On the boundless ocean, a figure is driving alone.

The emperor is very lonely. Most of the time, they are collecting resources everywhere to prepare for the promotion of cultivation.

Not everyone is as talented as Li Fuchen, who can master the extreme state skill and sword skill. The only thing an ordinary sage can do to improve his strength and life span is to improve his cultivation. However, there are not many treasures that can make the emperor quickly improve his accomplishments.

"What is that?"

In the distance, the bearded monarch saw the dense black spots in the sky.


The bearded king was a little surprised.

At least, compared with the number of blue goblins, there are not so many goblins gathered together.

"These demons are all alien. Killing them has good luck."

The long bearded emperor attached great importance to Qi.

If you have good luck, you can get many treasures to improve your accomplishments.


Although the number of demons is very large, the long bearded emperor doesn't care about it. No matter how many demons there are, they are just ants.

With a wave of his hand, a terrifying force swept across the sky like a storm.


In the middle of the way, Qi and strength dissipated.

"Who is it?"

The bearded king is on guard.

Only the monarch level can break through the spirit of the emperor.

"The king of Terrans, it should be delicious."

In front of him, a big man appeared in the sight of the long bearded emperor.

"It's the devil, run away!"

Although there is no difference between a great man and a human being, there is a huge difference between the spirit of the devil on his body, no matter how hidden it is.

In the face of the demon king, the long bearded emperor has no unrealistic idea, only one word, that is to escape.

After all, the weakest monarch, in general, has the strength comparable to the high-level emperor, and he is just an ordinary middle-level emperor.

"Can you escape?"

Behind the long bearded emperor, another demon appeared.

"Thunderclap hand!"

His right hand flashed with electric light, and the long bearded sage clapped at the demon king.

I don't know if it's the other party's carelessness, this palm knot solid clap in the other side's chest.

But the next moment, the bearded king looked ugly.

The palm could not even break the skin of the other party. The weak current seemed to tickle the other party.


The dark red flame was just a flash, and it caught the long bearded emperor.

The long bearded emperor screamed, and the blood essence of his body was quickly swallowed up, and the remains of the body were burned by the fire and turned into fly ash.

Han rushed over and said to the fire, "Feili, you robbed my prey."

The flame became the demon king before. He grinned and said, "Gula, there are so many face saints. Why care about this one?"

He would never allow him to give up the long bearded emperor.

The essence and blood of a saint is a tonic for them.


The door of flesh and blood is more than one. On many abandoned continents on the dark blue plane, the doors of flesh and blood rise slowly.

Infinite demons come out of the door of flesh and blood.

First of all, it is found that the demons invade the demon family. After all, the ocean is the territory of the demon clan.

Very tacit understanding, demon clan and demon did not fight each other.

Demons and Terrans are the same, suitable for living on land. In this case, let the Terrans take the lead. When the Terrans can't hold on, they will fight again.

At least, the meaning of fighting with the demons is not to fight with the demons.

In front of the army of locusts like demons, continents fell.

There is no way, the strength of the demons is too strong, the same level, can be called invincible, and once the number of up, it is invincible, these occupied mainland, Terran and land demon clan work together can not stop the pace of demons.

Large numbers of humans or land demons were sent to abandoned lands, and then new flesh and blood gates rose.


"Elder Li, come to the headquarters quickly."

This day, the voice of xuanming sword king came from the elder's token.

Hearing xuanming sword King's anxiety, Li Fuchen immediately rushed to the past.

In the headquarters, in addition to the xuanming sword master, the Wanxiang sword saint, the tiger tooth sword saint and the hundred flowers sword saint are all here.

"Elders, what happened?"

Li Fuchen is curious.

Tiger tooth sword Saint deep voice way: "demon clan is invading the dark blue plane."


Li Fuchen is puzzled.

Although the demons are powerful, they are too few in number, and they can't make waves at all.No, they're talking about invasion.

Surprise flashed on his face, and Li Fuchen said, "is the demon family other plane?"

Xuanming sword King nodded, "the demons are the top class in the whole universe and occupy many planes. In history, our dark blue plane has been invaded many times. At present, the remaining demons are the traces of the original invasion. However, hundreds of thousands of years have passed since the last time the demons invaded the dark blue plane. Many people do not know that the demons are ectopic Face life, thought it was local life, so it is difficult to eradicate the demons. "

There are too many continents on the dark blue plane. There are nine high-level continents, hundreds of middle-level ones, and countless low-level ones. It is not easy to kill them all. What's more, with the passage of time, many things will be forgotten. Hundreds of thousands of years are really too long.

"Isn't there a will in the plane? Why not. "

Li Fuchen thinks that if the plane will not allow the ectopic life to come in, then no matter how strong the demons are, they will never come in.

The master of swordsman of Vientiane sighed: "the will of plane is unconsciousness, and even if there is consciousness, there is also the will of the universe. The essence of the will of the universe is natural selection, and the fittest survive. If the human race is too weak, it is normal to be destroyed."

"I see."

Li Fuchen knows clearly.

The will of the universe is the existence that dominates everything. The fight between different races and faces conforms to the dark law of the universe.

Thinking of this, Li Fuchen was worried that in front of the demon army, Donglin, Qise and Tiandi could not be stopped. He had to go there.

"No hurry." The magic way of Vientiane sword: "if the demons invade, the battle tower should be opened. Through the tower, you can send it to any war zone in the hundred war zones of the dark blue plane. This is the map of the war zone of the dark blue plane. There are signs on many continents. You can see which war zone the mainland you are going to be in."

The swordsman of Vientiane handed Li Fuchen a jade slip.

After receiving the jade slips, Li Fuchen's spiritual consciousness penetrates in.

The whole dark blue plane is an ellipse. In the center of the ellipse are nine high-level continents. Each high-level continent and its surrounding sea areas represent a war zone. In the oval central ring, there are a large number of intermediate continents. There are 27 war zones. The peripheral low-level continent like numerous stars is divided into 64 war zones. Li Fuchen has a look at it and finds that emperor Tianda has a look Land is in theater 19, land is in zone 30, and Donglin is in zone 80.

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