The manager, who was seeing Li Ming off, saw the cashier at the front desk standing in front of the guest and asking him to collect waste. His face suddenly became serious. "Xiao Li, what's wrong with you? How can you let the guest collect waste? The guest came here to eat, and you asked the guest to collect waste and help you clean up the warehouse? Do you still want to do it?" After saying that, he hurriedly bowed to Su An and apologized: "Guest, I'm really sorry. The cashier at the front desk has just been here for a short time. I am ignorant and offended you. I sincerely apologize to you here. Please don't mind." Although he didn't know Su An, the other party came with Boss Zhao and Boss Li. These two bosses are big customers of the restaurant. They often come here to eat and often introduce people. Moreover, the people who come here have certain status and position. The manager dare not offend them!

Seeing the manager bowing and apologizing to Su An, the cashier was stunned.

How did things turn out like this?

Fortunately, Su An didn't take it to heart at all. He smiled and said, "It's okay. I'm in the waste business. Now I have business coming to my door after eating. I can't wait for it. Boss Zhao, Boss Li, you don't have to wait for me. I'll stay and collect all the waste here."

Li Ming and Zhao Jianbo were a little unhappy with the cashier at the front desk, but the male manager reacted very quickly and his attitude was sincere, which stopped them from getting angry.

The most important thing is that Su An himself doesn't care.

There is no need for them to embarrass the manager and the cashier at the front desk.

But thinking that they were the ones who brought people to eat, it would be rude to leave them here after eating, so he said:

"There is usually no business in the afternoon, and Lao Li and I have nothing to do when we go back. It just so happens that we are here, so we can help you collect it, so that you can relax."

Hearing this, Su An did not refuse.

"Then I'll trouble you two bosses."

After all, it's quite interesting to think about the scene of two bosses who are not low in value helping you collect waste.

The cashier at the front desk was scared before, and when she led the way, she wanted to shrink herself into a ball so that no one could see her.

The male manager was afraid that the cashier would annoy several big customers, so he told the waiter to help in person.

Walking through the slightly dim corridor.

You saw a utility room.

The hotel was renovating some time ago. In the utility room, in addition to paper shells and plastic bottles, there were some renovation garbage and some old decorations from the previous hotel.

The cashier girl pushed open the door of the utility room: "The decoration materials and all the waste in the restaurant are here, you, you take care of it."

After saying that, she looked at the male manager nervously, and saw him wave his hand and leave quickly with a sense of relief.

Su An stood at the door of the utility room, his eyes fell on the waste piled inside.

[Item]: A pile of wooden boards left over from decoration

[Details]: Wooden boards cut from big trees, made by painting process...

[Value]: 45 yuan.

[Item]: Neatly stacked waste paper

[Details]: Paper made from recycled wood pulp paper towels...

[Value]: 32 yuan.

[Item]: A pile of scrap iron

[Details]: Modern iron products...

[Value]: 21 yuan...

[Item]: A pile of beer bottles and glass bottles

[Details]: Modern glass products

[Value]: 16 yuan.

In addition to the decoration waste, there were also some paper bottles and some beverage bottles piled up in the utility room, which looked very messy.

Zhao Jianbo looked at this scene and couldn't help but exclaimed: "This is too messy, it makes me tired just looking at it!"

That being said, he was not slow and started to sort it out directly.

Li Ming, who was standing by, also started to sort it out.

The male manager was very perceptive and had already started to help.

The four of them sorted it out together.

Ten minutes later.

The waste in the utility room was basically sorted out, and the next step was to weigh and settle the bill.

Su An said: "I'll go get the scale, and ask the cashier to come over to settle the bill."

Back on the tricycle at the entrance of the hotel, Su An took the scale and was about to call the cashier at the front desk.

I heard her on the phone: "What? You can't come today? Why didn't you tell me earlier? This thing takes up a lot of space and has been in the hotel for a few days. We agreed to come and pick it up today, but now you're breaking the contract at the last minute... Hello, hello? Hang up? This is so annoying!

I'm going to be scolded by the manager again."

The cashier lady was as sad as if she had lost her parents, as if her energy and spirit were drained away all of a sudden.

"We have packed up the things, just waiting for you to weigh them."

Su An spoke only after she hung up the phone.

When the cashier lady saw him, her eyes turned and lit up instantly, and she asked hurriedly: "Are you collecting screens?"

"Screens?" Su An was a little confused.

"Yes, our hotel has six screens, and the frames are all made of solid wood. The style is beautiful and the quality is good. It's just that they don't match the decoration, so we are going to eliminate them. You have to collect waste anyway, so why not collect the six screens together!"


Su An opened his mouth and wanted to refuse. His tricycle was not big, and it was almost enough to load those wastes. It would be a bit difficult to load the screens.

He didn't want to stand up and pedal!

"Look, these six screens are beautiful. You can sell them for a lot of money in the second-hand market. They are much more valuable than waste! ”

The cashier was not afraid of Su An. She pulled him towards the utility room. After passing the utility room, at the end of the passage in front, she saw six screens piled on the ground.

The moment she saw the six screens, the information appeared in front of her.

[Item]: Six landscape screens

[Details]: The frame is made of logs, painted, carved and polished. Inside it are the four seasons landscape screens of Song Wenzhi, one of the eight contemporary landscape painters, and two landscape screens of Tang Shan, a contemporary painter...

[Value]: 1.54 million.

Su An's heart skipped a beat.

1.54 million!!!

Su An's heartbeat quickened, and he couldn't help but get closer to the six landscape screens.

The six landscape screens were casually placed at the end of the passage, stacked on top of each other.

Su An raised his hand.

Put the top The landscape screens on the front were removed.

Spread on the ground.

The six landscape screens were placed flat on the ground, forming a long strip.

Fortunately, the paintings were firmly wrapped with transparent glass on the top of the six landscape screens. Even if they were stacked together, the paintings inside would not be damaged at all.

Su An's sight passed through the transparent glass and fell on the landscape paintings outside the glass.

Peach trees, mountain streams, waterfalls, trees, houses...

At first glance, the picture was full of vitality.

The content of four of the paintings was harmonious, as if they were one body, and should be a whole.

The other two paintings were also landscapes, but the content was too different, focusing more on describing the valleys and mountainsides, the misty clouds, the cold and desolate, and the intentions of the four paintings were completely different!


These six paintings, judging by the painting skills, were painted by the same person!

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