Outside the arena, everyone held their breath.

The fourth is when they see swordsmen in the competition.


When a sword is sent out, the heart sword emperor is like a pool of stagnant water. In the stagnant water, there is a lasting charm of Kendo without regret. With this sword, Li Fuchen feels that everything in biwutai has been stagnated, and even his thinking has been affected.

"Heart Kendo, it's really strange."

Li Fuchen's eyes flashed with a sword.

Because of the strange sword moves of the heart madness, the picture that people see is fixed. The whole competition platform, as if frozen by invisible forces, fell into silence.

The only one that hasn't been fixed is Li Fuchen's sword.

Li Fuchen's sword, like a flash of jumping light, moves forward rapidly on the competition platform,

the void Kendo is the least likely to be frozen. If you want to freeze Li Fuchen's void Kendo, unless the Kendo realm is much higher than Li Fuchen's.

Obviously, the Kendo realm of xinjianhuang can't surpass Li Fuchen, let alone surpass Li Fuchen.

When, when, when

The light bloomed around the sword emperor in the heart. People could not see the fight between them. They could only see a group of obscure sword light and a group of bright sword light, which collided and entangled rapidly.


A piece of collar slipped off, and the sword field of the frozen competition platform suddenly dissipated. Blood splashed on the emperor's face and body.

This time, the heart sword emperor fell into the downwind completely.

It's not that the heart sword emperor is not strong enough. In fact, the fourth move of the heart sword emperor is very terrible. His sword field, like stagnant water, can freeze the void and replace it with other people, such as Tang Xing or Murong Youyu. In front of the heart crazy sword field, they can't move, just like fish on the chopping board.

But Li Fuchen is obviously stronger. He is not afraid of this kind of sword move of freezing the void. He is almost unaffected.

"Finally, I'm going to see the fifth move of the heart sword emperor. I didn't expect that Li Fuchen could push the heart sword emperor to this level."

"Yes, but that's it. The power of the heart sword from the first move to the fourth move of the heart sword emperor does not increase much, even by one or two times. However, when it comes to the fifth move, the power will be increased by more than five times. The legendary sixth move is said to be more than ten times as powerful as the fifth move. I don't know whether it is true or not."

People were talking and looking forward to it.

"The gap is too big."

Tang Xing and Murong Youyu are a little bitter.

Before the competition, they thought they could compete with the heartless sword emperor, but now they know that this is their wishful thinking.

At their level, Kendo is already close to the extreme state, but it is also close to the extreme state. During this period, every gap, reflected in the combat effectiveness, will be ten times and one hundred times. This is why some people can become famous masters from unknown origin. Once the Kendo realm has an epiphany, maybe their strength will be improved Ten times more than ten times.

Exclamation at the same time, the two also shocked Li Fuchen's strength.

Li Fuchen was the first one to push the heart sword emperor to this level.

"It's been 20 years since I've had my fifth move."

The small wound on the body closed, the heart sword emperor light way.

"Do you think I'm forcing you?"

Li Fuchen smiles.

The heart sword emperor is indeed very powerful, but in Li Fuchen's eyes, he can only be regarded as an ordinary strong enemy. His opponent is always at the level of the sword emperor. Unless the sixth move of the heart sword emperor can be infinitely close to the extreme, otherwise, he will not be able to fight him at all.

Of course, it is also a wonderful thing to deeply feel the mystery of xinkendo. Otherwise, he would have defeated each other with one sword.

"What do you mean?"

Heart sword emperor eyebrows a frown, feel the atmosphere is a little delicate.

"Come on! If I guess well, your fifth move should be similar to the first move, but more intense than the first According to the first four moves, Li Fuchen basically deduces the mystery of the fifth move of the heart sword emperor. Give him time and he can create it himself.

Smell speech, heart sword emperor pupil shrinks.

Li Fuchen guessed it right. The fifth move is indeed an enhanced version of the first move, which is called palpitation.

Heart and palpitation, one is the inner ripple, the other is the inner storm.

At this moment, Li Fuchen's feeling in his eyes has changed. Li Fuchen, who has been showing a faint smile, feels terrible to the extreme and cold to the extreme. In front of each other, he seems to have no secret.


No more nonsense, heart sword emperor burst out the fifth move of heart sword.

As soon as this move is launched, the competition stage will be filled with stormy waves, which are clearly composed of Kendo rules and do not contain any other rules.


The crowd clearly heard the sound of the surging tide, the magnificent and dangerous scene, closed their eyes and reflected in their hearts. Some people who were close to each other suddenly suddenly suddenly fell back, and their hearts were extremely colic.This sword move has reached the point of invisible injury, which is more terrible than heartache.

"What a palpitation."

Li Fuchen displays the first move of Xutian sword technique, which is empty and real. The invisible sword strength diffuses, which is impacted by the palpitation sword move of the heart sword emperor.

Virtual, virtual, real and real can also hurt people invisibly. With Li Fuchen pushing the Xutian sword technique to a level close to the extreme state, it is more than ten times and ten times more mysterious than the original one. The opponent's palpitating sword moves, whether in the clear or in the dark, are completely offset by the virtual, virtual and real.


The light shield exploded, and the sword force spread. The people who were close to each other vomited blood and flew out.

"What, the masks are all blown up?"

Before that, Tang Xing and Murong Youyu's first World War triggered a Kendo resonance, and the mask broke.

You should know that once the Kendo resonance is triggered, that kind of power is very close to the extreme situation, which is not the strength of the two people themselves.

"The mask is still too fragile for them."

With a wave of the tiger tooth sword, a new light shield covers the competition platform.

This mask, even if it is a low-level Kendo sage, can't be broken for a while and a half, and it won't have any problems until the end of the game.

The heart palpitation of the emperor of the sword is like a big wave, which does not smash the enemy into pieces. However, Li Fuchen's emptiness and reality are like the spring breeze, which seems to have no power, but in fact, it is restrained.

The sound of burst of Qi was continuous. In a moment, the two swords, at least hundreds and thousands of times, could not be counted.


Another blast spread, the heart sword emperor opened his mouth and ejected a blood arrow. His body suddenly retreated and nearly hit the light shield on the edge of the Biwu stage.

Heart sword emperor's face is dignified.

His heart sword fifth move, lost!

The loser was convinced.

It's something he didn't even think about before the game.

In the swordsman competition 20 years ago, even if the ruthless swordsman rather lacked, he did not break his heart sword fifth move so cleanly. At most, he was a little better than him.

What's more, the fifth move of his heart sword is much better than it was 20 years ago. Both its mystery and its power have been increased several times.

"Only the sixth move."

The heart sword emperor's mood returned to calm.

It's nothing to lose the first five moves. He has the sixth.

, the sixth recruit, is the cream of the first five strokes. The power is more than ten times of the fifth strokes, and the mystery is fifth times the number of strokes.

Originally this move, is for the merciless sword emperor rather lacks the preparation, now has to take out to deal with Li Fuchen.

"The fifth move can't help Li Fuchen. It seems that there is only the sixth one."

"It's incredible how Li Fuchen is so strong."

"There are too many strange people and scholars in the world. Today, a Li floating dust will appear, and tomorrow a king floating dust will emerge. Who can say clearly?"

At the moment, people in the audience, people under the martial arts competition stage, or some top experts on the emperor's list are all concentrating. The sixth move of the heart sword emperor is not a joke. It may be enlightening to them.

"This sixth move should be related to the fourth one."

In a class a box, the sword emperor smiles faintly and his eyes are like a torch.

His level of Kendo is so high. If you just watch the first five moves, you can deduce some clues of the sixth move.

"My sixth move, since its creation, has never been used in front of people. If you accidentally kill you, don't blame me." The heart sword emperor's voice, with the meaning of death, breathtaking.

"Even if I die under your sword, I'm not good at learning. It's none of your business."

In swordsman competition, you can't kill people deliberately. In general, even if you want to kill people deliberately, you can't do it. The Kendo sage will not stand idly by. Of course, there is no absoluteness in everything. If even the Kendo sage has no time to help, you will die in vain.

But these are not things that Li Fuchen is worried about.

In terms of comprehensive strength, let alone the heart sword emperor, even if it is a low-level Kendo sage, it is not so easy to kill him.

"Be careful, heartburn."

The heart sword emperor's sense of death became more and more intense. With one sword, the whole Biwu platform emptiness fell into a state of ruin. Visible to the naked eye, there were cracks and decay on the ground of the Biwu platform, and there were also subtle decaying sounds from the mask.

Xinshang sword moves clearly contain the true meaning of death. The true meaning of death can be deduced by Kendo rules. Only by this point, can everyone be shocked.

And just like the fourth move, the sixth move is heart attack, and the sword field also has the effect of freezing the void. Under the shadow of Xinshang sword field, you can't do anything but see yourself slowly decaying and dying.

Under the influence of Xinshang's sword intention, the heart sword emperor's eyes are cold and not like human beings. The fierce sword light is also freezing cold and empty."An interesting sword, the opponent will lose."

In the class a box, the sword emperor's eyes flashed a light.

This sword, even he felt very amazing, he could not imagine how Li Fuchen could stop it.

After all, although kongkendo is powerful, in front of the true meaning of death, the void will die one day, and everything will wither.

"This sword is a bit decent."

Li Fuchen's eyes flashed over the cold awn, a move of virtual Sky Sword world attack.

The realm of sword has always been the highest realm of kendo.

The power of different people's sword world is definitely different. If the sword world can reach the extreme state, it can create a real sword world.

Li Fuchen's virtual Heaven Sword realm contains void rules and sword rules. It seems not pure. But just because it contains void rules, it is easier to form a sword realm, and can make the sword world more powerful and unbreakable.

PS: on the second day after the baby was hospitalized, the blood test showed that the jaundice index of the previous day was not 20 points, but more than 25 points. It is said that the skin test was not accurate, and the blood test was accurate. One day later, it dropped to 18.6, and now it is 12. I regret that I knew I was hospitalized at the beginning. I was afraid of damaging the baby's brain nerve, A few days after discharge, but also go to a large hospital to do MRI, check whether there is any impact.

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