With a sword, the void freezes, and time seems to slow down countless times.

Click, click

Two sword moves of freezing void touch each other, and dark cracks flash out.

"This is a space crack!"

Someone exclaimed.

The rules of heaven and earth in the Holy Spirit land are too stable, and the rules of emptiness are also extremely stable. If you want to create a space crack, only the emperor can do it. It is impossible for him to be below him. But now, xinjianhuang and Li Fuchen have done this.

"How did they do it?"

Miao Chengxin is a little timid.

"This is because their sword moves have the effect of freezing the void. Once they collide with each other, the freezing effect of the void will be superimposed, and then it will collapse."

In his heart, Chu Kuang is still very concerned. If Xin Jian Huang and Li Fuchen join hands, he will be in danger of life, although they can not join hands to deal with him.

Space cracks flash from time to time, crackling sound, very amazing, but the sword emperor and Li Fuchen have ignored these, sword moves crazy collision, want to completely suppress each other.

"Did you carry it?"

Heart sword emperor eyebrows a frown, feeling that the situation has been out of control.

Only he knew how powerful his heart wound sword move was. He never thought that Li Fuchen could resist it.

"I underestimated it."

The first time did not suppress each other, let Li Fuchen also some surprise.

You should know that his virtual Heaven Sword realm is not the sword realm, but the sword realm. Before the Yuanji sword technique was created, the Xutian sword realm was his strongest Assassin's mace.

The sword moves of the two men are still colliding. In the space crack, from the thickness of the iron wire at the beginning to the thickness of the chopsticks, the terrifying annihilation power burst out in the cracks, making the light flicker on the competition stage. Once anyone under the holy monarch enters the scope of the light, it will disappear instantly.

"Give it to me!"

The sword in the hand of the emperor of the heart sword has a mottled color.

A sword stabbed Li Fuchen.

After all, the long sword in his hand is only a medium level sword of heaven level, which is hard to bear such a powerful sword move.

"I'll see how you break it."

The sword in Li Fuchen's hand also stabbed in front.

The difference is that there is no damage to the sword in his hand. The flowing light makes the sword extremely sharp.


Almost for a moment, the long swords of the two men were against each other, and the space cracks spread out at the tip of the sword.

The naked eye can see that the sword in the hand of the emperor of the heart sword has cracks, which is the result of the double damage of Xinshang sword moves and space cracks.

On the contrary, the sword in Li Fuchen's hand is the same.


After a breath, the heart sword emperor's sword, broken.

The heart sword emperor looks fierce. He used to hold the sword with his right hand. The two fingers of his food rose together and stabbed forward. Countless pieces of the sword shot at Li Fuchen. There was a terrible sense of heartache on it. Even the sword meaning was stronger than before and more fierce.

The long sword is broken, and it also implies the intention of the sword.

"Good come."

Li Fuchen twisted his sword and twisted the fragments of the sword into a piece of silver paste.

In front of the virtual Sky Sword interface, it is impossible for the opponent to break through his defense.


The sword king of the heart flies back like a bird.

Li Fuchen can feel that the other side's intention to fight has disappeared.

"You won."

The heart sword emperor's voice is calm, but his heart is bitter.

Unexpectedly, he lost to Li Fuchen before the duel with the merciless sword emperor.

No matter how reluctant he is, the fact is the truth.

But he won't resent it, because he won't lose.

If a swordsman can't face up to the failure, he doesn't deserve to be a swordsman.

"Let's go."

Li Fuchen converges the sword meaning.

Xinjianhuang is still very strong. Without Yuanji sword technique, his sword skill is just one step better than the general plan.

And from the other side's heart Kendo, he learned a lot.

These things can save him a lot of hard work.

"Remember, don't lose."

Heart sword emperor has his own pride, since Li Fuchen defeated him, he hopes that the other side has always won, so that he lost is normal.


Li Fuchen nodded.


Under the stage, Li Jianxin snorted.

With Xinjian emperor stepping down, the audience has already talked about it.

"The heart sword emperor is defeated, how can I feel oneself in the dream, too unreal."

"The heart sword emperor ranks fourth in the list of sword emperors. Now, I'm afraid that he will be ranked fifth. This Li Fuchen is not a black horse, but a black dragon in the end.""Li Fuchen is so strong, I don't know how strong Li Jianxin is. This swordsman competition will not be a alternation of the old and the new!"

The failure of the heart sword emperor is undoubtedly an earth shaking thing for people, and it also makes them question. Since the heart sword emperor has been defeated, the merciless sword emperor may lose. Even the sword emperor and the sword emperor may lose, but the time has not yet come.

The nine competition platforms were competing at the same time, and soon it was Li Jianxin's turn. However, Li Jianxin's opponent was just an ordinary swordsman, and he directly admitted defeat.

Next, the ruthless sword emperor's opponent also admitted defeat.

It's the next round.

"No. 6 competition stage, Xiao Yuan vs. Li Jianxin."

There is a trace of excitement in the referee's voice. If you can see such a wonderful battle, who can not be excited except Kendo.

On the competition stage, the situation was very fierce.

After a while, the heart sword emperor had reached the fourth move, but after the four moves, he didn't get the upper hand at all. The opponent's sword skill was obviously weaker than him, but his sword sense was very strong, as if the sword in his hand was not a heaven level medium level sword, but a heaven level high-level sword.

The fifth move.

The sword moves of the heart sword emperor, like the waves, swept to Li Jianxin.

"You are entitled to see my Li family's Tianxing sword technique."

The Li family used to be the sage king's family. This Tianxing sword technique was created by the first sword king in the history of the Li family.

There is only one word in this sword technique, that is fast.

It's too fast to react.

Li Jianxin launched the first move of Tianxing sword technique -- heaven and earth let us go.


A bunch of white light ran across the competition platform. For a moment, it seemed that there were countless Li jianxins on the competition stage. Each Li Jianxin was holding a long sword and stabbing Xiangxin sword emperor at a speed exceeding the limit.

The heart sword emperor was very embarrassed to resist. The fifth move was only half issued, and the sixth move was rushed.

The opponent's swordsmanship is too fast. If he does not change his moves, he will be defeated in an instant.

As soon as the heart of the sixth move is grieved, the void freezes, and Li Jianxin's sword technique slows down.

However, it is only slow and can not directly freeze the opponent's sword technique.

After all, this is Jijing sword technique, even if Li Jianxin has not practiced it to the extreme.

"The second move is sky light flying sword."

The first move slows down, and Li Jianxin makes the second move.

With this move, the light on the competition platform flashed, and a sword light like a waterfall flew towards the sword emperor of the heart.

Take a closer look, where is a sword light, it is clear that countless sword lights overlap together and move forward at a speed beyond the limit, just like a river of light shuttling through the universe.

The heart sword emperor's heart war sword moves, from the outside to the inside, the waterfall sword light is frozen, but the sword light is too much. After freezing one layer after another, most of the sword light still flies. The heart sword emperor's sword collides with one of them, and sparks are splashing, and the gaps are everywhere.


A mouthful of blood spurts out, the heart sword emperor flies upside down.

No matter how strong he is, he can't resist so much sword light.

The opponent's Tianxing sword technique is really terrible. It is worthy of being created by the sword master.

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