The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next thing to happen.

From a distance.

I saw Zhao Jianbo standing at the door, looking eagerly.

Beside him, in addition to Shi Jun, there was Ma Wenjun and a strange man Su An had never seen.

Su An parked the car at the door, and as soon as it stopped, Zhao Jianbo hurriedly asked: "Where are the things?"


Su An raised his hand and picked up the bronze goblet from the side and handed it to Zhao Jianbo.

Shi Jun, Ma Wenjun and the strange boy came over immediately.

I saw several people starting to study on the side of the road.

Su An held his forehead: "Let's go in first, it's not convenient to observe outside."

Zhao Jianbo nodded: "That's right."


Several people entered the store together.

Zhao Jianbo immediately took out a ruler and said while measuring: "It is 21 cm high and about 22 cm long. The size is exactly the same as the original. It is very delicate. It looks like a high-end imitation."

Ma Wenjun laughed and scolded: "Do you need to measure it? You can see it by looking at it. The carving of the dragon head is weird. The dragon horns are tall, the eyebrows are protruding, the mouth is wide but tightly closed, and the ears are stretched out to the sides. This weird and rough carving is exactly the same as the original. There is no difference. Just this point can also tell that this is a high-end imitation!"

Shi Jun took out his mobile phone, found a photo, and compared it while looking at it: "It is indeed very similar, no, it is exactly the same! There is no difference between the two pieces just by looking at the photo. Even if it is a replica, it took a lot of thought."

The other man did not speak from beginning to end, but took out a magnifying glass and carefully studied the bronze goblet under the light of the desk lamp.

Su An heard that the three people were talking about high-end imitations, and he was even more confused.

Zhao Jianbo stopped talking. As a businessman, he would not speak so rigorously and was used to leaving a line for everything. However, Shi Jun and Ma Wenjun were different. One of them was the head of an auction house and the other was the deputy director of a museum. The working environment made them speak very rigorously and would not speak carelessly about things they were not sure of.

He was already suspicious in his heart. When he saw Shi Jun talking about photos, he felt that the two were related and asked hurriedly: "What photos? Let me see."

Shi Jun looked up and handed over the phone. He raised his hand and patted Su An on the shoulder, comforting him: "Don't be discouraged. It is easy to make mistakes in the business of picking up bargains. Compared with your previous eyesight, this momentary mistake means nothing."

Su An did not reply. His eyes fell on the photo.

The photo was the same bronze goblet as the one he bought. The only difference was that it was covered by a thick glass cover.

Su An had seen this glass cover before. It was a protective cover set up by the museum to protect cultural relics.

He asked, "Is this a museum?"

Shi Jun replied, "Yes, this is the Shanxi Bronze Museum, which contains many bronze artifacts. The bronze goblet you bought is actually a Tianyuan Dog goblet from the late Shang Dynasty. There is only one bronze goblet in existence, and there is no second one. So, yours cannot be the real thing."

Ma Wenjun also said, "What Lao Shi said is right. Because the bronze goblet was popular for a very short time, only about 60 bronze goblet have been unearthed in total, and there is only one bronze goblet, which is currently stored in the Shanxi Bronze Museum. Before I came, just in case, I called the curator there to confirm that the bronze goblet was still on display in the museum and had not been lost. There had been no cultural relic robberies before, so this bronze goblet that suddenly appeared could only be a high-end imitation made by someone with ulterior motives! You know what, at first glance, this bronze goblet really looks like the real thing, it is very realistic, and it seems to have taken a lot of thought and effort, but unfortunately, there is only one real thing, and it is still well preserved, and this one can only be considered a high-end imitation. "

After hearing this.

Su An frowned even tighter.

He was sure that the system would not make mistakes, and this bronze goblet was the real thing.

But the photos in the phone, as well as the words of Shi Jun and Ma Wenjun, especially Ma Wenjun's words, made him hesitate again.

"Strange, this rust doesn't seem to be from the outside, but from the inside! ! "


A cry of surprise sounded,

which scared Su An.

He turned his head and saw that the person who spoke was the strange man who had been studying silently.

Ma Wenjun said: "I forgot to introduce him. His name is Yan Cheng. He is a senior expert in our museum. He specializes in the research of bronze and porcelain. When I received your call, he happened to be next to you. He heard that you received a bronze goblet, so he wanted to come and see it."

After speaking, he turned his head to look at Yan Cheng and asked: "

Old Yan, you just said that the rust didn't come from the outside? "

It's well known.

Because bronze artifacts have been buried underground for a long time, the rust naturally grows from the inside out.

As for the imitations outside, since the time is not enough, most of them pick up the rust from the original and transplant it to the newly made bronze artifacts, allowing the rust to spread. In this way, the naturally grown rust is different and easy to be seen through.

"Yes, Old Ma, come and take a look. The rust on it can be seen at a glance that it has been buried for many years and naturally grew from the inside! "

Yan Cheng said with a serious face.

Ma Wenjun came over and looked at the rust carefully.

At this look, his brows were also wrinkled.

The rust color is integrated with the body of the vessel, the depth is appropriate, as if integrated into one, bright and natural, without any glaring feeling floating on the surface.

"This rust color is indeed wrong. Logically speaking, imitations are all fake rust. The rust should be green but not bright, floating on the vessel, but this embroidery color is completely integrated with the vessel. This shouldn't be right!"

Yan Cheng said excitedly: "Right, I have studied bronze ware for decades. This embroidery color is obviously the rust naturally generated by burying underground, not fake rust."

"This is impossible. Take a closer look. This bronze goblet cannot be real. It is estimated that the counterfeiter is very proficient in counterfeiting rust, so it looks the same as the real thing. Study it carefully and look at it from other aspects."

Ma Wenjun pursed his lips tightly and looked serious.

"Okay. "

Yan Cheng nodded and studied it carefully with a magnifying glass.

At the same time.

On the other side.

Brother Li's Hardware Grocery Store.

The man sat on a chair and looked at his phone. The live broadcast on it was Su An's live broadcast interface.

"Haha, Dad, come and see. This expert can't tell that the rust is fake! It seems that Master He is still very strong. Even experts can't tell the real from the fake."

The old man glanced at him and snorted, "Master He is an expert in bronze counterfeiting. His ability to imitate rust is unique. This expert looks young and has no experience. He is not Master Yuan's opponent at all."

"Haha, I thought the experts in the museum were so powerful, but it turns out that they are just like this. They didn't see that this was a fake after looking at it for so long. If I had known this, I should have sold it to these experts. Maybe I could sell it for five or six million! "

"Experts are very smart. They are not so easy to fool. Fake is fake. Just because there is a real one in the museum, they will not buy it. They can only deceive the young man. Okay, stop talking nonsense. Put the things away. Boss Yuan will bring a batch of goods over later."

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