Tang Shengrui was a little regretful, but he just couldn't help being jealous when he heard the news. When he saw her, he couldn't bear to say anything, so he left the new world.

Shen Yin opened the shutters again and brushed away the folds on the sofa. She didn't take what had just happened to her heart.

She is used to it. Maybe she is used to protecting herself and strengthening herself. It doesn't matter how he hurts himself.

She ridiculed her infatuation, so she let him hurt without fighting back, and she will heal herself in the future. With a long breath, Shen Yin made herself a cup of coffee and began to work.

After arguing on the main road, they found that Shen Yin had left. Xiao Lin said to Ji Yuanhang, "brother, have you gone out for breakfast?"

Ji Yuanhang was stunned by his sudden question, "no, what about you?"

Xiao Lin laughed, "the same."

The two people looked at each other and smiled. Finally, they made an appointment to have morning tea in the restaurant. They had breakfast very calmly and pulled Shen Yin out as a topic for discussion.

Talking about what happened with Shen Yin in the past, there were many common topics at the dinner table. They talked and laughed and sympathized with each other. They were clearly rivals in love. Unexpectedly, they finally became friends.

Ji Yuanhang called Shen Yin to invite her to go on a trip. At first she wanted to refuse. However, Ji Yuanhang tried hard and soft, and later she wanted to go out to relax, so she agreed.

Xiao Lin asked, "how's it going?"

Ji Yuanhang compared an OK gesture and they looked at each other and smiled.

It turned out that they had just reached an agreement at the dinner table to compete fairly, so traveling was also a way they thought of to enhance their feelings with Shen Yin.

Shen Yin put down her work, changed her casual clothes and went to the address sent by Ji Yuanhang.

Shen Yin saw Xiao Lin waving to him from a distance, frowning slightly. Why did he come?

As she walked, she looked at the two friends with questioning eyes, "what have you experienced?"

Ji Yuanhang pulled Shen Yin: "whatever he did, he insisted on coming."

"Hey, you!" Xiao Lin pointed to Ji Yuanhang and stared.

"I won't believe your nonsense." Shen Yin reluctantly said this, and then walked in front and left them behind to "quarrel". The three were the same as the same yacht. Shen Yin's hair was blown by the sea wind, which took away her bad mood with the wind.

The yacht landed on an island, which is a famous tourist attraction, especially suitable for falling in love. Shen Yin looked at the name of the island - "meet and Love Island". The corners of her mouth twitch unconsciously. What are these two people thinking

However, unfortunately, I saw Jiang Feiyao taking Tang Shengrui's selfie.

Shen Yin wanted to go around while they didn't pay attention, but Xiao Lin went directly to say hello.

"Mr. Tang, what a coincidence. Why are you interested in taking your girlfriend out to play in the mountains and rivers today?" Tang Shengrui took off his sunglasses and saw Shen Yin at a glance. He gently pushed away Jiang Feiyao and walked towards Shen Yin. "Aren't you coming too?"

Ji Yuanhang saw him coming and protected Shen Yin behind him. Tang Shengrui pushed him away to pull Shen Yin's hand, but he was stopped.

"Isn't it good for Tang to do this in front of his girlfriend?" Xiao Lin looked at the posture and came this way.

Jiang Feiyao, who was still out of shape, gnashed her teeth: "it's you again, Shen Yin!"

Tang Shengrui smiled and withdrew his hand. "You think too much. I just want to come and shake hands with Miss Shen." then he raised his eyes and stared at Shen Yin.

She reached out and said, "nice to meet you, Mr. Tang."

Jiang Feiyao came over and knocked Shen Yin's hand off. "I don't know shame!"

Xiao Lin could not hold his breath. "What kind of play did you two sing together?"

Ji Yuanhang also said, "I think they are just idle." what else to say has been interrupted by Shen Yin.

"If you come out to play, don't interfere with each other. Each plays his own game." Shen Yin said.

Seeing that she was leaving, Tang Shengrui said lukewarm, "really? How do you three play?"

Everyone could hear the meaning of the words. Shen Yin smiled instead of getting angry.

"How to play is also our business. Does Tang always want to join?"

Jiang Feiyao secretly scolded: what a shameless woman, she shouted everything. There are too many people here. She can't attack easily, so she has to stare at Shen Yin fiercely.

Tang Shengrui spread his hands: "I don't mind if Miss Shen can stand it."

After all, Shen Yin is a woman. She will inevitably frown when she hears such words. "I think you'd better play with your girlfriend and go." she bit the word "girlfriend" very hard, as if telling him not to forget her identity.

Tang Shengrui told her with an indifferent expression, "please."

Ji Yuanhang and Xiao Lin don't want to entangle more. They leave with Shen Yin. Just two steps later, Tang Shengrui's voice rings out behind them.

No way, he just couldn't bear to see that he was living well, or that she was with men, "are you in such a hurry to hang out with them?"

Shen Yin stopped and didn't look back. She said coldly, "you can't control it."

"Naturally, I can't control it, but as a man, I can't see what women like you do."

Shen Yin understood that he was here to pick things up. "Oh? Mr. Tang, what kind of woman am I?" she turned her face and looked at him with disdain.

Ji Yuanhang finally couldn't help it: "it's meaningless for president Tang to continue pestering. If there's anything, just get straight to the point. Why be so aggressive?"

Tang Shengrui looked innocently at Shen Yin: "what can I do? I just want to tell you that this woman's heart is very big."

Xiao Lin felt ridiculous when he heard this. "Thank you, Mr. Tang, for your concern, but you can't control it."

Tang Shengrui was expressionless, as if there were two indifferent fools standing in front of him. He sneered, "the bosses of the two groups are willing to follow this woman behind her ass?"

Xiao Lin heard the jealousy in his words. He always knew Tang Shengrui's favor for Shen Yin: "it's better than some people don't have a chance to come. Do you think so, Ji Yuanhang?"

Ji Yuanhang said, "I'm afraid so."

Tang Shengrui seems to have been stabbed to the pain. Yes, he is not like the two of them. If he wants to follow Shen Yin, he can ask her to go on a trip. He doesn't know what to say, so he changes the topic: "you two don't look like a man, so protect this woman."

Xiao Lin didn't deal with Tang Shengrui early in the morning. Today's opportunity comes.

"Hey, I said Tang Shengrui, you're just playing with your first love sister. You're a man?"

Tang Shengrui's face suddenly cooled down. "What did you say just now?"

Shen Yin knew that Xiao Lin had deliberately mentioned his past, but she could also feel something wrong. She quickly inserted it and said, "all right, let people come out to play?"

Xiao Lin was a little helpless: "some people picked things first."

Shen Yin pushed him aside, "say less!"

Tang Shengrui's whole face is dark.

However, Shen Yin ignored Tang Shengrui, who was extremely angry. She didn't expect that she had just wanted to relax, but she was so unlucky to meet Tang Shengrui.

It would be nice if they pretended not to know each other, but this man had to stop her.

It was not easy to get rid of Tang Shengrui. Shen Yin was not in the mood to hang out again. Finally, several people broke up unhappily.

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