After Su An finished speaking, he turned the entire Shipiao pot upside down to reveal the signature on the bottom.

"Master Gu Jingzhou particularly likes different types of seals. His seals for each time period are different, and the seals used in the time periods of these five Shipiao pots are exactly the seals engraved with Gu Jingzhou's real name. Of course, this does not include the one with Dai Xiangming. Dai Xiangming is also a master of purple clay pots and has a very good relationship with Gu Jingzhou. The signature on the bottom of his Shipiao pot is different from that of others. It is Dai Xiangming, and the other few are all signed with the seal of 'Gu Jingzhou'. Look, is the signature on it the three words Gu Jingzhou?"

He handed the signature to several people to see.

Several people looked at it and saw a red seal on the bottom. The three characters "Gu Jingzhou" were neatly framed in the seal. The font was majestic and exquisite, with a kind of ancient beauty.

Shi Jun knew more about seal carving. Although he didn't know Gu Jingzhou, he immediately saw the difference between this seal and the contemporary one. He said: "From the seal, the three characters "Gu Jingzhou" have different strokes, different colors, and the fonts are sticky. It can be seen that they are hand-carved. Moreover, if you look closely at the carving techniques and font strokes, they are completely different from the contemporary carving techniques. It seems that the carving techniques were commonly used decades ago!"

Ma Wenjun nodded secretly when he heard this. Shi Jun's professional knowledge is still very solid. This bottom seems to be fine!

After Su An finished talking about the bottom inscription, he began to talk about the paintings and poems on the Shipiao pot: "Look, there are two words "Hufan" next to the bamboo painted on it, which means that this is a bamboo painting by Wu Hufan. Wu Hufan was called the "leader of the painting world" in the 1920s. He was a real painting master, good at plum, bamboo and landscape painting. He was even called the first person to paint bamboo in modern times. He started with the double hook of the Song Dynasty and referred to Zhao Yong's ink bamboo and Yun Shouping's boneless method. The bamboo on it was painted by him, with a sparse and elegant charm. In the strong and graceful, there is a refreshing and noble interest, which is quite chic and vivid!"

Liu Yun knew nothing about this and was confused.

But Ma Wenjun and Shi Jun looked at it very seriously. They knew a lot about calligraphy and painting. They could tell at a glance that the bamboo was painted by a master and was quite charming!

The two nodded secretly in their hearts. Just from the bamboo, they could see the extraordinary features of this purple clay teapot.

After Su An and the others finished reading, they turned to look at the back and said, "It is engraved with 'No guests all day long, cool all night long with wind'. The source of this poem is Bai Juyi's Five Ancients: Bamboo Window, which perfectly fits the meaning of bamboo painting. Of course, those are just the appearance conditions of this stone scoop teapot. To identify whether this purple clay teapot is made by Master Gu Jingzhou, we still have to look at the clay material and the teapot making technique."

Seeing that Su An talked about the highlight, the three people became particularly serious, and even the netizens in the live broadcast room became serious and stopped swiping the barrage.

"Director Ma, I remember you brought a magnifying glass. Let me borrow your magnifying glass."

Su An suddenly said.

Ma Wenjun smiled as he took out a magnifying glass from his pocket, wiped it with a soft cloth, and handed it to Su An, saying, "You not only have a sharp eye, but also a good vision!"

Su An took it with a smile, saying, "That's right, both of my eyes are 5.0!"

He pointed the magnifying glass at the lid of the pot. Under the magnifying glass, the delicate and smooth clay was oily and shiny, covered with tiny and dense black spots, and had a rough granular feel.

"This is the original ore purple clay material. The purple clay material of the Ming and Qing Dynasties is generally rough and mixed. Because of the lack of modern processing techniques, it is far less refined than modern purple clay teapots. It is difficult to see with the naked eye, but if you magnify it several times under a magnifying glass, you can see the roughness and black spots on the surface. And this purple clay teapot can see the roughness and black spots under a magnifying glass!

In addition, this stone scoop teapot is hammered by hand, and the force on the clay pieces is very uniform, which can be seen from the body of the teapot. The body of the teapot is triangular, and the whole body is composed of arc lines. The mouth, handle, and other places are connected naturally and smoothly, with neat lines. The connection is very harmonious and natural, without any sense of abruptness, and it is integrated as if it were made by nature. Looking down, the bottom is supported by three round feet, which makes the teapot straight and spiritual, quiet and profound!"

Su An was talking excitedly, and Ma Wenjun and Shi Jun were fascinated by it.

Liu Yun was not interested in purple clay teapots and felt bored after listening for a while, but when she thought of Su An saying that this purple clay teapot was made by a master of teapot art, she had some ideas in her mind.

Grandpa loves tea, loves to drink tea and loves to study tea sets. I wonder if he likes this purple clay teapot?

More importantly, she wanted to know

, is this purple clay teapot real or fake!

As soon as she thought of it, she took out her mobile phone, took several photos of the purple clay teapot from front to back, left to right, and sent them to Liu Shu.

At the same time.

Liu Shu sat in the hall with the appraisal expert. He had asked the expert who had been delayed by something to look at the antiques in the display cabinet, but there was nothing he liked, so he wanted to leave, but Lin Zhiwei persuaded him to stay. Lin Zhiwei said that there was a rare treasure that was not even seen in the auction house, and he would definitely like it.

But he waited and waited, but Lin Zhiwei didn't take out the treasure for a long time, and he didn't even see Lin Zhiwei's figure. He frowned and planned to leave.

As soon as he stood up, the phone notification sounded.

That was the notification sound exclusive to Liu Yun.

As soon as he heard the sound, Liu Shu hurriedly took out his mobile phone, opened WeChat, and saw the unread message at the top at a glance.

"It was Yunyun who sent the message. She should still be live streaming now, right?"

Muttering to himself, Liu Shu smiled kindly and clicked on the message.

He saw a few pictures.

Liu Shu's eyebrows moved slightly, and he clicked on the picture and selected the original picture.

A clear and exquisite picture of a purple clay pot came into view.

"This seal... Gu Jingzhou? Is this Master Gu Jingzhou's Shipiao pot?"

Liu Shu narrowed his eyes slightly, and a hint of surprise appeared on his face.

He looked at several pictures in succession, all of which were pictures of the same Shipiao pot. From the pictures, it can be seen that the purple clay pot is exquisite and small in style, and the clay is warm and shiny. It is not an ordinary product!

At the end, it was a message from Liu Yun: Grandpa, Su An said that this purple clay pot was made by Master Gu Jingzhou. Take a look and see if it is true?

"Old Yan, come and take a look at this thing."

Liu Shu suppressed the slight excitement in his heart and handed the phone to the appraisal expert next to him, Yan Sanshui.

Yan Sanshui was brought here specifically to appraise antiques. He likes to learn, so he is good at a wide range of things, especially purple clay teapots.

"Okay, Mr. Liu."

Yan Sanshui agreed, took the phone with both hands, and then looked at the picture he clicked.

As soon as he saw it, his pupils shrank slightly and his heart skipped a beat.

He paused for a while, suppressed his excitement, and zoomed in on the picture with his fingers, examining it carefully inch by inch.

Unfortunately, the picture was out of focus and very blurry when it was zoomed in.

"Mr. Liu, it's hard to appraise it just by looking at the phone. You need to be on the scene to identify the authenticity!"

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