The old man was very angry.

"Are you questioning the ability of the three of us?!"

"An outsider dares to question our professional ability, it's just nonsense!"

"Boss Li, this guy is a layman, he can only talk big, he can't identify antiques at all, and now he is blaming us and doubting our professional ability, it's really abominable! Either he or we can't stay here, if you leave him here, there is no need for the three of us to stay here, so goodbye!"

The three of them had a tacit understanding, one sentence after another, forcing Li Jun to drive Su An away.

Li Jun frowned. He didn't want to offend the three experts. He turned to Li Zi and said, "Xiao Zi, send your friend away."

"Dad, I think what Su An said makes sense..."

Li Zi tried to defend Su An.

"Go now!"

Li Jun raised his voice.

Li Zi frowned, looked a little aggrieved, and walked towards Su An.

Seeing this, the three experts smiled triumphantly and looked at Su An with sarcasm, waiting to see his joke.


They turned around and saw Su An taking out his mobile phone slowly.

Then he called the WeChat video call?

Invite external help?

What kind of external help can a young man in his twenties who drives an electric tricycle to collect waste invite? It's nothing more than some hard laborers on the construction site. Isn't this asking for trouble!

I really thought I could invite Director Ma!

The sarcasm on the three people's lips deepened.

Very soon.

The smiles on their lips froze.

"Hello, Director Ma? I'm Su An... I didn't receive something good... Haha, I'll definitely notify you first if there's something good... It's like this, I came across a high-end imitation painting here in Wanhua Creek, and I want you to see it..."

Su An held up his phone and explained the situation to Ma Wenjun on the other end of the video.

This sudden scene confused the people present.

"What a lie! Director Ma, I'm still a toilet!"

The fat expert looked disdainful, rushed to Su An's phone, and deliberately shouted loudly to the other end of the video:

"What kind of monsters dare to pretend to be Director Ma? I tell you, I'm Director Ma's friend, believe it or not..."

The fat expert's eyes widened the moment he saw the screen.

The harsh words he was about to say were stuck in his throat.

"Are you and I friends? Why don't I know you?"

Director Ma's questioning voice came from the phone.

This voice, this appearance, is it really Ma Wenjun?

No, this is impossible!

This must be a face-changing video, or a fake that looks like the real thing. How could he, a junk collector, know the deputy director of the museum?

"Face-changing video, there are many face-changing videos now. I didn't expect that you can change faces by playing videos on WeChat. Technology is developing very fast! But you can't use this trick to deceive us!"

The fat expert quickly thought.

Just then.

He heard a male voice from the other end of the phone: "Director Ma, Director Lu of Shanxi Bronze Museum called and said he wanted to discuss with you the treasure appraisal exchange meeting to be held in a few days..."

Then the camera turned and aimed at the ceiling.

The fat expert's breathing suddenly became heavier.

That was the ceiling of Qingjiang City Museum. In order to get closer to Director Ma, he went to the museum every day to squat with him. He was very familiar with the museum, especially the ceiling, and could tell it at a glance!

"Okay, I got it. You ask him to wait. I'll call back after I help Su An solve the problem."


Then, the camera flipped.

The fat expert saw the familiar face, and the muscles on his face trembled uncontrollably, and he squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying: "Director Ma, long time no see."

This sudden change caught the people present off guard.

Li Jun was excited: "Director Ma? Is it really Director Ma from Qingjiang City Museum?"

Chen Hong was also very excited, and immediately said: "It must be, otherwise Expert Wang would not be so excited. Husband, go show your face to Director Ma and leave a good impression. If you can get in touch with him, our business will definitely be bigger!"

The couple hurriedly tidied their clothes and moved to Su An, wanting to meet Director Ma.

The other two experts looked at each other, and Old Wang's expression didn't seem to be fake.

Is it really Ma Wenjun?

How is this possible!

Expert Wang's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he kept explaining, "Director Ma, I didn't mean it just now. I thought this guy was lying to me, but I didn't expect it was really you. Do you remember me? I'm Xiao Wang.


"Director Ma, I am Gigi Lai from the Li Group. It's an honor to meet you..."

Director Ma looked at the faces approaching on the screen and frowned, "I'm not interested in knowing who you are. Where is Su An? Return the phone to Su An. "

Hearing this, expert Wang was afraid of angering Ma Wenjun, so he had to return the phone to Su An and flattered him: "Su An, your phone, I didn't expect you really knew Director Ma, no wonder I felt you were different when I saw you, not an ordinary person, you are a future antique expert, your future is limitless..."

Li Jun also flattered him: "Su An, can you say a few words to Director Ma, I have always wanted to know him..."

The live broadcast room saw their attitude change 180 degrees, and was deeply moved.

[Reality, what a fucking reality!]

[This is how society is, those with power are closer than parents, and those without power can even bite a passing stray dog!]

[Now you know how to lick your ass, how did you treat my brother Su just now!]

[Brother Su, don't pay attention to this kind of people, they look at people and serve them, they are extremely hypocritical!]

Su An ignored the two of them directly, turned the camera over, and aimed at the picture of Magu offering longevity on the coffee table.

"Director Ma, take a look at this painting to see if it is real or fake? "

"Is this the high-quality imitation painting you mentioned? It's really fake."

His voice was so loud that Expert Wang and the others could hear it clearly, as if they had put their ears into the phone.

Oh no!

I forgot about this!

Expert Wang's brain was working fast, thinking about a solution.

Li Jun was stunned when he heard this, and asked incredulously: "Is this painting fake?"

Ma Wenjun heard it and felt a little unhappy. He said bluntly: "Why? Don't you believe me? I have seen too many imitations of this kind. Imitations are imitations. No matter how real the imitations are, they are still fake!"

Hearing the displeasure in Ma Wenjun's words, Li Jun hurriedly apologized: "Director Ma, I didn't mean that. I just didn't expect this painting to be fake. Expert Wang, please say something! "

Expert Wang turned his head away awkwardly. The more he said, the more mistakes he made. He chose not to say anything.

Ma Wenjun said again: "Su An, why waste time on this kind of imitation? I'm still waiting for you to collect the good stuff. And you have already determined that it is a imitation, so you don't need to let me see it again. Don't I know your strength? If you say it is fake, then it must be fake!"

"I've finished looking at the paintings. If there's nothing else, I'll call Director Lu back. Let's have dinner together tonight. I have something to discuss with you. That's it. I'll hang up first... By the way, if you receive good things, remember to notify me first!"

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