Obviously, at this moment, no one will be dragged into the water by the fourth master.

It's so obvious that Dong Lin will not be surrounded by the fourth master.

Listen to Dong Lin's words, the fourth master is a little dumbfounded

Originally, the fourth master felt that this... We, Mr. Lin, should give face.

I just didn't expect that our director Lin was still too principled.

After such a standoff for a while, the fourth master had to smile and say, "brother Lin, we... Are not so heartless?"

Our Lin Dong said, "fourth master, you're embarrassing me, aren't you? You know, I don't touch those Taoist things."


At the moment, Wang Mawu and Zhou Dachuan are talking on the phone

Wang Mawu said, "it's estimated that the four bald men are having trouble sleeping and eating this time. I heard that the four bald men were anxious to see him as soon as Lin Qiu returned to Guangzhu. I guess the four bald men wanted to ask Lin Qiu to come forward and block him this time?"

Zhou Dachuan replied, "don't worry, Lin Qiu is not so stupid. We know more about this man now. He won't touch the things on the road easily."

Wang Ma Wu said, "if Lin Qiu refuses to block the four bald men this time, the four bald men must be miserable this time."

Zhou Dachuan hurriedly said, "it's needless to exaggerate now. After all, Bai Ye has just been out of prison. So even if Bai Ye has any action, it can't be so fast."


The location is back to Shangri La Hotel.

Just when the conversation between Lin Qiulin and the fourth master was difficult to continue, suddenly, Lin Dong's mobile phone rang

This is a solution for Dong Lin.

Taking the opportunity, our Lin Dong said to the fourth master, "sorry, I'd better answer the phone first."


About this call, it's not really an important call.

Because it's Zuo Qing.

She just asked him if he was safe in Guangzhu.

However, taking the opportunity, Dong Lin and Zuo Qing had a telephone conversation for a while

This made the fourth master listen. I saw that Dong Lin was tired of talking on the phone. It seemed that the fourth master was not in the mood to say anything

After a while, I hung up and took the opportunity to explain to the fourth master: "sorry, fourth master, just... My daughter-in-law."

Suddenly, the fourth master was stunned: "what?! your daughter-in-law?! in my impression... Aren't you married yet?!"

We Lin Dong said, "isn't this... When we go back to Qingyun city this time, we will get the certificate with her in a muddle?"

The fourth master had to follow the topic and asked curiously, "then... Who are our brothers and sisters?"

Our Lin Dong said, "I'm sure the fourth master hasn't seen it."


Just talking about it, Dong Lin led the topic away.

Of course, the fourth master also wanted to take the opportunity to step down, so he didn't drag the topic back.

After all, the conversation was too stiff before.

The fourth master knew that Lin Qiu would not loosen up at this moment?

Lin Qiu should not allow him to touch those things?

Therefore, we can see that Dong Lin is gossiping. The fourth master is also knowledgeable and follows his topic.

On the topic of Zuo Qing, Mr. Lin talked for dozens of minutes. Finally, when the dinner was over, Mr. Lin quickly dodged.

Now, we, Mr. Lin, have to guard against the fourth master. If we are not careful, we will be taken to the ditch by the fourth master

This night, after the fourth master returned to Lihu Haoting, he didn't feel very smooth all the time.

Because he has been thinking about Lin Qiulin, Dong is only willing to admit that he is a commercial ally.


As for Bai Ye's release from prison, for the fourth master, it is a big trouble in his heart now.

If it weren't for this, his fourth master wouldn't take the initiative to mention the concept of alliance to Lin Qiulin and Dong tonight


However, for Lin Qiulin, although he doesn't care about the white Lord at all, he doesn't want to participate in it.

Anyway, we, Mr. Lin, are cautious about anything involving the underground circle of Guangzhou Zhuhai.

At present, for our director Lin, the first thing we want to find out is what Pang Shanshan is like and what he thinks


The next morning, on the way to work in the group, Lin Qiulin and Dong were asking Xu Lin and Pang Shanshan what was the situation?

Xu Lin said, "haven't I told you everything I should say? So if you ask again now, I'm still saying that? Or you can take the initiative to ask her to meet and talk?"

After hearing Xu Lin's words, Dong Lin had to say, "well, let's not ask."

Xu Lin said, "let's talk about work. The land in Longhu Bay is actually a sweet cake, so now Pang Shanshan says he wants to sell the land. Look, those big real estate consortia have come to rob it. Originally, they thought it was crazy to win the land for 3.5 billion, but now a consortium has offered Pang Shanshan 3.7 billion."

Suddenly, when Xu Lin talked about the land in Longhu Bay, our director Lin couldn't help saying, "by the way, Uncle Xu, what do you mean by telling me... What do you mean? You mean... We should participate in the competition for the land?"

Xu Lin said, "what do you think?"

We Lin Dong said: "no... that... Uncle Xu, we can't go to join the fun, can we?"

Xu Lin said, "it's not that we can't join in the fun, but... Since we are mixed in the business district, sometimes we should join in the fun or have to join in the fun, play soy sauce or play soy sauce."

Our Lin Dong said, "Uncle Xu, I understand what you said. The problem is... If you continue to fry the land in Longhu Bay... It doesn't seem to make any sense?"

Xu Lin said: "in this business district... Sometimes it's easy to enter a strange circle. It's obviously leftovers, but everyone just likes to fry. It's like the land in Longhu Bay. At first, everyone thought Pang Shanshan's 3.5 billion land was crazy, but now, I heard that she was going to resell it, and major consortia began to fight openly and secretly."

We Lin Dong said, "Uncle Xu means... We still have to go and have fun?"


Morning, Biyuan group.

Chairman Dong Guiqin said to assistant Yang Yunhui, "about the land in Longhu Bay... You have to work hard!"

Assistant Yang Yunhui hurriedly said, "I'm trying to fight for it."


However, Pang Shanshan, chairman of Shantang real estate group, has not made a decision on the land in Longhu Bay.

Now it is in the hands of their Shantang real estate group, so how to make a final decision, this initiative is still in the hands of Pang Shanshan and Pang Dong.

This morning, a phone call came in all the time. Its purpose and general content were around the land in Longhu Bay

Now the major real estate consortia want to finally get the land in Longhu Bay.

Pang Shanshan didn't give a clear reply to anyone about this for the time being.

Of course, she has some ideas in her heart.

As for how to dispose of the land in Longhu Bay, that's also her business.


This morning, qiude real estate group.

We Lin Qiulin and Dong are wondering whether we should take the initiative to contact Pang Shanshan

After all, when she took the initiative to contact, I don't know what year and month it was.

After pondering, Dong Lin picked up the phone and put it down, put it down and pick it up

But in the end, he didn't call her.

Because at the moment, he didn't know what to say to her?


This morning, Sihui.

Lao PA is reporting something to master Bai

Lao Pa said: "I heard from people in Guangzhu that four bald men invited Lin Qiu to dinner last night, but when four bald men talked about the alliance, Lin Qiu was only willing to admit that they were commercial allies. According to that... The boy named Lin Qiu was still a wise and smart man."

Suddenly, hearing this, master Bai was stunned as if he were thinking

After that, master Bai asked, "are these messages accurate?"

Lao PA hurriedly said, "don't worry, master Bai, we haven't fallen behind in these intelligence work."

Therefore, master Bai was stunned as if he were thinking

Later, master Bai said, "that is to say... The boy named Lin Qiu is still very smooth? He doesn't want to wade in muddy water."

Lao Paze said, "needless to say, these young people are very sharp minded now, so they... Since they don't want to involve the underground circle, there's no need to wade in this muddy water."

But master Bai was worried and said, "I was just thinking, if we really move four bald people... You say... Will the boy named Lin Qiu jump out?"

This question stunned Lao pa

Later, Lao PA could only tell the truth: "it's really hard to say?"

But then, Lao PA hurriedly said, "by the way, master Bai, if we act now, is the time not ripe?"

Suddenly hearing such a sentence, master Bai was stunned as if thinking, and then said, "yes, this matter can't be too anxious. After all, I've just come out."

Lao Pa said, "I also suggest waiting until the time is ripe. Anyway, we have to gather more people."


Now, Guangzhu, Lihu Haoting.

The fourth master is arranging people to search for Bai's whereabouts again

Although it is generally known that Bai ye may be in Sihui, there is no conclusive evidence at present.

Now, for his fourth master, the first condition is to find out where Bai master is now?

Because if you don't even know the whereabouts of master Bai, why do you fart?

After a while, Yuan Kai came in. The fourth master asked yuan Kai again whether he had the whereabouts of Bai Ye?

Yuan Kai could only reply vaguely: "they said it was in Sihui. But... My brothers and I haven't seen it in Sihui, so now... It's also in the clouds. Anyway, we can't find the whereabouts of the white master. It's like the world has evaporated."

The fourth master listened and just replied, "ten has eight or nine... It's in Sihui."


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