You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1001: Here comes the rival! (6)

Qiao Lian was directly aggressive, full of surprise.

The prince brushed the screen because he was here.

But this Siqiao, how could he also give a gift at the same time?

Qiao Lian stared at the leaderboard and opened Si Qiao's chat box directly.

[Love River: Are you there? 】

As soon as the news came out, I heard a "ding" on the cell phone of the people around me.

Qiao Lian turned her head in surprise.

I saw that Shen Liangchuan was holding the mobile phone. I didn't know where to look. When she saw her, she looked back in confusion and looked at her.

That innocent glance makes people have no way to think, he is Siqiao!

Qiao Lian smiled at Shen Liangchuan, and saw he typed a line with his mobile phone, and then he stared at the phone.

Qiao Lian bowed her head and looked at her mobile phone, and found that Si Qiao didn't know when to reply.

[Siqiao: Yes. 】

Qiao Lian immediately typed over there, and did not notice that at the moment, Shen Liangchuan turned off the phone's beep.

[Lianchuan: Why did you give me so much money again? 】

Siqiao's reply was quick, and fierce and accurate.

[Siqiao: Rich and willful. 】

Qiao Lian: ...! !!

Willfulness is not such a willful way!

[Lianchuan: Sister Si, if you have money and no place to spend, you can buy a bag ... You do n’t waste it on me. 】

[Siqiao: I don't think it is waste. 】

The words came to a halt, a pause, and another message came over:

[Siqiao: And I think that your second fan, the prince, is a mentally disabled. 】

Qiao Lian: ...

Why is this guy so poisonous?

Qiao Lian laughed with her lips pursed.

[Lianchuan: I also think it is a second product. 】

[Siqiao: Does he like you? 】

Qiao Lian froze:

[Love River: Why do you say that? 】

[Siqiao: If not, why give you so many rewards? Such a person is usually unreliable, you have to stay away from him. 】

[Love River: ... Okay. 】

Putting down the mobile phone, Qiao Lian always thought, why is this Si Qiao strange?

Looking at Shen Liangchuan again, he found that he continued to stare at his mobile phone and seemed to be chatting with Song Cheng, so he kept typing.

Qiao Lian looked back.

After a while, Liangliang Chuan suddenly said, "We went to Hengdian, about five o'clock. The hotel is not far from Mo Xicheng, should we go and see them together?"

Qiao Lian looked for a moment, and looked at Shen Liangchuan stupidly.

After a while, she said, "No need ..."

Before the two words were spoken, I heard the order of Shen Liangchuan: "That's it."

Qiao Lian: ...

So why did you just talk in a tone of asking her?

She thought that she could decide her whereabouts!

Qiao Lian poked his lips and turned his head.

At this moment, the prince sitting in the front seat suddenly thought of something again, suddenly stood up, and said to Qiao Lian: "Yes, do you know Zichuan?"

In a word, Qiao Lian shook his eyes.

If her eyes drifted away from Shen Liangchuan's body, she saw that he still lowered his head and his clothes were undisturbed, as if it wasn't him at all.

She poked her lips before looking at the prince. "What's wrong?"

The prince snorted and said very unconvincedly: "I just asked, do you know him? Last time I asked him for a solo, but the result was half way, and my cell phone was out of power!"

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