The story of Ren Yi, whose courtesy name is Xiaolou and Boyan, and whose other aliases are Shanyindao Shangxingzhe and Shoudaoshi, has been selling paintings with his father since he was young. Under his father's influence, he has developed keen observation and imitation skills, and is particularly good at painting, portraits, landscapes, flowers and birds. In his early years, he learned figure painting from Xiao Yuncong and Fei Xiaolou. He especially liked Fei Xiaolou's paintings of ladies, and even used Xiaolou as his pseudonym. Later, he was influenced by Chen Hongshou and specialized in his paintings. His works are lofty and upright, with majestic torsos. The painting of Magu offering longevity was painted by him in his middle age. The figure is handsome and magnificent, and the characters are gorgeously decorated. The fairy in the painting holds a long wooden vine handle and a string of gourds tied with a red belt, which is homophonic to "Fu Lu". The sika deer in the painting is also "Lu". The whole painting implies health and longevity, and attracts blessings and fortune. "

Su An said slowly.

After listening.

Chen Hong didn't understand antiques at all. After listening, she felt that Su An was very pretentious and looked down on him.

Although Gigi Lai didn't understand it either, it didn't prevent her from looking at Su An with sparkling eyes, and her eyes were full of admiration.

Li Jun showed a hint of surprise on his face. After he received the painting, he specifically looked up the protagonist of the painting and glanced at the protagonist's life. Therefore, he knew clearly that Su An was right, and he couldn't help but look up to him a little.

The three experts were even more shocked.

This knowledge is more profound than theirs!

They even went to look it up specifically to understand it so clearly!

This young man spoke out knowledge about Ren Yi, which was really shocking.

The three experts looked at each other and made eye contact.

The fat expert immediately walked out and came to the coffee table, saying: "Ren Yi is an outstanding painter in modern China. It's not surprising that you know him. The identification of calligraphy and painting depends on vision and experience, not rote memorization of the history of people, which will not play any role in the identification of antiques."

As soon as this was said.

Su An raised his eyebrows slightly, with a playful expression.

It seems that he is really an "expert".

He took the initiative to ask: "Then according to your vision and experience, is this painting real or fake?"

The fat expert sneered: "Hey, it's obviously us who are testing you, when is it your turn to ask us, don't you claim to be better than us experts? Can't you tell whether this painting is real or fake?"

Su An said: "It's obvious whether it's real or fake, I'm just curious about your opinions."

This remark instantly set off the three experts.

"What a big tone, the authenticity is obvious? Then tell me, is this painting real or fake!"

"It is because of arrogant people like you that the antique circle is getting worse and worse!"

"That's right, everyone can brag? But the identification of antiques does not rely on bragging, but on strength!"

The little good impression that Li Jungang had for Su Angang disappeared instantly.

Chen Hong even took the opportunity to say: "Xiao Zi, look, haven't I told you before that you should pay attention to character when making friends? You should avoid those who like to brag in the future."

Su An was targeted by several experts, but he was not afraid at all. He raised his hand and picked up the framed painting: "Although this painting uses rich colors, the color level changes are obvious, it has a strong sense of rhythm and is extremely ornamental. At a glance, it has 80% to 90% of Ren Yi's charm, but if you look closely, you will find that this is a high-imitation copy of the painting. The copyist's painting skills are not shallow. Through this painting, it can be seen that the copyist must have devoted himself to learning Ren Yi's painting skills, but no matter how much he copies, he can only learn 70% to 80% of the fur, and lacks two points of charm..."

Before he finished speaking, the fat expert suddenly laughed and interrupted him.

While laughing, he pointed at Su An: "Miss Li said that you have a sharp eye, but I can't see it. You insist on saying that a real painting is fake. It seems that you don't know how to identify ancient paintings at all. No wonder you asked our opinions just now. It turns out that you don't know!"

The thin expert also echoed: "Yes, this painting was painted by Ren Yi himself. Whether it is the painting characteristics or the portraits of the characters, they are completely in line with Ren Yi's characteristics!"

The third one directly said to Li Jun: "Boss Li, this kid doesn't understand ancient paintings at all, and doesn't know how to identify. We are ashamed to be associated with him!"

The live broadcast room exploded when it saw this scene.

[Fuck, these bald guys are too rampant! ]

[I really want to beat these three bald guys. My brother Su said it was fake, then it is 100% fake! ]

[Wait, I think something is wrong. ]

[It's wrong, because this treasure appraisal is not fair at all. There was no clear judgment on whether this ancient painting is real or fake from the beginning, and from the attitude of the three experts, it is obvious that they are following their

Judging by judgment, it means that they think the painting is real, and Su Ge raised objections, so they regarded him as not knowing how to identify ancient paintings! This is not fair at all. Who knows if the three experts made a mistake? After all, everyone can see Su Ge's strength, and he will never make mistakes! As for the three experts, it is unknown whether they are experts or "experts". 】

Li Jun didn't trust Su An in the first place. He was too young. It takes years of accumulation to do antique identification. At such a young age, he is at most an apprentice or assistant, and he can't complete the identification independently.

Not to mention that the three experts are his old acquaintances. They have helped him identify many ancient paintings and have a certain reputation in the industry. It is clear who to trust.

Li Jun said, "Your name is Su An, right? First of all, thank you for coming here in person, but the business of antique appraisal is not just about talking, it requires rich experience and vision. Obviously, you don't have these two. Maybe in a few decades you may become an expert with experience and vision, but you don't have it now, so you are not needed here."

He tactfully ordered him to leave.

But he didn't expect that Su An not only didn't leave, but also asked, "Boss Li, how much did you spend on this painting?"

Li Jun was stunned for a second, then said, "880,000."

Su An shook his head: "Too low, Ren Yi's Magu Offering Longevity Picture, the price had already climbed to 1 million 20 years ago, and now 20 years have passed, the price of this painting has not risen but fallen, don't you think it's strange?"

Hearing this, Li Jun's eyes were a little surprised.

"This painting was indeed worth a million 20 years ago, but I bought it from a friend. We have known each other for more than 20 years and have a good relationship. I followed him into the antique circle. He also introduced these three experts to me. 880,000 is certainly not a normal price, but my friend sold it to me at a half-sale and half-gift price."

Knowing each other for more than 20 years, and having a good relationship?

Bring him into the circle and introduce experts?

Professional killing of the familiar!

It has formed an industrial chain!

Su An was speechless and reminded him tactfully; "Boss Li, this ancient painting is worth 880,000 after all, have you ever considered asking other experts to take a look?"

As soon as these words came out.

The three experts panicked.

If they asked other experts to appraise it, wouldn't it be exposed!

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