See the red hongzong is in danger, Li Fuchen a wave, thousands of demon king all destroyed.

In a few moments, they came to the Red Sea.

Once the overlord of the Red Sea, now the Chijiao emperor, saw a human suddenly appear in front of him, some Lengshen.

Li Fuchen is too lazy to talk nonsense. He grabs the Red Dragon Emperor and kills him.

However, this time he did not make the other party into a blood mist, but kept the whole body. After all, the body of the demon emperor is very precious, useless to him, and undoubtedly very useful to the red rainbow sect.

Carrying the body of the Red Emperor, Li Fuchen returns to the red rainbow sect again.

"Are you?"

The red rainbow king did not recognize Li Fuchen for a while.

Li Fuchen said: "I'm Li Fuchen. I used to be a disciple of the red rainbow sect. Later, the Chihong clan retreated from the emperor's heaven, and I stayed."

"CHIZONG, are you my disciple?"

The red rainbow King suspected that he had heard wrong.

Now he is just the strength of the emperor of war. It is impossible for him to break through the Dharma Realm for hundreds of years. Unless he can stay in the emperor's heaven, Li Fuchen, a disciple, leaps into the sky and achieves the Dharma Realm.

And the other side actually found the seven color continent from the emperor's heaven. How strong is this.

For a moment, the red rainbow king felt his world view had been overturned.

In the next few days, all the people in the red rainbow clan knew who Li Fuchen was. After all, Li Fuchen had lived in the red hongzong for a period of time, and many people knew him.

"Can chihongzong want to go back to the emperor heaven again?"

Red rainbow hall, Li Fuchen asked the red rainbow king.

"Yes, of course, but emperor Tiandi?" The red rainbow King hesitated. Emperor Tiandi was not so easy to mix with. Otherwise, he would not have returned to the seven color continent in confusion, even destroying the transmission array.

has the final say never mind. Li Fuchen road.

has the final say?

On hearing this, the red rainbow king and the elders of the red rainbow clan looked at each other.

If what Li Fuchen said is true, then Li Fuchen is definitely not an ordinary emperor in the legal environment, but a great emperor.

For a moment, everyone was dizzy.

Li Fuchen then said: "the only thing that is a little troublesome is that you need to go to a low-level continent if you want to go to the emperor heaven." Donglin has a transmission array that can be transmitted to Emperor heaven. If he is alone, there will be no problem. There are too many people and the distance between the two continents is not short. It will be troublesome. Moreover, it is not known whether the will of Donglin will obliterate the people whose accomplishments are beyond the birth state. He can not be afraid of others.

The red rainbow king came back to his mind and said, "don't worry about this. I live in emperor heaven and have a very hidden transmission array. Now, as long as you install space crystal on the transmission array here, you can directly transmit it."

The reason why the transmission array can transmit to each other is that the patterns of the transmission array on both sides are the same, so that they can attract each other and transmit accurately. Unfortunately, there is only such a large space crystal stone left in the red rainbow sect, and the smaller space crystal stone can not maintain such a long transmission. Therefore, the red rainbow king has not started the transmission array, and he intends to wait for his strength to improve Go up a little, and then go to Emperor heaven.

"It's best."

Li Fuchen didn't expect that the red rainbow sect still had a hand.

After staying for a few days in chihongzong, Li Fuchen went back to changqingwu academy by the way.

After leaving some resources that could help President Meng chixing break through the Yuanhai boundary, and then gave some resources to some familiar people, Li Fuchen inspired the conveyor disk and returned to Donglin.


As soon as Li Fuchen came to Donglin, the will of Donglin had a reaction, and the wave of destruction swept over him.

Li Fuchen's realm was too high, and Donglin mainland felt a severe threat.


Li Fuchen was a little surprised.

He thought that the will of Donglin was unable to suppress him. Unexpectedly, Donglin was more powerful than he imagined. At least, this suppression was stronger than the seven color mainland.

The spirit talent displays, the breath of Li Fushen disappears immediately.

At the same time, the wave of destruction between heaven and earth gradually converged.

"It seems that Donglin is not as simple as the lower continent?"

Li Fuchen's secret way.

The only difference is that too many people left Donglin through the teleportation array.

As soon as Li Fuchen's spiritual knowledge was swept away, there were not many budding martial artists in the whole Donglin continent.

Fortunately, all the people he valued were in Ye's family, and most of the people in canglan sect were also there.

Without returning to Ye's home immediately, Li Fuchen plans to explore the secrets of Donglin.

First of all, Li Fuchen came to Qiwu secret place.

After sweeping through the soul, Li Fuchen found a space.

If there is no accident, this space is the secret place of martial arts.Bang!

To Li Fuchen's surprise, he could not enter the secret place of Qiwu.

This means that Qiwu secret place is also a secret realm created by the emperor. If it is a secret realm formed by heaven and earth, it should not be impossible to enter.

"By the way, Qiwu secret place has the spirit of secret realm. I have never heard of it. Which secret place has the spirit of secret realm?"

Li Fuchen suddenly thought of a thing.

There are many secret realms in the heaven and the emperor. There are many secret places created by the emperor, but none of them has the spirit of the secret realm.

"I don't know where the star road is?"

Li Fuchen's spiritual knowledge penetrated into the void and searched for it in the Donglin mainland and even the surrounding waters, but there was no trace of the secret place of Xinglu.

In the end, the biggest secrets of Donglin mainland, Li Fuchen still has no clue.

If he didn't know there was something special about Donglin, he would be a fool.

Finally, Li Fuchen came to the valley with the transmission array.

This transmission array allows people from Donglin mainland to transmit to Emperor heaven.

It's just that Li Fuchen doesn't know whether he will restrict his cultivation.

The transmission array is different from the transmission disk. The transmission disk is more mysterious and complex. Even if the transmission distance is not enough, it can still be transmitted, but there will be a void in the middle. If the space crystal of the transmission array is not large enough and the cultivation of the transmitter is too high, it is likely that the transmission error or transmission can not be carried out.

After all, there is a big difference between the teleportation of the unborn warrior and the teleportation of the Dharma Realm emperor.

Before he came back, he had made a plan to try the transmission array of Donglin. He believed that he had an empty mind. Even if the transmission was wrong, there should be no danger to his life. If he could not, he would have to go back to the emperor's heaven.

Fortunately, there is a teleportation array to Emperor heaven in the land of seven colors. He doesn't need to try.


Looking at the transmission array carefully, Li Fuchen suddenly found that this was not a general transmission array. When his spiritual consciousness swept through the transmission array, he saw an arrow shaped pattern in the deep of the void. Moreover, the transmission array did not use space crystal stones.

"The people who built this transmission array are more than ten times as good at the rules of emptiness than I am."

Li Fuchen's eyes flashed.

The transmission array can be built without space crystal. It represents that the opponent is not only the sage of the array Road, but also the king of the void Dao, and the very top king of the void Dao.

"It seems that this teleportation array is really possible to transmit me to the emperor heaven land."

Li Fuchen's secret way.

With Li Fuchen's return to Li's home, Li's house is full of excitement and noise.

Li Fuchen has been away for a long time. Almost all of a sudden, Li Fuchen came back.

The Li family has changed a lot. In the past, there were not many Disha states in the Li family. Now they are almost all gone. In addition, the number of Tiangang States has exceeded 10. As for those who have reached the goal of cultivating themselves, only Li Fuchen's parents, Li Tianhan and Shen Yuyan, have reached the goal.

To Li's surprise, his parents really gave him a younger sister.

Her sister's name is Li Fuxiang. She is only six years old. She is timid and dare not speak when she wants to speak.

Li Fuchen laughed and picked her up.

It may be the reason for his high accomplishments, but it may also be the reason for his good luck. The root bone of the little guy is much higher than that of Li Fuchen. I don't know how much. It is actually the five-star root bone.

There are still some differences between the natural five-star root bone and the acquired five-star root bone. If the environment is equal, the achievement of the congenital five-star root bone will undoubtedly be higher than that of the acquired five-star root bone.

Since my sister has a congenital five-star root bone, it shows that even in Donglin, she can also practice to the unborn state. When she comes to the seven color land and the emperor heaven land, she has great hope to cultivate to the Dou Ling state. If combined with the top resources, the Dou spirit state is very common, even if it is Yuanhai state, there is no small hope.

He didn't plan to stay in Donglin for a long time. The next day, Li Fuchen told the Li family and canglan Zong about the purpose of his return. If they wanted, they could go to the seven color continent, where the cultivation environment was better, and they could also go to the more advanced emperor heaven land.

No accident, everyone will.

Since everyone was willing to, Li Fuchen began to think of a way to go to the seven color continent.

There are two ways, the first is to build a big ship, and then cross the ocean to the seven color continent.

With Li Fuchen in, there will be no danger along the way. After all, in such a small place, the probability of meeting a demon saint is too low, infinitely close to zero.

But this method takes time, at least a few years.

The second method is to build a teleportation array. As long as we build a teleportation array in each of the seven colors and Donglin continents, we can communicate with each other in the future.

To do so, Li Fuchen came to the seven color continent and asked the only king of the red rainbow sect to help build the transmission array. As for the space crystal stones, Li Fuchen had some of them, so he didn't need to use them.

Although it took time to build the transmission array, it was completed in a few months.This transmission array is a medium-sized transmission array. It can transmit 100 people at a time. The required inferior spirit stone for one transmission is 50 million. On average, one person is 500000. Obviously, it consumes lower spirit stone than the transmission tray.

Fortunately, Li Fuchen doesn't have much, that is, there are many spirit stones. At his level, in addition to the top-grade spirit stones, there are some rare ones, and the middle-class spirit stones and the lower grade spirit stones are basically as many as they want, so it's useless to stay on him.

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