The old man looked at Su An and frowned, saying, "Dad! Didn't we agree to act according to circumstances? Why don't you speak up? If he runs away, where can we find such a fool? There is already one in the museum. It's useless to keep this imitation. It's also very difficult to sell it. It's better to make less money than to make no money at all!" Hearing this, the old man looked back at Su An and frowned, saying, "This kid makes me feel uncomfortable. I always feel that he is not that simple." The man was speechless: "He can find so many antiques, he must have some strength and luck, but what does it matter? This thing is originally It is a replica. We will make money if we sell it. You don't care whether it is simple or not. Making money is the most important thing! "

The old man was convinced: "Sell, sell, sell! You are right. Although this thing is a high-end imitation, it is completely untenable in front of real experts. It is not easy to meet a rich half-baked person. We can't let it go!"

The man agreed: "Yes, the rich people nowadays are not easy to deceive. They all need experts to identify it. Our things can't stand the identification. Now we have finally found a half-baked person. It is best to sell it. It is also profitable to make less money!"

The two finally reached an agreement.

The man took the bronze goblet and put it in Su An's hand, and said happily: "Brother, I just discussed with my father that the minimum price of this bronze goblet is 1.3 million. This is our final concession. After all, this is my father's most treasured antique. He spent millions to buy this bronze goblet. He has been carefully collecting it and regards it as more important than his own eyes!

Brother, let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart. If it weren't for something that happened at home recently and he was in urgent need of money, my father would not be willing to cash in this bronze goblet. The reason why he sold it to you for 1.3 million is because the bronze goblet has a small audience and is not popular among the public. It may be difficult to sell it for a while, but if you meet a buyer who likes it, this bronze goblet can be easily sold for millions!

We don't have time to find the right customer, but you can, brother. If you are not in a hurry, you can definitely find a customer who likes to collect bronzes, and you can make several times the money without any suspense! "

Holding the cold bronze goblet, Su An pretended to frown and think, and nodded after a long while with a tangled face: "Okay, I'll take it, give me the bank card, and I'll transfer it to you."

The man immediately opened the mobile banking and found the card number: "Just transfer it to this card number."

Su An took out his mobile phone.

Enter the account number.

The transfer was successful.

A few seconds later.

The man's mobile phone received a text message of 1.3 million.

After counting the balance and confirming that there was no mistake, the man and the old man finally smiled.

The man patted Su An's shoulder enthusiastically and said with a smile: "Brother, you are so straightforward. This bronze goblet is yours. This is a treasure that my father cherishes. I hope you will take good care of it."

Su An hugged the bronze goblet tightly and smiled: "I will. Then I will leave first."

"Be careful. Goodbye."

The man enthusiastically sent Su An to the door.

Su An carefully placed the bronze goblet next to the seat, waved to the man, and drove away.

Seeing this scene.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.

[Oh my god, what are you doing, Brother Su! ]

[The more I look at it, the more I think this boss is a liar. 2 million directly reduced to 1.3 million? If this is a real thing, how could it be reduced so much! ]

[Yes, yes, this must be fake. It is a ghost if a real antique worth two million can be reduced by tens of thousands. This one has been reduced by 700,000 in a blink of an eye. This is unscientific! ]

[I think it's normal. The anchor has been receiving genuine goods since he started broadcasting. He is so proud and arrogant that it is normal for him to be deceived. It's a typical example of a man who spends all day hunting geese and gets blinded by geese! ]

[I believe in Brother Su, he must have other plans! ]

Not only the fans in the live broadcast room were confused.

Even Zhao Jianbo, who was watching Su An's live broadcast, was confused.

He had seen the real bronze artifact!

And there is only one bronze goblet on the market, and there can't be a second one.

That real one can't appear here!


This one must be fake!

He hurriedly took out his mobile phone and called Su An.

At this time.

Su An was driving, and he was about to call someone to come for appraisal, but when he took out his mobile phone, he saw Zhao Jianbo's phone number.

"Boss Zhao is quite free."

He muttered and pressed the answer button.

Zhao Jianbo's voice immediately rang out: "Su An, you bought a fake! That bronze goblet is fake!"


Su An was stunned, his eyes fell on the bronze goblet.

[Item]: Tianyuan Dog Goblet from the late Shang Dynasty

[Details]: AD

From the 13th to 11th century BC, it belonged to the Xuanyuan clan of the Yellow Emperor clan...

[Value]: 13 million.

That's right!

Worth more than 10 million!

The system cannot be wrong.

He calmed down and asked, "Boss Zhao, why do you think this bronze goblet is fake? Is it because of the buyer? They do look like liars, but this bronze goblet is not necessarily fake."

"It's not because of the seller, but because I have seen this bronze goblet. There is only one unearthed so far, and that one is still well preserved, so this one is definitely fake!"

Zhao Jianbo explained.

Su An frowned slightly, and he looked at the bronze goblet again.

The system cannot be wrong.

This bronze goblet is definitely real, but there is no need for Boss Zhao to call him to lie...

After thinking for a few seconds, Su An said, "I'll come to your store right away and call Teacher Shi and the others to check whether it is real or fake. We'll know for sure after a personal appraisal."

"Well... OK, but I'll warn you first, your bronze goblet is 99% fake."

Zhao Jianbo sighed and hung up the phone.

Su An frowned and turned the car around and rushed to Jubaozhai.

[This is the first time I've seen Boss Zhao so sure about the authenticity of an antique! ]

[Didn't you hear what Boss Zhao said? Only one piece has been unearthed so far, and that one has been well preserved, so this one must be a fake! ]

[Tsk, when I watched those marketing short videos before, I thought the anchor was so good, but it failed as soon as I saw it. It's not that good. It's better to go and see the female bodhisattva, at least I can feast my eyes! ]

[Alas, I didn't expect that Brother Su would fail too. 】

A group of people below started to stir up trouble, saying that Su An had overturned the car.

Soon, a die-hard fan of Su An said.

[Overturned the hammer car! Boss Zhao is not an expert on bronze ware, and what he said may not be right. Whether it is overturned or not depends on the final identification result! 】

The water friends in the live broadcast room were arguing fiercely.

Because Su An was on the hot search again last night, the number of people in the live broadcast room has now reached 300,000!

Some people with ulterior motives started to stir up trouble in it.

Many newcomers were misled, but more old people directly fired and fought back.

Su An didn't know that the water friends in the live broadcast room were arguing fiercely about whether he had overturned the car or not. He just called Shi Jun and others to confirm the location and time.

Now he is rushing to Jubaozhai.

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