That day, in the evening, on the edge of the Pearl River.

Pang Shanshan has been standing here for a long time. At the moment, she faces the river and looks thoughtful

As for what was on her mind, no one knew.

But to be sure, her thoughts are complicated

After all, there are too many things in her heart

Some are what she doesn't want to say, some are what she wants to say, but I don't know where to start

This sad mood can only be understood and unspeakable.

However, in the end, she couldn't help taking out her mobile phone and decided to call Lin Qiu

In fact, whether she is willing or not, she must make this call.

Because after all, she made a decision and decided to leave Guangzhu in the near future

Now, for her, it is to sell and deal with the land in Longhu Bay, and the rest is to cancel Shantang real estate group.

At this moment, listening to Lin Qiu's mobile phone has been connected, Pang Shanshan is secretly stunned

Then I was expecting him to answer the phone.


At this moment, we Lin Qiulin, Dong and Xu Lin had just returned to Jinghua manor. Suddenly, our mobile phone rang.

Suddenly, when his mobile phone rang, Dong Lin took out his mobile phone and looked. Suddenly, the caller ID was Pang Shanshan. Dong Lin couldn't help but be stunned

How could it be... Her?!

In addition to being shocked, Mr. Lin was inexplicably surprised, but also somewhat inexplicably nervous. In short, this mood is very complex.

Xu Lin saw that his boy was going to answer the phone, so he took the lead upstairs.

Seeing Xu Lin go upstairs, Dong Lin is busy getting through the phone: "hello..."

Pang Shanshan on the other end of the phone couldn't help but be stunned. After a while, she said, "are you free now?"

Suddenly listen to this, suddenly listen to her say are you free now? Our director Lin was inexplicably excited, and then hurriedly said, "I'm free now."

So Pang Shanshan on the other end of the phone said, "if you want to be free, come to the Pearl River. I'm next to the Pearl River now."

We Lin Dong hurriedly said, "which river section?"

Pang Shanshan said, "I don't know which section here is. Just look all the way along the Pearl River."


After hanging up for a while, Lin Qiulin and Dong were stunned for a while, and then thought, she finally called me

According to this, what Xu Lin said is true. She is really going to leave Guangzhu

Just... If she leaves

When I thought of this and suddenly thought of her leaving, there was another inexplicable melancholy in Dong Lin's heart

Of course, in fact, Dong Lin knows that there can be no more hope between them.

It's just that Dong Lin still has a little fantasy.


After a while, before Lin Qiulin and Dong went out, we still didn't forget to say hello to Xu Lin.

Xu Lin also asked, "is there another meal?"

Our Lin Dong said, "No. there is no meal."

"Then you..."

Seeing that Xu Lin also asked, Dong Lin revealed: "Pang Shanshan wants to see me."

Suddenly hearing such a sentence, Xu Lin couldn't help being stunned

Then Xu Lin smiled inexplicably and said, "it seems that there is still hope in the land of Longhu Bay?"

Suddenly listening to Xu Lin's words, Dong Lin was stunned and hurriedly asked, "does this have anything to do with the land in Longhu Bay?"

Xu Lin said, "of course it does."

Mr. Lin said, "Wang Ke group is willing to bid 3.7 billion. I can't bid another 4 billion to grab the land with Wang Ke group?"

Xu Lin smiled: "you don't understand. Now that it's time, I think... Pang Shanshan doesn't want to make money? So... Now it depends on her mood?"


Just a moment later, on the way to the Pearl River, Lin Qiulin and Dong were still thinking that Pang Shanshan didn't really want the land in Longhu Bay

However, for the time being, no matter what her purpose is, the main thing is to find her first.

After that, Dong Lin drove all the way along the Pearl River to find

Finally, Pang Shanshan was found in the segment in the lower reaches of the river.

Pang Shanshan, standing on the railing, overlooking the distance

When Lin Qiulin and Dong looked at her like that, they didn't have the heart to interrupt her.

But in the end, he walked slowly towards her

In fact, Pang Shanshan had already heard the sound and movement of the car, and she also felt Lin Qiu coming.

So now, listening to the footsteps, she couldn't help turning her head and looking at Dong Lin

Suddenly, she looked at me. At the moment when our eyes were facing each other, Dong Lin suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and then smiled awkwardly. Hey

Pang Shanshan looked like that and didn't make a hurry.

It can be seen that she also felt some inexplicable embarrassment.

Dong Lin smiled awkwardly when he saw her like that, and then stood slowly beside her

At this moment, Dong Lin is also learning from her, standing on the railing and looking into the distance

Because of this, looking at the distance, not looking at her, but to avoid embarrassment.

After waiting for a while, finally, Pang Shanshan took the initiative to turn around and look at him

At this moment, looking at him, Pang Shanshan finally couldn't help saying, "can I ask you some questions?"

When she said this, Dong Lin was stunned. Then he turned around and gave her a general look

After that, Dong Lin said, "ask whatever you want."

Seeing him like this, Pang Shanshan looked at him thoughtfully, and then looked at him again. Then she asked, "I heard... You want to find Biyuan group theory for Shantang real estate group?"

When we suddenly heard such a question, Dong Lin was stunned, and then hurriedly said, "can you be more specific?"

Therefore, Pang Shanshan also said, "isn't it that Biyuan group pinched the neck of our Shantang real estate group and knew that we didn't have the money to develop the land in Longhu Bay, so Biyuan group asked to hang their signboard for development. I heard that after you learned about this, you still wanted to find Biyuan group theory?"

Listen, Pang Shanshan asked such a question. After we were stunned, Lin Dong said, "it's nothing. Because our qiude real estate group is only a small real estate group now, I'm afraid they will pinch our qiude real estate group's neck like your Shantang real estate group in the future."

After hearing his explanation, Pang Shanshan asked, "so... In fact... You don't want to go to Biyuan group because of me?"

Suddenly hearing her ask, Dong Lin was stunned and thought what did she mean? Why ask such a strange question

Sometimes women's thoughts are really hard to figure out.

Like Pang Shanshan now, Lin Qiulin and Dong can't figure out her.

After waiting for a while, Dong Lin looked at her and couldn't help saying, "are you finished asking your questions?"

Suddenly, Pang Shanshan was stunned by what we Lin Dong said. Then she looked at us Lin Dong roughly and said, "yes, just... Where did we talk?"

Suddenly, when she said this, Dong Lin smiled awkwardly and said, "in fact, I forgot where we talked just now."

Then, taking the opportunity, Dong Lin said, "why don't we start another topic?"

After hearing what he said, Pang Shanshan was stunned again, and then said, "well, let's start another topic."

It can be seen that she is also absent-minded now. She seems to be distracted.

I don't know what's on her mind.

We Lin dongcha looked at her and didn't worry about another topic.

Because Dong Lin can see that Pang Shanshan should not be in the mood to talk about anything at this moment?


In fact, at this moment, Pang Shanshan is also forcibly suppressing her heart.

She is trying to adjust herself.

She wants to look relaxed.

Because of many things and things, she doesn't want to show them in front of Lin Qiu.


Now, Jinghua manor.

Xu Lin, Hou Qi and Lu Hao are drinking and bragging together

Hou Qi suddenly couldn't help asking, "president Xu, what are you talking about? You said... The land in Longhu Bay... May eventually be given to us?"

Xu Lin said, "it's entirely possible. Isn't it... Our chairman Lin Qiulin has gone to see Pang Shanshan this evening?"

Hou Qi hurriedly said, "president Xu, I think they should still have some emotional disputes when they meet?"

Xu Lin said, "at this time, will they still talk about feelings? Unless it's almost bullshit."


In fact, at the moment, Pang Shanshan really wants to talk about some of our previous feelings with Lin Qiulin and Dong.

However, in the end, she suppressed the impulse in her heart.

But, anyway, she did love.

Just now... It seems inappropriate to talk about anything.

Finally, after a while, Pang Shanshan suddenly said, "let's talk about the land in Longhu Bay?"

Suddenly hearing this sentence, Dong Lin was stunned secretly, and then looked at her roughly

Then, we Lin Dong said, "you asked me out tonight just to talk to me about the land in Longhu Bay?"

After listening to him, Pang Shanshan said, "why, don't you want it?"

Suddenly listening to this sentence, Dong Lin hurriedly said, "No. I definitely want it."

So Pang Shanshan looked at him and asked, "how much are you going to give me?"

Mr. Lin was embarrassed and said, "Wang Ke group is willing to pay 3.7 billion, so I... how can I have such a big hand? So... I think it's OK. You'd better consider reselling it to Wang Ke group?"

Pang Shanshan couldn't help giving Dong Lin a white eye: "hum! If I only think about money, why should I talk to you about it now?"

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