After a while, when we arrived at the airport and walked towards the waiting hall after Lin Qiulin had passed the security check, Ling Yayun stood at the security check gate and couldn't help looking at the back of Lin Qiulin gradually disappearing

At the moment, what she thinks in her heart is that this guy doesn't know that he is the real master behind the cloud group so far. It's really interesting

However, I still like him now.


In fact, so far, Lin Qiulin and Dong really don't know that Yuntian group has a relationship with themselves.

He doesn't know that Ling Yayun actually only works for his mother.

In his impression, Ling Yayun is still the original image of aunt Yun, a great woman.

Moreover, the woman's social background is very complex. It seems that she can mix black and white.

Today, this woman has become the first beauty and richest man of Chinese.

But she is still single in her thirties.

Moreover, this woman and his Lin Qiu still have an ambiguous and unspeakable relationship.


In fact, Huang Jinfeng, who has been working for Yuntian group, doesn't know the behind the scenes story of Yuntian group.

In other words, huangjinfeng doesn't know that Zhou Enhui is behind Yuntian group.


Zhou Enhui, who has been secretly, knows that Huang Jinfeng has been working for Yuntian group.

She also knows that when she was in Yanjing, Huang Jinfeng helped Lin Qiu behind the scenes.

If it weren't for Huang Jinfeng's behind the scenes operation, it would be impossible to bring down the Pang family in Yanjing so soon.


In fact, in Ling Yayun's opinion, the Lin family's story should come to an end.

But she didn't expect that Zhou Enhui had higher requirements for Lin Qiu.

So far, Zhou Enhui still doesn't want Lin Qiu to know her existence.

I don't want Lin Qiu to know some stories behind the scenes.

Now, Ling Yayun doesn't know when their mother and son will officially recognize each other?


After a while, Ling Yayun turned out of the airport. Suddenly, inexplicably, Qin Youguo called her.

As for Ling Yayun and Qin Youguo, they just had a few sides.

It can only be regarded as... Each other knows each other's existence.

During the Spring Festival, as soon as the phone is connected, Qin Youguo naturally needs the greetings and blessings of the Spring Festival

After that, Qin Youguo began to talk in a routine. He wanted to know from Ling Yayun whether there were people behind the scenes in Yuntian group?

Obviously, a smart woman like Ling Yayun will know what he wants to do when he opens his mouth to Qin Youguo.

Therefore, Ling Yayun naturally has concerns.

So she joked, "why... Does your army want to investigate our Yuntian group?"

Suddenly listening to this, Qin Youguo at the other end of the phone hurriedly said, "Ling Dong, you think too much. I just ask."

So ling Yayun said, "the problem is... This is the Spring Festival. If you ask these questions, I naturally have to think more, don't I?"

Listening to Ling Yayun's words, Qin Youguo on the other end of the phone had to embarrass and say, "well, it's better to have a happy New Year!"


By now, we Lin Qiulin and Dong are already on the plane.

About hou Qi and Lu Hao who are in Guangzhu at the moment, they have started to run to the airport and are ready to pick up at the airport.


At the moment, while driving back to Yunchuan City, Ling Yayun couldn't help calling Ms. Zhou Enhui far away in Chicago.

When the phone was connected, she reported the situation

In other words, Qin Youguo is now paying attention to the affairs of Yuntian group.

Zhou Enhui on the other end of the phone listened and couldn't help but be slightly stunned. Then she was stunned as if thinking

Then she asked, "did you reveal anything?"

"No," Ling Yayun replied, "I didn't reveal anything."

So Zhou Enhui said, "that's it."


At the moment, abroad, on the streets of Sydney, in a cafe.

Cai Zhuohui and Pang Shanshan... The mother and daughter are sitting in the cafe, tasting coffee

Pang Shanshan looked thoughtful, while Cai Zhuohui looked indifferent and looked at her daughter Pang Shanshan.

In fact, as a mother, Cai Zhuohui naturally understands her daughter's mind.

At the same time, she also understands the pain and contradiction in her daughter's heart.

At the moment, she didn't want to say anything when she saw her daughter, and she didn't say anything.

As a woman, Cai Zhuohui naturally has her own wisdom.

She knew that sometimes the woman didn't want to talk, just didn't want to talk.

So she respects her daughter's inner will.

After waiting for a while, Pang Shanshan looked up at her mother

Then she asked, "Mom, won't you return home in the future?"

Suddenly, when Pang Shanshan asked, Cai Zhuohui smiled bitterly, and then replied, "what's the point if I go back now?"

So Pang Shanshan said, "but I think... I still don't adapt here."

Listening to her daughter's words, Cai Zhuohui couldn't help laughing, and then said: "That's because you're still young and you still have something in mind. When you get to your mother's age, you'll see through everything, then you'll be comfortable with the situation. In fact, our mother and daughter's mood is different. Mom is carefree now, so you stay the same everywhere. So mom is very adapted to the life here. As for you... I think... You should still think about someone in your heart A person? And this person... Is very contradictory in your heart. "

Listening to her mother saying this, Pang Shanshan couldn't help staring at her mother

Obviously, she understood that my mother had seen through her mind.

Therefore, she also has some inexplicable embarrassment

Seeing her like this, her mother Cai Zhuohui smiled again and said: "Some things... Are actually reluctant. I think... I'd better respect the most real thoughts in my heart. If you want to go back, you'd better go back. Of course, if you think it's another kind of pain, there's no need to go back. In fact, Sydney is still good. At least mom thinks so. Of course, mom understands that you may not be well According to the environment here. After all, we are Chinese, and... This is the Chinese Spring Festival, so... It's normal to miss our hometown. "

Listen to mom saying that again. Pang Shanshan doesn't know what to say?

She was just a little embarrassed because she knew her mother had seen through herself.

Her mother knows all the thoughts in her heart.

Although she didn't point it out, her mother still knew that Lin Qiu was in her heart

But her inner contradiction and pain also exist

The location is still back home.

In the evening, Guangzhu, airport.

By six o'clock in the evening, the plane from Yunchuan to Guangzhu had begun to land slowly at Guangzhu Airport

At this time, Hou Qi and Lu Hao had been waiting at the airport exit.

For their brothers, although they haven't seen each other for a few days, they miss them very much.

Wait a minute, when we Lin Qiulin and Dong came out along the exit channel of the airport, Lu Hao's goods couldn't help being busy and greeted them happily: "brother Qiu, do you bring us any hometown specialties?"

Dong Lin picked up a bag of salted duck in his hand and said, "here you are!"

Just Lu Hao looked at the goods, but he was stunned, and then said, "it was bought by the airport again?"

We Lin Dong couldn't help scolding: "Uncle Ni's! Do you want to eat?"

Suddenly hearing this, there was no way. Lu Hao had to reach out and pick it up

At this time, Hou Qi also welcomed him happily, and then asked, "should we have a happy Spring Festival?"

We Lin Dong said, "what are you happy about?"

With that, we Lin Dong turned around and said, "come on, it's done. Let's go back quickly. Then we'll find a place to drink."


About half an hour later, villa 17, Lihu Haoting.

Yuan Kai is busy coming to report to the fourth master

"Lin Qiulin and Dong Lin have returned to Guangzhu." Yuan Kai is busy reporting.

Suddenly hearing such news, the fourth master couldn't help but be stunned with joy

Then the fourth Master said to himself, "he's finally back."

Obviously, it is not difficult to see that today's fourth master really depends on our Lin Qiulin Dong.

Although his fourth master is the first person in Guangzhu underground circle, now he has to rely on our Lin Qiulin Dong.

Although everyone is saying that Lin Qiu is actually the big man behind the underground circle, the fourth master just listened and didn't think about it.

Anyway, in terms of his relationship with Lin Qiu, he also knows that Lin Qiu has no ambition and doesn't want to be a big man in Guangzhu underground circle.


However, during the Spring Festival, the whole Guangzhu underground circle is still quiet. After all, they are celebrating the festival.


Originally, Lin Qiulin and Dong wanted to find a big stall with Hou Qi and Lu Hao, but during the Spring Festival, all the stalls were closed.

Because the bosses of those big stalls are basically outsiders, they all went back to their hometown for the Spring Festival.

In desperation, brother Lin and brother Dong had to find a small restaurant.

After the drink, Mr. Lin didn't ask how Guangzhu was these two days. He just said about the work plan after the Spring Festival.

Obviously, Mr. Lin's focus is still on the cause of the group.

As for those underground circles, Mr. Lin doesn't pay much attention to them.

Anyway, as long as their own interests are not involved, they are indifferent.


At the moment, Sihui City around Guangzhu.

Although it was the Spring Festival, the Huizi gang were not idle.

They are still in full swing activities, planning and planning. They plan to take action against the fourth master again after the Spring Festival and after Lin Qiu leaves Guangzhu for the fog capital.

Lao PA, that is, PA ye, is saying to his own man Wen Zi, "remember, this refusal can't miss again!"

Wen Zi nodded and bowed: "don't worry, PA Ye!"


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