The document in hand is still reading, and a soft, boneless little hand cling to him from behind. Even if he doesn't look back, Tang Shengrui, who has such a strong perfume, knows who he is.

"What's the matter?" Tang Shengrui didn't look back, but asked in a low voice.

"Nothing, people just miss you!" Xu enqi tightly hugged Tang Shengrui from behind, and the whole person almost hung up.

"Don't read it. I only read the documents all day and don't know to accompany me!" Xu enqi whined, and the whole voice was crisp.

The pen for marking the documents stopped and put the documents aside. Tang Shengrui stood up, drank a glass of water and slowly sorted out his shirt. "I have something to deal with. I'll accompany you later."

He didn't have much patience, but he didn't say much when he looked at Xu enqi's wronged appearance.

"Why don't you go shopping with me for a while? Just for a while. It won't take you much time, will you?" although Xu enqi is beautiful, it's still a little awkward to look at her affectation.

Tang Shengrui wanted to refuse directly, but looking at Xu enqi's tears, he finally chose to compromise.

Today's weather is good and the temperature is just good. Shopping is really a good choice, but Tang Shengrui is not in the mood.

"It's good to go out and exercise." Tang Shengrui couldn't stand her hard and soft bubble. He took out a coat from the wardrobe and put it on his body at will.

"Let's go?" Tang Shengrui, who came to the gate, found that Xu enqi didn't follow up and asked.

Xu Enqi used the foundation to put his face on snow and white. He wanted to use the whole box of foundation. He wanted to dress up carefully, but when he looked at Tang Shengrui impatiently, he hurried up.

Xu enqi casually made an excuse to go shopping and buy clothes. She did it every day, but there was really little time to go shopping with Tang Shengrui.

In the bustling streets, a familiar figure came into their eyes before they took a few steps.

Xu enqi is sexy and charming in a small white skirt, but she is simple and elegant. White high heels set off her height in an unspeakable perfect proportion.

The sun was bright, and she stood in the crowd.

Tang Shengrui's sight was soon attracted to the past. He stared at it for a moment. He didn't even notice it. His heart didn't know when he was attracted to the past?

"Brother Shengrui?" Xu enqi shouted tentatively, but found that the man he was holding was another woman in the center of her eyes at the moment.

"Don't look, let's go." Xu enqi took Tang Shengrui away. There was a place for the woman. She didn't want to stay for a moment.

But then I thought, it was her who couldn't see the light and shame. Why did she run away?

"What a coincidence. I can meet you here. The world is really small." Xu enqi's tone is gloomy and strange, blocking Shen Yin's way.

Shen Yin looked at her coldly and didn't speak.

It is this indifference that has dealt a strong blow to Xu enqi's self-esteem. It is clear that she is better than her in everything. Why does she always look superior.

Surrounded by so many men, it's not necessarily a good thing.

"Why don't you talk? Did you play with something exciting last night, so tired that you can't even speak?" Xu enqi turned her fox eyes, saying something, which makes people think.

Shen Yin's eyes fell on Xu enqi's hand. She only saw her body tightly close to Tang Shengrui's side, holding Tang Shengrui's arm tightly with both hands, inseparable from each other.

The burning eyes made Tang Shengrui withdraw his hand uneasily, but the palm of his hand was tightly clenched and turned blue.

"If you don't speak, it's the default. I didn't expect you to look slim and graceful, but you can't stand loneliness. I really underestimated your means when I saw you in the past..." Xu enqi said strangely.

"Enough!" all these dirty words hit Shen Yin. She hasn't responded yet, but Tang Shengrui's ears can't tolerate these words to continue to circulate in the air.

"What did I say wrong? It was like this..." Xu enqi looked at Tang Shengrui wrongly, trying to win his sympathy, but in exchange for his roar.

"That's enough. Don't look where it is. Let others see jokes for no reason!"

The two people sang in unison, which made Shen Yin's eyes hurt. "Have you agreed? Please excuse me."

Indifferent tone, ignoring eyes, always a look of refusing people thousands of miles away, not to mention Xu enqi, but Tang Shengrui can't stand it.

"What's your tone?" he asked.

"What tone?" she answered.

The answer was crisp, without a trace of muddle.

Ji Yuanhang and Xiao Lin are now very close and call each other brothers. There is a kind of regret that it is too late to meet. At this moment, I am in the game hall and devote myself to the virtual world.

Otherwise, you can help her out.

"When did you become so dignified?" Tang Shengrui's irony is the same as Xu enqi. It's a natural couple.

I don't know how to think of the words "a natural couple". Shen Yin's heart is blocked. It's not a taste.

She wanted to leave here quickly. Just as she stepped out and brushed past, a strong hand tightly grasped her weak boneless arm.

"What do you mean?" Shen Yin sneered, and her eyes fell on his hand.

"Where are you going?" Tang Shengrui asked.

"What does it have to do with you?" Shen Yin snorted coldly and said with meaning. "Is it difficult for young master Tang to learn from others and enjoy all the beauty?"

Tang Shengrui was so angry by her words that his brain hurt. While his veins burst, he forcibly pulled her away.

"Brother Shengrui, where are you taking her?" Xu enqi looked at her hands and felt cold.

It seems that something is being dug out from his heart.

Their gradually distant figure is like the most dazzling thorn in her eye. It hurts very much.

"Shen Yin, you bitch, Tang Shengrui, this may be mine. You can't take him!" Xu enqi stared and said fiercely.

The words drifted with the wind, but they could not erase Xu enqi's hatred and resentment against Shen Yin.

Stepping on the height of hate sky of 12 cm, Xu enqi followed up with one foot deep and one foot shallow. Although her head had been blown up, she knew clearly that they must not have the opportunity to get along alone.

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