Emperor Tian continent, an underground cave.


A ray of light fell, and Li Fuchen's figure emerged.

The teleportation array between the seven color land and the emperor's heaven continent is a small and medium-sized transmission array, which can transmit 20 people at a time. However, Li Fuchen's cultivation is too high, and one person is worth 20 people. Fortunately, he is a triple state of FA Xiangjing. If it is a high-level one, it may not be able to transmit.

"It's heaven and earth."

Li Fuchen felt the impression of emptiness left by himself.

Over the next few days, a batch of people from the mainland came.

Li Fuchen arranged these people to Hang Kong Mountain.

"It's a strong vitality of heaven and earth."

Li Tianhan and Shen Yuyan look shocked.

The vitality of heaven and earth in the land of seven colors is strong enough, many times as much as that of Donglin. Unexpectedly, the vitality of heaven and earth in the land of heaven and earth is more than ten times stronger than that in the land of seven colors. People are more popular than dead people. It is estimated that even ordinary people can easily cultivate themselves to the evil state of returning to yuan.

"There should be no suspense for me to break through the fighting spirit state when I practice here."

Zhao Wuji was excited.

At first, he was old enough. Later, with the help of Li Fuchen, he broke through to the birth state and doubled his life span. So now he looks more energetic than ever, and has not become old with the passage of time.

On one side, Zhao Mingyue is also there.

She is one of the few young people who did not leave Donglin through the teleportation array.

In fact, the reason why few people leave the Li family and canglan sect is mainly because of Li Fuchen.

If it had not been for Li Fuchen, perhaps they would have left Donglin and gone out to make a living.

The hanging mountain is very large, not to mention hundreds of people, even if thousands of people come, it can be easily placed. Moreover, because of Li Fuzhen's relationship, the hanging mountain does not arrange these people in the corner, but on the top of the cultivation peak.

After arranging all the people, Li Fuchen plans to practice well. Although he is very strong now, no one can do anything about him in the emperor heaven. But if he goes to the high-level mainland, he will be nothing.

"First of all, we have to create the 40th layer. Naturally, the 41st layer is not far away. A year later, Li Fuchen's Shenhuo sword Yuangong broke through to the 41st layer again.

But two years later, the soul emperor and others still did not appear, even the door of the dark night and the blood Luo society disappeared.

Li Fuchen frowned, one day do not get rid of these people, he always feel that the emperor heaven land is not very safe.

His body soared into the sky, and Li Fuzhen came to the thunder and lightning layer.


Li Fuchen was bombarded by thunder, and sparks were splashed all over the sky.

Although there was no breakthrough in his cultivation, Li Fuchen's sword yuan was more than doubled. With the support of Jianyuan, the sword meaning of Tianlun sword armor was twice as strong as before, which easily resisted the thunder.

The middle part of the lightning layer and the upper part of the lightning layer.


A black thunderbolt fell violently, which not only broke the sword's meaning, but also broke the regular force field. As a result, Li Fuchen could only plunder it down and did not dare to direct its front.

"It seems that only by breaking through the level 42 of Shenhuo sword Yuangong, or by breaking through the cultivation of body cultivation to the level of Dharma, can there be any hope."

Li Fuchen's body cultivation has made rapid progress, but without the best spirit stone or heaven level high-level body refining herbs, we can't break through to the Dharma Realm in a few years.

There are a lot of high-level herbs in Tianzhu and Tiantian, but there are almost no trace of them.

"You can go to the latent shadow abyss."

The latent shadow abyss is under the ground, and the spirit stone is bred by the mainland. The lower you go, the higher the chance of finding the best spirit stone.

The best spirit stone was found in qianyingyuan before.


With Li Fuchen's spiritual consciousness, it is easy to find the bottom layers of latent shadow abyss.

After all, these latent abysses were created only by fighting. Unlike the emperor's garden and Qiwu secret place, they were deliberately created. It was not difficult for Li Fuchen to find and enter.

In the lower latent shadow abyss, shadow corpses and violent corpses are very powerful, which clearly reach the level of Dharma Realm. Although most of them are at the lower level of Dharma Realm, it is not so easy for the great emperor to destroy them in the latent shadow abyss.

Li Fuchen doesn't need to fight at all. He has an empty heart and is free to come and go in the shadow abyss.

One week, two weeks

Li Fuchen never sleeps, looking for more than a month in the abyss of the underlying shadow.

"It's no wonder that the master of Kongkong mountain doesn't have the best spirit stone. Although they have obtained it, it's only luck."

For more than a month, Li Fuchen found hundreds of thousands of high-quality spirit stones.

Li Fuchen speculated that there must be many of the best spirit stones in the emperor heaven land, but the emperor heaven land was too big, and these excellent spirit stones were hidden in the deep underground. If there were no earthquake or latent shadow abyss and other factors, you could only find the best spirit stones by chance.There are many layers in the latent shadow abyss. The bottom layer can not be found. Li Fuchen is not discouraged. He starts from the bottom layer and gradually goes up.

As he approached the earth's surface, a surprise flashed across Li's face.

It seems that looking for the best spirit stone really depends on luck. There is no hidden shadow cave at the bottom. I didn't expect that there is an excellent spirit stone in the latent shadow abyss near the surface.

After getting the best spirit stone, Li Fuchen sat down on the plate and began to operate the power of hand.

Three days later, Li Fuchen's body training and cultivation finally entered the realm of Dharma phase and Xiaocheng. At this time, the aura in the best spirit stone still had more than 30% of its appearance.

Pulling out the sword of killing heaven, Li Fuchen chopped his sword on his arm.


Killing sky sword did not touch the arm, it was bounced.

In order to achieve the goal of Dharma Realm, Li Fuchen has stronger regular force field on his body surface,

Li Fuchen is confident that he can cut down the regular force field with one sword, but don't forget that he still has the sword intention to protect his body, and his body strength is very terrible, which is not inferior to the regular force field. With three layers of defense superimposed, Li Fuchen felt that he could not hurt himself with one sword.

He flashed out of the latent shadow abyss, and Li Fushen rose from the sky.

This time, he did not believe that he could not enter the upper part of the lightning layer.


In the upper part of the thunder and lightning layer, the dark thunder and lightning struck violently. This time, it just broke the sword's meaning, but failed to break the regular force field.

"Sure enough."

Li Fuchen smiles on his face and continues to rise.

With more and more dark lightning, Li Fuzhen's regular force field was damaged.

But Li is still rising.


When the regular force field was broken, a black layer appeared on Li's body, and at this time, Li finally came to the upper part of the lightning layer and the thermal layer.

There is nothing here, just a void and void.

Through the thermosphere, Li Fuzhen saw the starry sky.

At this time, the starry sky is incomparably real. The nearest star seems to be hanging on the top of his head. It is unimaginable to be large and unimaginable to be grand, which makes Li Fuchen feel a little palpitation.

And in the starry sky, countless stars twinkle.

If Li Fuchen is only a green soul, I'm sure I'll get some insight when I see these things. But what Li Fuchen has is a purple soul, which is two levels higher than the green soul.

So in an instant, Li Fuchen realized the rules of the stars.

The star rule is not a pure rule, but a comprehensive rule, which contains the five elements rule.

In fact, without the root of the stars, it is difficult for even the emperor to understand the profound rules of the stars.

After all, the root and bone is extremely important. What kind of root bone you have, you will be in accordance with what kind of heaven and earth road. It is very difficult for outsiders to understand the mysterious induction. Only Li Fuchen can forcibly comprehend the rules of the stars.

"It's hot."

After a period of time, Li Fuchen felt his skin was hot.

The transparent heat layer on his head, just the waste heat, can ignore the sword meaning and the regular force field, acting on him.

This represents the regular road contained in the thermal layer, far beyond the sky level high-level level.

Once again, I realized some time, until some of them couldn't bear it, and Li Fuchen just fell down.

"A few more impressions, you should be able to understand the hand of the stars."

Li Fuchen's secret way.

Before returning to Xuankong mountain, Li Fuchen's communication token suddenly vibrates.

This is a very advanced communication token, which can transmit voice.

The sword yuan poured in, and the voice of the empty mountain master sounded: "elder Li, there is a curse warrior coming out of the curse temple. Now there are countless cursed people, and we can't kill him."

"Curse the warrior?"

Li Fuzhen put up the communication token and drove to the direction of the empty mountain master.

Half a day later, Li Fuchen saw the empty mountain master.

Not only the master of Kongkong mountain, but also the leader of Honghua Kingdom, xuanming emperor and Tianyan emperor, but also Qu Qingyan.

Five people join hands to attack a strange figure with pale skin and dark and empty eyes.

The ominous breath of incomparable terror is emanating from the strange figure.

If it was not for the emperor who besieged him, he would have been cursed for a long time if he had the true intention to protect his body.

Li Fuchen only looked at it, and he knew how terrible the curse was. No matter how much trauma he suffered, he could recover in the next moment, leaving no trace on his body.

"Li Changlao is here."

The Lord of Kongkong mountain was overjoyed to see Li Fuchen. At present, it is estimated that only Li Fuchen can deal with the cursed warriors. They can only fight against them, but they can't kill them.


Li Fuchen wields his sword, and the sword light splits the body of the curse warrior.

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