You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1003: Here comes the rival! (8)

Qiao Lian's eyes narrowed, she immediately opened the door and was about to walk over, but her wrist was suddenly dragged by Shen Liangchuan.

Qiao Lian froze slightly and looked back at Shen Liangchuan. "What's wrong?"

Shen Liangchuan picked up his cell phone and "call Mo Xicheng."

Could it be that Shen Liangchuan wanted to call Mo Xicheng and ask Mo Xicheng to save the hero?

But looking ahead, is it too late in this time?

This guy ... can't tell the priorities?

As I was thinking about it, I heard that the phone was connected, and the voice of Shen Liangchuan was so cold. He passed it through the phone: "Mo Xicheng, Mo Zhi is at the gate of the crew, and is playing with Sin Yao."

A simple sentence can make Qiao Lian immediately realize ...

The man who turned his back on them and made fun of Shi Nian Yao was Mo Xicheng's brother?

In that legend, the idle son, the one who is not working ... the oldest son of Mrs. Mo's family?


Now, it's lively!

Although Mo Zhi stopped Shi Nianyao, he did not dare to do too much in this broad daylight.

He just stared at Shi Nianyao, revealing a pair of dull eyes, "Miss, I just want to ask you, where do you go to work? When you come to Hengdian, do you want to film? Do you want to be famous?

Shi Nianyao stared at the man in front of him, with a disgusted look, "I don't want to, you go away!"

Then Li Se said: "If you don't go away, I will call the police!"

When she said that, she would pick up the phone and make a call.

Mo Zhi hurriedly said, "Don't you! You may not know who I am? I'm Mo Xicheng's brother, do you know Mo Xicheng? I have a lot of resources for you!"

A word fell, and Shi Nianyao was shocked!

She stared at the man in front of him in disbelief.

Looking at it this way, I found that it is indeed similar to Mo Xicheng's three or four points.

It's a pity that this man has a terrible purpose and spoils his good looks!

However, if this person is Mo Xicheng's brother, then she cannot call the police.

Shi Nianya put down his mobile phone, and Mo Zhi suddenly misunderstood. He hurried forward and said, "That's right, ma'am, follow me, stay with me for a few nights, and I will give you a heroine of a play. I have always disliked the difficulties of strong men. Let's trade fairly, if you want, you can live faster, don't you? "

Shi Nian Yao Lengbing said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Mo, I already have a boyfriend. Your kindness, but I don't want to accept it!"

"Do you have a boyfriend? Can your boyfriend find you a heroine? Who is your boyfriend? Is it in this crew?"

Mo Zhi snorted coldly.

Then, he stretched out his hand and patted it on Shi Nianyao's shoulder. "Miss, follow me ..."

The next second, I heard a familiar, nasty voice: "I'm her boyfriend!"

Mo Zhi frowned, turned his head to look at Mo Xicheng, and saw his costume rushed out, his face anxiously: "Mo Zhi, if you don't take your salty pig claw away, believe it or not Are you looking for teeth all over the place ?! "

Mo Zhi saw his look, subconsciously took his hand away, and then saw that Mo Xicheng came to several people in three or two steps, and suddenly held Shi Nianyao's finish, blocked her behind, and stared. Mo Zhi said, "What are you doing?"

Mo Zhi looked behind him, "She's your gossip girlfriend? I just said, how so familiar!"

PS: Mo Xicheng's hero saves the beauty ~~ Mody! Eight more finished ~ continue to ask for monthly tickets ~

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