Two and a half days later, the speed of thinking suddenly drops, and Li Fuchen wakes up from meditation.

"It's much better than expected. The first six moves of Tianxing sword all reached the second level extreme state. Although the seventh move only barely touched the first-class extreme state, I didn't know the horror of the first-class extreme state at that time, but the biggest harvest was Yuanji sword."

Originally, Li Fuchen didn't plan to study Yuanji sword technique. He was afraid that he didn't have enough time.

But the plan can't keep up with the changes, and there are some things that he can't control.

Just when he pushed the first six moves of Tianxing sword technique to the second level extreme state, the boundless sword of Yuanji sword actually swallowed up the meaning of Tianxing sword. It was automatically deduced and crossed two levels to reach the first-class extreme state, which was much better than the seventh move of Tianxing sword.

Li Fuchen guessed that this was related to the intention of Yuanji sword technique.

Yuanji is the original meaning. Yuanji sword technique naturally pursues the origin of kendo.

The boundless sword sea means the boundless Kendo sea, which can accommodate all kinds of rivers. The so-called "hundred rivers" is naturally a hundred schools of kendo.

In a word, if Li Fuchen wants to promote Yuanji sword technique to supreme sword technique in the future, he must learn many Jijing sword techniques and absorb the sword meaning of these Jijing sword techniques. Otherwise, it will take too long to deduce and understand by himself.


He exhaled a breath, and Li Fuzhen grew up.

"With my current strength, I have been able to fight with xuanming sword king. If I meet the green flame Emperor Zhu Nanshan, even if I can't beat each other, I won't be defeated."

Zhu Nanshan has the first-class Jidao secret treasure and many details. He is born in an invincible position. Li Fuchen is not an opponent, but it is impossible to be crushed.

First, external forces are always external forces, which are not as easy to use as their own, and will eventually show flaws.

Second, Li Fuchen is the sage of body refining, and he can resist much more than xuanming sword king.

In the next few days, Li Fuchen has been familiar with the changes brought about by the eighth level Yuanji sword skill.

He found that in Fengyun City, once the eighth layer of Yuanji sword skill was operated, the cultivation results in three days were equivalent to half of the aura of the best spirit stones. That is to say, in Fengyun City, his two months of hard training is equivalent to absorbing one of the best spirit stones.

It doesn't seem like much, but don't forget that Li Fuchen's life span has been over 100000 years since he became immortal. Two months' hard cultivation is equivalent to absorbing one excellent spirit stone, and one year's hard cultivation is equivalent to absorbing six excellent spirit stones, 60 in ten years, 600 in 100 years, 6000 in 1000 years and 60000 in 10000 years.

Moreover, Li Fuchen is only a quasi Saint now. When Li Fuchen becomes a saint, the efficiency of absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth will be increased by more than ten times. By then, ten thousand years of hard cultivation will be able to absorb more than 600000 excellent spirit stones.

Of course, this is without considering the bottleneck.

But it's hard to say whether Li Fuchen has a bottleneck.

In addition, it is impossible for people to practice all the time. In 10000 years, it is very exaggerated to have two or three thousand years of hard cultivation. If you don't do anything, you will not achieve great success. Moreover, it is easy to cultivate the mind demons.

However, in the next few days, Li Fuchen made another discovery. With the promotion of Yuanji sword skill to the level of third level extreme state, he found that his cultivation level had been improved a lot. Originally, it was estimated that as long as ten or twenty top-quality spirit stones could be promoted to the later stage of quasi sainthood, now it is estimated that it will take about 40 or 50 pieces. Although we can calculate the speed of his cultivation, But who knows what changes will happen in the later period. After all, Yuanji sword skill has only been promoted to the extreme state for a few days, and the body changes have not been completely completed. Maybe in a period of time, it will take 100 excellent spirit stones to upgrade to the later stage of quasi saint.

"The stronger the skill is, the more genuine Qi can be contained in the same realm. If you upgrade, you will naturally need more true Qi."

Li Fuchen was not surprised. Before that, he felt that he needed too many high-quality spirit stones to be promoted to quasi saint, which was somewhat unusual.

At that time, his Yuanji sword skill was close to Jijing in addition to his high intention.

Now, his Yuanji sword skill has reached the level of the third level and has the potential of supreme sword skill.

Nature can't have changed at all.

"Although the realm of cultivation is still unable to be improved, it is not important. In terms of the quality of true Qi, my Jianyuan is definitely not inferior to the sage king."

Now his sword yuan is a hundred times stronger than before, and the true spirit of the sage is generally dozens of times stronger than that of the quasi saint.

Therefore, even if he is not a saint, there is no difference between him and him.

The king has the spirit and the spirit. He has.

The emperor has a life span of more than 100000 years, and so does he.

The emperor is really strong, and his sword yuan is also strong.

As Li Fuchen expected, half a month later, the changes brought about by Yuanji sword skill were completely settled.

Now, if he wants to break through to the late period of quasi sainthood, he needs about 80 spirit stones. It will take him at least ten years to cultivate by himself.It's hard to imagine how many high-quality spirit stones are needed to upgrade from quasi saints to saints.

Time passes, blinks, months pass.

As Li Fuchen absorbed the power of the stars in the star gems, Li's body cultivation was very close to the state of unity.

If Zhu Hairong knows after his death, he will be angry and live.

This star gem is his greatest treasure. He died before he could change it into a resource. Li Fuchen was cheap.

If the Zhu family knew that Li Fuchen got a star gem from Zhu Hairong, he would pursue Li Fuchen at all costs.

The value of a star jewel is at least 1000 of the best spirit stones, which is not a small number for the Zhu family.

At the same time, Li Fuchen's hand of the moon also reached the peak, just one step away from the hand of the sun.

As a result, Li Fuchen's physical strength will reach a very terrible level once he has completed his daily practice.

The dark blue plane, as calm as ever.

On this day, on an abandoned continent, a large number of demons gathered there. The leading demons were all demon Lords.


One of the demons waved his hand, and a dark array was inspired. Hundreds of millions of human beings in the array were turned into evil forces and integrated into the array.


Black thunder and lightning burst out. In the thunder and lightning entanglement, a door of flesh and blood rose slowly from the center of the array.

When the door of flesh and blood is opened, the first thing you see is the endless starry sky, and then an oval black egg. Around the black egg, there are countless light spots. When we get closer, we can find that these light spots are stars.

The endless starry sky twisted, a black whirlpool in the door of flesh and blood slowly rotating.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

The locust like figures come out of the black whirlpool of the flesh and blood gate. If you look at it carefully, you can see that there are all kinds of demons from the first level to the eighth level.

As time goes on, more and more demons come to the dark blue plane. If it looks like a plague of locusts at the beginning, it will be like a black and viscous tide, surging wildly. Within a few days, the whole abandoned continent is full of demons.

"Ha ha, after so long, you have finally found enough space for crystal stones to decorate the door of flesh and blood."

A terror Lord holding a jewel Scepter stepped out of the door of flesh and blood. Behind him, there were a group of demons whose breath was much weaker.

"Yes, Lord Andrey."

Before the arrangement of the door of flesh and blood, several evil kings quickly bent down and clasped fists.

"You did a good job."

Andry flew up into the sky, took a deep breath, and then he was intoxicated: "how fresh the air is. Compared with here, the world we live in is just stinky sludge. Next, let this seat face become our new home!"

With a wave of Andry's hand, endless demons rush out of the abandoned land. Some low-level demons who can't fly, or stand on giant Warcraft, or enter a black metal spaceship.

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