back, and he welcomed him with a backhand.


The green thunder method breaks down.

To compete with the hand of force is to seek death.

"How strong!"

Emperor Qinglei vomited a mouthful of blood and flew out in shock.

Yan Qingwu is strong enough. Li Fuchen is even stronger than Yan Qingwu.

We should know that Li Fuchen is only yuanhaijing's Jiuchong cultivation. When he is promoted to FA Xiangjing, will he not be comparable to the top Dharma prime emperor.

"Where did these two come from?"

The wind emperor's face was gloomy.

A swallow dance has already been an anomaly, plus a Li Fuchen, it is the difference in the difference.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the two people do not fall and have a smooth journey, sooner or later they will become the existence of the soul emperor.

"No, they have to be taken."

Wind emperor secretly crushed a token.


The capital of the blue sun empire was called the blue sun imperial city.

This is a very prosperous super city. Its size is several times larger than the average state city.

In the center of the blue sun Imperial City, there is a city in the city -- the blue sun palace.

On the Jiuyang tower of the blue emperor palace, the Lord of the blue sun kingdom is meditating in seclusion.


On the shelf ahead, a token was broken.

The king of blue sun looked at the broken token with a word "urgent".

"In such a hurry, what happened to the wind emperor?"

The Lord of blue sun frowned.

The token with "urgent" on it represents a hundred thousand anxieties. It needs him to act in person.

The wind emperor can't make fun of this kind of thing.

The transmission array is built in the Jiuyang building. The wind emperor steps into the transmission array and disappears.

Near the border of the blue sun empire, near the Xuankong mountain, the Lord of blue sun appears on the transmission platform in a county city.

Before people around him find out his existence, he has become a big blue sun, hiding in the void.

Yang Dun is the unique top-level escape skill of the Lord of blue sun.


In the core of the fury axe yuan, the huge palm of the hand flies like a fly, which flies the three people of the wind emperor, and the FA Xiang collapses.

Li Fuchen, who was about to be hot, suddenly felt numb and said to Yan, "go!"Yan Qingwu seemed to think of something, followed up.

Leisure ordinary flight speed is not fast enough, Li Fuchen said: "display the evasion technique, march toward the depth, the deeper the better."

Just now, a terrible crisis came to my mind, which is unprecedented.

When Jian Dun showed up again, Li Fuchen had already reached 200 li away.

Yan Qingwu's evasion is Dao dun. Although she has not condensed her heart and can't give full play to the full potential of Dao rules, her understanding of Dao rules should be based on Li Fuchen's understanding of Kendo rules. The speed of using DAO Dun is not slower than that of Li Fuchen, or even a few points faster.

The reason why Li Fuchen's sword Dun can ignore Liangyi Fengtian pan is that it condenses the heart of the sword. Otherwise, even if Li Fuchen's understanding of the rules of Jiandao is several times stronger, he can't ignore Liangyi Fengtian pan.

After all, Liangyi Fengtian plate is the master of blue sun's favorite secret treasure. It's not ordinary.

A thousand miles.

Ten thousand li.

The two only blinked more than 10000 miles away, and they could no longer use the evasion technique.

The rules of the axe road here are extremely rich, penetrating into the deep void.

Except for the axe path rule, all other rules are broken.

They were split straight out of the void, disheartened.

Against the strong rules of axe path, the two continue to move forward.

Fortunately, both of them have fury axe grass, which helps them offset a lot of axe rules. Otherwise, it is impossible to move forward easily.

Card wipe! Card wipe!

The void is like a mirror.

The rules of the axe path here are so strong that Li Fuchen feels that there are countless axes chopping on him all the time. He has no choice but to urge the heaven wheel sword armor to protect himself.

I looked at Yan Qingwu from my side.

Yan Qingwu's body is also permeated with a layer of knife meaning, which is like a black halo. The axe path is cleaved up in a regular way, like a clay ox entering the sea, soundless.

Twenty thousand miles behind him, a blue sun appeared out of thin air.

"Lord of the kingdom!"

Wind emperor three people quickly respectfully clasp fist.

"What happened?"

The Lord of blue sun frowned.

The wind emperor stepped forward and talked about the things before.

"In what direction did they go?"

There was a flash in blue sun's eyes.

Whether it was Yan Qingwu or Li Fuchen, he was very surprised.

At the level of Yuanhai boundary, you can have such a powerful combat power, which absolutely contains the secrets of heaven.

Just like the original soul emperor.

"They seem to be heading deep into the heart of the earth!" Qing Lei Wudi road.

"You go back first."

The master of the blue sun Kingdom operated the blue sun skill, and a blue giant Dharma form, which was as high as ten thousand feet, was immediately condensed. Behind the giant Dharma Master's head, there was a round of blue sun.


The Lord of blue sun disappeared.

More than ten thousand miles away, the leader of blue Japan was split by the rules of axe road.

Although he is the great emperor, he is not as strong as the axe rules in the core of Nu ax yuan.


The blue sun Dharma expands wildly.

100000, 200000, 300000

In the blink of an eye, the blue sun Dharma expands to the size of 500000 Zhang.

We should know that one Zhang, three meters three meters, five hundred thousand feet, which is equivalent to the size of three thousand three hundred Li, which is larger than most of the demon emperors, or even more than ten times larger.

This is also a special feature of FA Xiang. As long as you have enough true Qi, you can become infinitely bigger. Of course, the bigger the FA Xiang is, the weaker the combat power will be. Under normal circumstances, the emperor of FA Xiangjing will not make the FA phase change bigger without any reason. After all, it is of no use if you can't improve your strength.

But the Lord of blue sun didn't care. He was the great emperor. Even if he became so many times bigger, he could still maintain the high-level emperor's combat power in the FA Xiang state.

Five hundred thousand Zhang is not the limit of the Lord of blue sun. His Dharma is still growing.

One million feet, two million feet.

After reaching 2 million Zhang, the Lord of blue sun stopped.

Two million Zhang, equivalent to more than ten thousand li, is an extremely frightening figure. Many small mountains are only more than ten thousand miles in size.

The blue sun Dharma phase, which has become countless times larger, is much thinner. It looks like a transparent giant with blue light. He strides forward with a wave of his hand, trying to make the white core more clear.

Ahead, Li Fuchen and Yan Qingwu notice the movement and stillness, and can't help looking back.

At this, they were surprised.

In the white field of vision, they saw a little blue finger.

This little blue finger is too big, hundreds of miles in size. It's hard to imagine how big the owner is.

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