You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1002: Here comes the rival! (7)

He said here, took a deep breath: "I'm the first lot, I must find him a game!"

Qiao Lian gave Shen Liangchuan a puzzled look, "When did you solo?"

The Prince said impatiently: "I just ask if you know him, do you know how to contact him? Why do you say so much?"

Qiao Lian was angered by his attitude, and then said, "I don't know."

"If you don't know, you don't know me!" The Prince stunned, and wanted to say something, but saw Liang Liangchuan looked at him coldly, and the Prince closed his mouth suddenly.

The prince sat in his seat and yawned while the vehicle was shaking.

Many people like them who play games are upside down day and night. I don't know what time to sleep in the morning, and I soon fell asleep.

When he fell asleep, Qiao Lian finally felt that the car was quiet.

She breathed a long sigh of relief.

Maybe she slept with Shen Liangchuan last night. She was a little bit restless, or maybe she was pregnant and she was more sleepy.

She was sitting in the car, looking at her phone, and her eyelids began to fight.

Her head was little by little.

In the end, I couldn't control it anymore and just fell asleep.

Shen Liangchuan turned her head and found that she was asleep, and quietly approached her, then put her head lightly on her shoulder.

Qiao Lian finally fell asleep.

Shen Liangchuan stared at her face, and frowned in doubt.

Qiao Lian used to have no lunch break.

How could it be so sleepy and sleep so unprepared.

Think again that she was in the crew, and she didn't sleep enough, yawning every day.

Is it because he has been living too hard after leaving him?

Thinking of this, he lowered his eyes, and was dumbfounded.


When Qiao Lian woke up, he found that he had arrived at the hotel.

She hurriedly sat up straight, stared blankly ahead, and then saw everyone one by one, ready to get out of the car.

However, Shen Liangchuan didn't get off the bus, and no one dared to move!

After all, Shen Liangchuan is the highest-ranked person in the entertainment industry.

Seeing everyone like this, Shen Liangchuan suddenly reached Qiao Lian's ear and said, "See you at the south gate of the hotel."

Then get off the bus first.

After Shen Liangchuan got off, everyone got off one by one.

When she passed by the Prince, she found that the Prince was still sleeping.

A face was buried in the sweater, with both hands hugging, his head slightly tilted, looking at a pure and harmless appearance ...

Qiao Lian didn't wake him up and got out of the car first.

After getting out of the car, I handed my luggage to the assistant, and then said, "I still have something to do. You help me put my luggage in the hotel. I will come back to you at night."

The little assistant nodded.

Qiao Lian then greeted the staff again and determined that it was all right tonight, so he walked to the south gate of the hotel.

Across the South Gate, listening to a black car.

As soon as she walked by, the car rang twice.

Qiao Lian immediately walked two steps, opened the rear left door, and she was sitting in Liangliangchuan, and she got in the car.

The car drove in the direction of the crew. When stopped outside the crew, Qiao Lian turned his head and saw a couple of men around a woman.

The woman screamed, "What are you doing? Get out!"

This voice ... is Shi Nianyao!

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