The meat is so delicious, but the taste is so delicious.

Su An doesn't mind letting his friends drink the soup while he eats the meat.

But it doesn't mean that he can accept his friends who drink the soup trying to get his meat.

The system estimated the price to be 280,000, but Liu Quan asked for 260,000. He lowered the price too much and his eating manners were too ugly!

Su An doesn't like this kind of pure businessmen and doesn't want to interact with them.

In comparison, businessmen like Zhao Jianbo, who know how to measure and take into account the feelings of friends, are more in line with his appetite. This is also the reason why he doesn't mind the trouble and keeps looking for Zhao Jianbo.

They are all about making money.

If there is a choice, he would definitely prefer Zhao Jianbo, who makes him feel comfortable to get along with, to make money, rather than Liu Quan.

Hearing that Li Ming was going to hang up the phone.

Liu Quan, who was ready to make a move, was startled. His hand, which was restlessly wandering on his girlfriend's body, was instantly withdrawn. He looked at the camera of the mobile phone with a sullen face: "Boss Li, what do you mean by this?"

Li Ming said lightly: "This is what the customer meant. He doesn't plan to sell this bronze mirror."

"You are kidding! Why do you ask someone to identify it if you don't sell the bronze mirror? You can lie to others about this, but you lie to me?"

Liu Quan sneered, obviously not believing it.

"Where is the seller? Let me talk to him. The price I gave is not low, and I paid the money immediately, and waived the identification fee. After all, he has taken advantage! There is no reason for him not to sell it to me!"

Li Ming looked at Su An, and Su An shook his head, indicating that there was no need to talk.

"Sorry, Boss Liu, the seller really has no intention to sell the bronze mirror to you, and both the buyer and the seller are free. He asked you to identify it, but it doesn't mean he has to sell it to you. There are many people in this industry who ask us for identification. Does everyone sell it to us? Your reason doesn't make sense. As for the identification fee, I will transfer it to you immediately. Okay, I won't bother you anymore. You continue to be busy. See you later." Li Ming was about to hang up the phone. Liu Quan's face kept changing, and finally he said humbly: "Don't be like this, we are all friends, you let the seller name a price, I really want to buy it! We are all in the same industry, we will meet each other sooner or later! And this bronze mirror is better sold to me than to others... How about this, I will offer 265,000! Do you think this price is okay?" Shit. Friend? Friend asks you to look at things, and you still charge a thousand yuan for identification? Friend sells things, and you still lower the price to death? What's the matter, is it against the law to treat your friend? "Sorry, I have to respect the seller's wishes. I'll transfer the appraisal fee to you. We'll contact each other later when we have time."

Li Ming apologized and quickly hung up the video.

Su An returned the appraisal fee to Li Ming.

Initially, he actually thought about selling the bronze mirror to Liu Quan because he was afraid of trouble. Moreover, if Liu Quan could identify the authenticity and value of the bronze mirror and was interested in purchasing it, it would be fine to sell it to him if the price was right!

However, Liu Quan's price cut was too harsh!

This is Chunchun treating him as a fat sheep to be slaughtered. He is not a real fat sheep, so naturally he can't be slaughtered.

[So cool! Brother Su, this is how it should be! ]

[Damn, don't insult the word friend. Who would ask a friend to look at something and still charge money! ]

[So cool, so cool. I've seen a lot of people like this. They are typical double-standard dogs. They talk about business when they talk about feelings, and they talk about feelings when they talk about business. They take all the good things! ]

[Hahaha, did you see his expression when he was hung up at the end? It was so ugly! ]

[It's what you deserve. They only offered 260,000 yuan for an estimated price of 280,000 yuan. They're pushing the price down so hard. They won't make a penny this time!]

After hanging up the phone, Liu Quan made a few more calls, but they were all hung up by Li Ming.

Zhao Jianbo looked at the bronze mirror, then at Su An, and said with a smile: "Boss Su, Liu Quan is really a headache, but this bronze mirror is still good."

"You want to buy this bronze mirror? Don't you sell porcelain and calligraphy and painting?"

"Haha, I'll do anything that can make money. Bronze ware is not a niche, and there are many people who like to collect bronze ware. Although my customer base is mainly calligraphy and painting and porcelain, there are also some players who have a wider range of hobbies and collect bronze ware by the way."

Zhao Jianbo looked like this was nothing.

He has a wide network of contacts, and bronze ware is not a niche collection, so it's easy to sell it.

"Okay, I just want cash."

Su An was a little surprised.

He hated trouble, even if the system had the function of searching for potential customers.

But it would be best if it could be sold to Zhao Jianbo, which would save him from having to make another trip.

Zhao Jianbo was delighted and said hurriedly: "Liu Quan previously offered 260,000 yuan for this bronze mirror.

The price has increased to 265,000. I will offer 270,000. What do you think of this price? "


Su An said without hesitation.

He likes dealing with people like Zhao Jianbo.

The price is generous and there is no excessive price reduction!

The best model for a business is that everyone can make a profit.

And Zhao Jianbo obviously knows this well. Su An feels much more comfortable with him!

Zhao Jianbo breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Su An would be annoyed by Liu Quan and stop selling bronze mirrors in a fit of anger!

Although Liu Quan has a bad character, he has a good eye. He said that it can be sold for 280,000, which must be at least 280,000. It may be as high as 290,000.

Once this deal is done, he will make a minimum of 10,000!

If you are lucky enough to meet a generous buyer, it is not difficult to make 20,000 Things!



All in one go.

Su An immediately received a bank message from the bank saying that 270,000 yuan had been deposited into his account.

The viewers in the live broadcast room also saw it.

[Boss Zhao is still very generous. He started with 270,000 yuan, which is 10,000 yuan higher than the previous one! ]

[270,000 yuan!!! I couldn't make 270,000 yuan in five years, but Brother Su made 270,000 yuan in one morning! ! ]

[Is the anchor really a junk collector? I suspect he is a professional bargain hunter! ]

[A bronze mirror worth 11 yuan was sold for 270,000 yuan? ? ? ]

[I feel a little uncomfortable, I'll log off first...]

"Haha, thank you Boss Su for taking care of your business. I'll treat you at noon today."

Zhao Jianbo put away the bronze mirror and asked for a treat.

"It's agreed that I'll treat you at noon today. You can keep this for next time!"

Li Ming patted his shoulder and joked.

"Okay, I'll treat you next time." "

Zhao Jianbo did not argue. He closed the store and went to the restaurant that had been booked in advance with Su An and others.

Since the restaurant was not far away, Su An refused to take their car and continued to ride the tricycle. The reason was simple: he could not miss any business!

In front of the restaurant.

Zhao Jianbo and Li Ming went in early to ask the waiter to serve the dishes.

Su An parked the tricycle downstairs of the restaurant and walked in.

The cashier at the door saw the big words "collecting waste" and said happily: "You came at the right time. Our restaurant has some materials and bottles left over from the decoration. Come and collect them!"

Su An waved his hand: "Wait a minute, I have something else to do, I will come down to collect them later."

As he said, he quickly went up the stairs.

Seeing Su An heading straight for the private room upstairs, the cashier was stunned and had to say: "Okay, remember to come down to collect them when you are done."

"Okay! "

Su An said perfunctorily, found the door of the private room of 888, knocked on the door and went in.

The guests and hosts had a great time.

The relationship between the three people became closer, and Zhao Jianbo and Li Ming changed the name of Su An from Boss Su to Su An.

After eating and drinking, Li Ming went to pay the bill.

Zhao Jianbo and Su An came to the lobby on the first floor.

When the cashier saw Su An coming down, she rushed over excitedly and said, "Hey, where did you go before? I looked for you for a long time, but I couldn't find you! If your car was not still outside, I would have thought you were gone! Let's go, the warehouse is full of decoration materials and waste, waiting for you to collect them!"

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