On the night of the second day of the lunar new year, Wang Mawu, pan Dadong and Zhou Dachuan from the Guangzhu underground circle also took the opportunity to get together.

They are discussing whether the news that Lin Qiu is leaving Guangzhu for the fog capital after the Spring Festival is reliable?

Because if the news is reliable, it means that Lin Qiu's focus may not be in Guangzhu?

If so, they don't have to worry that Lin Qiu will eventually intervene in the underground circle of Guangzhu.

After all, they still have to mix, so naturally nervous, and then the strong enter.


About Lin Qiulin Dong, after having a drink with Hou Qi and Lu Hao, he hurriedly called Lu Huijiao.

Because he wants to hurry to see his adopted daughter Nini.

After all, Dong Lin apologized for ignoring Nini during the Spring Festival.

After the phone was connected, Lu Huijiao said like a complaining woman, "you finally think of our mother and daughter?"

Suddenly listening to this, Dong Lin was stunned

Because Lu Huijiao was talking about their mother and daughter, Dong Lin was thinking, what does it matter?

Then, when he remembered that Nini usually called her Huijiao's mother, he thought it was normal for Lu Huijiao to say so.

After all, Nini always called her mother Huijiao.

I couldn't help but smile with apology, and then asked, "haven't you slept yet?"

Lu Huijiao said, "what if you don't sleep?"

We Lin Dong hurriedly said, "if I haven't slept... I'll pass Guishan manor now."

Suddenly hearing this, Lu Huijiao couldn't help being surprised, and then asked, "have you returned to Guangzhu?"

"Yes." our Lin Dong nodded in response.

So Lu Huijiao said, "come here."


After a while, Dong Lin was on his way to Guishan manor. Inexplicably, Qin Yusi suddenly called him.

Looking at this caller ID, Dong Lin was stunned and stunned. He thought what does this mean?!

How could Qin Yusi... Call us all of a sudden?!

To tell you the truth, it was a bit of an accident

After thinking and thinking, Dong Lin decided to connect the phone

Qin Yusi at the other end of the phone suddenly heard that he finally connected the phone. Therefore, she couldn't help being a little shy

Then she didn't know what to say in the first sentence?

Because it seems unnecessary to greet the Spring Festival. After all, they have met during the Spring Festival.

Then, after thinking about it, she had to shyly thank her and said, "yes, the night of new year's Eve... Thank you ha!"

When she said this, Dong Lin understood why she said thank you.

Because on the eve of the new year's Eve, Qin Yusi drank too much later. Later, we Lin Dong carried her to the hotel room, so

Thinking about this, Dong Lin said, "it's just a small matter. What else do you say? Thank you, really!"

Listening to him saying this, Qin Yusi on the other end of the phone was timid and stunned

Then she asked, "by the way, are you still in Qingyun city?"

We Lin Dong said, "I'm already in Guangzhu."

"Ah?!" Qin Yusi at the other end of the phone was stunned.

We Lin Dong hurriedly asked, "what's the matter?"

However, Qin Yusi on the other end of the phone was busy and shy and said, "it's okay. I just... Ask."

Hearing her say so, Dong Lin said, "if you're all right, hang up?"


After a while, when I hung up the phone, I felt some inexplicable accident about Qin Yusi's sudden call

This seems to be the first time he had such private communication with Qin Yusi.

After thinking about this, Dong Lin thought... Maybe she thanked her for the event on New Year's Eve?

If you think so, it's even in the past.


After a while, when we arrived at Guishan manor, we saw Lu Huijiao and Nini, who had already met Lin Qiulin Dong at the gate

But this time, Nini didn't call father Lin and rush to Dong Lin as usual.

This time Nini looked at Dong Lin inexplicably and even turned the dead fish's eyes

Suddenly, seeing the little girl like that, Dong Lin couldn't help feeling a little sorry

Because he seems to understand why Nini is like this.

In desperation, Dong Lin had to smile apologetically and take the initiative to go to Nini

After squatting down in front of Nini, Dong Lin said with an apologetic smile, "I'm sorry, Nini!"

Seeing that he apologized, Nini turned her eyes with a groan

After a while, Nini asked, "why don't you take me back to Qingyun city for the new year?"

We Lin Dong had to apologize and said, "didn't I... Forget? I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Nini said, "I'm so big, can you forget?"

"..." Dong Lin was suddenly embarrassed and speechless.

Lu Huijiao on one side looked and couldn't help laughing at Schadenfreude, oh

Then Nini looked at Dong Lin with dissatisfied eyes and said, "why don't you discuss with me such a big thing as your marriage?"

I suddenly heard Nini say that. Dong Lin is a fool again


It made

Nini said again, "what if the mother you're looking for doesn't hurt me? What if she abuses me? And, more importantly... What if she doesn't like me?"

Suddenly, I heard Nini cry. I couldn't help it. Dong Lin said in a panic: "no! She won't dislike Nini! She won't abuse Nini! She won't hurt Nini!"

Nini said, "hum! Is that what you said? It's not what she said! Besides, people haven't seen her yet!"

Then Nini said simply, "hum! Anyway, I just don't agree! Anyway, I just don't recognize her! Anyway, father Lin, you're going to divorce her! You must divorce! Otherwise... Otherwise I'll run away from home! I'll go back to Yuchuan!"

Suddenly, I heard the little girl say so. Our Lin Dong hurriedly said, "don't, don't, don't! My little ancestor! What... Don't be so excited! It's easy to discuss!"

So Nini said, "it's easy to discuss, isn't it? Then you divorce the aunt named Zuo Qing!"

Suddenly she said this again. I couldn't help it. Finally, Dong Lin couldn't help looking at Lu Huijiao

Obviously, Lu Huijiao must have told Nini about it. Otherwise, what does she know as a little girl?

What does she know about Aunt Zuo Qing?

But suddenly Lin Qiu looked, and Lu Huijiao was busy pretending to be innocent, as if it had nothing to do with her.

Nini said to Lin Dong, "I'm talking to you! What are you doing looking at Huijiao's mother?"

Suddenly, when Nini said this, Dong Lin had to look at Nini busily, and then said apologetically, "sorry, Nini."

Nini said, "I don't want to listen. I'm sorry! I heard you say you'll divorce aunt Zuo Qing!"

"HMM... this..." Dong Lin looked embarrassed. After thinking about it, he took a shortcut, "How about this? Nini, listen to father Lin first. It's the Spring Festival and all holidays, so... Even if we go to apply for divorce, no one will accept it. Do you understand? Besides, we have to respect other people's aunt Zuo Qing? So... We have to talk to her and discuss it later, don't we?"

So Nini said, "why didn't you discuss it with me in advance when you were good with her and registered with her? Do you still think I'm your daughter?"

There's no way. Dong Lin has to apologize and say, "sorry, Nini, this... I'm so sorry! It's really your father Lin's fault!"

Nini also said, "since you know you're wrong, what do you say?"

Our Lin Dong said, "didn't I just tell you and explain?"

So Nini said, "well, after the Spring Festival, you must remember this, otherwise... I'm not finished with you! I'm sure I'll be finished with you, hum!"


This finally coaxed Nini for the time being.

At the same time, Mr. Lin was also thinking that he had indeed neglected his duty and had really failed to be a good father.

At this moment, Dong Lin is also reflecting. He seldom takes into account Nini's feelings.

Of course, in this regard, Dong Lin also felt Lu Huijiao's difficulty more

Because she took care of him all the time.


After a while, after returning to Villa 18 of Guishan manor, Dong Lin had to coax Nini first with Lu Huijiao.

After putting Nini to sleep, they went upstairs and went to Lu Huijiao's bedroom on the third floor.

Anyway, the whole third floor is Lu Huijiao's territory.

When we got to her bedroom, Dong Lin wanted to blame her and said she shouldn't tell Nini that, but think about it, Dong Lin didn't mean to say it again.

Because it's not easy for her to help him take care of Nini.

Moreover, he knew that what he owed Lu Huijiao could not be paid off.

After waiting for a while, Dong Lin had to blame himself and said, "Alas, we are really incompetent as a father."

Suddenly, Lu Huijiao said, "you know you're incompetent?"

Hearing what she said, Dong Lin was embarrassed to make a noise

However, after a while, Dong Lin couldn't help saying, "by the way, why did you tell her about Zuo Qing and me?"

Therefore, Lu Huijiao said, "don't forget that she is your daughter now. Although she is adopted, she is also your daughter, and she is not three or two years old, so... She does have the right to know, so this matter..."

Listening to Lu Huijiao's words, Dong Lin had to hurriedly say, "well, I've ignored it. Really... Alas... I don't know how to say it? Anyway... I'm really incompetent."


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