After the call, Su An did not put away his phone immediately after hanging up the phone. Instead, he prepared to call Shi Jun. He had a hunch that Lin Zhiwei would never let go so easily. Just in case, it would be better to sell the purple clay teapot as soon as possible! Just as he was about to look for the number, Shi Jun's number called in. "What a coincidence?" Su An raised his eyebrows and answered the phone. "Su An, did you find the things you left in the villa?" Shi Jun's voice sounded. Su An was stunned and said strangely: "I didn't leave anything in the villa?" "Really? Then Lin Zhiwei asked me for your phone number, saying that your things were left in the villa and wanted you to go back and get them?" Shi Jun's tone was full of doubts. Su An frowned at first, then relaxed. No wonder Lin Zhiwei had his number. It turned out that he got it from Shi Jun.

"You didn't lose anything, so why did Lin Zhiwei call you?"

Shi Jun asked.

Su An thought: "Because of an antique, this is exactly why I am going to find you. You are with Director Ma, right? Let's make an appointment. I have a few things to show you."

Shi Jun: "Antique? Did you receive something good in the villa? No, there is nothing good in it!"

Ma Wenjun on the side said: "It's not important, but to find a quiet place first... Hey, there is a five-star hotel in front. That place is good. Let's go there! Su An, I'll send you the address. You come with your things quickly. Shi Jun and I will go to open a suite first."

"No problem!"

Su An responded, hung up the phone, and opened WeChat.

A few minutes later.

Ma Wenjun sent the location of the five-star hotel.

"Su An, is that purple clay teapot a valuable antique?"

Liu Yun came to his senses and couldn't help asking.

Su An didn't answer directly, but smiled and said, "You'll know when we get to the hotel."

After saying that, he turned on the navigation and drove towards the location.

[Fuck, that purple clay teapot shouldn't be a treasure! ]

[It's very likely, otherwise why would Brother Su call Shi Jun and Ma Wenjun? ]

[It's just a kettle for making tea, how can it be a treasure? I think the anchor is obsessed with picking up bargains. Seeing someone offer a million to buy it, he thinks this purple clay teapot is a treasure! ]

[That's right, there are so many experts and big guys present. If it is really a treasure, there will definitely be people scrambling for it, but the reality is that no one buys it. It may not be that the anchor's eyesight is better than the experts? ]

[Nonsense, you know nothing! Brother Su's eyesight is definitely better than the experts! ]

[Does anyone remember that when Brother Su was arguing with Tang Wanwan, he said that this purple clay teapot could be sold for tens of millions! ]

[Impossible, tens of millions is too exaggerated! ]

In a five-star hotel suite.

Shi Jun sat on the sofa, poured himself a cup of tea, and took a sip to moisten his throat: "I wonder what antiques Su An brought? I glanced at the antiques in the display cabinet, and I didn't see anything good!"

Ma Wenjun saw that Shi Jun had no intention of pouring tea for him, sighed, raised his hand and poured himself a cup: "You just looked at it once, and it was fast. It's not an exaggeration to say that you just took a quick look. What can you see?"

Shi Jun couldn't help but said: "You looked carefully, so you saw it?"

Ma Wenjun coughed and looked at his watch to cover up his embarrassment: "Why haven't Su An and the others arrived yet? It's been more than ten minutes. They should have arrived, right?"

Dong Dong——

As soon as the voice fell, there was a knock on the door.

"Speaking of the devil, I'll go open the door!"

Ma Wenjun immediately got up, walked quickly to the door, and turned the handle.

"Director Ma, it's too heavy, make way!"

As soon as the door was opened, Su An was holding a large cardboard box.

Ma Wenjun was startled and quickly turned sideways to let Su An enter the room.


Su An put the cardboard box gently on the ground as soon as he entered the room.

Shi Jun heard the noise and leaned over, looking at the box curiously. Seeing that it was half a box of broken porcelain pieces, he was completely stunned: "Su An, why did you bring a box of broken porcelain pieces up? Isn't it heavy?"

Su An shook his hands and moved his wrists: "It's heavy, why isn't it heavy!"

"Then why did you bring it up?" Shi Jun was puzzled.

Su An smiled: "You'll know later."

After that, he pushed the box aside and turned to take the two gift boxes that Liu Yun was carrying.

"Teacher Shi, Director Ma, I wonder if you know anything about purple clay teapots?"

While talking.

Su An opened the box, and on the yellow silk cloth, quietly lay a smooth textured

, a purple clay teapot with perfect patina.

"Purple clay teapot? I really don't know much about it."

Shi Jun came over and looked at the purple clay teapot in the gift.

"I know a little bit, but not much. I just like to drink tea, so I know a little bit, but it's limited to a little bit."

Ma Wenjun said embarrassedly.

He knows a lot about tea, but for tea sets, he basically only knows some types. It's absolutely impossible for him to identify them.

Hearing this.

Su An was not surprised. Purple clay teapots are only played by some tea lovers. They are relatively niche. It is normal that Shi Jun and Ma Wenjun don't know about them.

It can be said that 90% of the people in the villa tonight don't know about purple clay teapots.

Shi Jun suddenly said: "Su An, it doesn't matter if we don't know about purple clay teapots. You must know. You can tell me the origin of this purple clay teapot."

Ma Wenjun also echoed: "That's right, Su An, this time you will be the judge, and we will be the audience."

"Since you two think so highly of me, I will obey your orders."

Su An was not hypocritical and agreed directly.

He carefully took the purple clay teapot in his hand to ensure that everyone could see it, and slowly said: "This purple clay teapot has a great origin. It is a stone scoop teapot made by Master Gu Jingzhou."

Ma Wenjun asked excitedly: "Gu Jingzhou?! Is it the Gu Jingzhou, the master of the generation and the master of teapot art?"

Su An nodded: "Yes, it's him! He is the first teapot artist in China to be awarded the title of "Master of Chinese Arts and Crafts" by the Ministry of Culture! He created the contemporary literati teaware and established his own purple clay theory. It is no exaggeration to say that his teapot making theory has influenced several generations of purple clay descendants, and even formed his own school, collectively known as In order to follow the Gu style, his purple clay works are mainly teapots, which are elegant and graceful. His representative works have even won the national silver medal and the national gold medal. Many of his works are also collected by collectors and museums, not only in China, but also abroad! "

In 1948, Master Gu Jingzhou carefully made five stone scoop pots, with poems written by painter Wu Hufan, and then Wu Hufan and Jiang Hanting painted bamboo, plum and other patterns, and then fired them. In addition to collecting one for himself, the other four were given to Dai Xiangming, Jiang Hanting, Tang Yun, Wu Hufan and other four people!"

"And the one in my hand is the one that Master Gu Jingzhou gave to Tang Yun!"

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