You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1036: Do you know who I am? (9)

"What is she like? A **** who has no money! I just like Moses Cheng? I just want to drive her away and rob Moses Cheng!"

As soon as the sentence fell, Li Shuang sneered, "Do you know who she is?"

Li Xue froze and looked up.

Li Shuangding looked at her, "If you dare to sue your dad, then go, I promise my dad will beat your skin, and take you to apologize to her! That year, how much thought did my dad spend before letting me I went to that school just to be with her class !!! Oh, the relationship that I have maintained with her for so many years is just because of this idiot!

After listening to Li Shuang's words, Li Xue was stunned. "She, who is she?"

"Miss Shi's, you should have heard it."

"Yes, I've heard that everyone said that Miss Shi's hide so tightly, it must be either sick or ugly ..." Having said that, she suddenly responded, "Who are you, she, she, she was……"

"Shi Nianyao! You should understand! Li Xue, it's no problem finding yourself, don't drag our Li family all into the water! When Shi family was so old, how much her brother spoiled her, you should understand! When she was born, I donated bone marrow to my brother. Everyone knows this! Her brother treats her like a lifeblood. You said that if her brother knew that you robbed her boyfriend, what would happen to her brother? "

In a word, Li Xue shuddered!

She immediately crawled over and hugged Li Shuang's thigh: "Sister, save me!"

Li Shuang looked at her and sneered.


On the same day, Li Xue left Hengdian.

Yao Lili called her again, and Li Xue said: "Mrs. Yao, that, love is a two-way thing. Since Mo Xicheng doesn't like me, don't embarrass him."

Then I hung up the phone.

Yao Lili was angry at the phone, do not know what to say.

Just then, the phone rang again.

She answered, and Mr. Mo's voice came across. "How's the situation between Miss Li and Mo Xicheng?"

Yao Lili was indifferent and speechless.

Mr Mo snorted coldly, "This little thing can't be done. What do you want ?!"

Yao Lili said, "Mr. Mo, Mr. Mo ..."

But opposite, Dad Mo had hung up.

At this time, the Li Shu family had returned to Beijing.

Mo Zhi opened the door of his study, and when he saw Mo's father, he asked, "Dad, did Mo Xicheng get rid of that little beauty?"

Dad Mo frowned and shook his head.

Mo Zhi suddenly said, "What's going on? Isn't our family going to marry the Li family? This Mo Xi Cheng can't even do that! Or, I'll marry the big Miss Li family, Li Shuang ? "

With that said, he poked, "But she's too fierce, not the type I like."

Dad Mo also shook his head, "Don't make a fool, I've thought about it for you, and you're converging a little bit during this time."

Mo Zhili's eyes lit up, "Dad, who do you want me to marry?"

Mo dad said, "Do you know Shi Family?"

Mo Zhili immediately said, "Miss Shi's? No, no, the circles are saying that she must be lacking in arms and legs and looks ugly, otherwise how could she be so tightly hidden by her brother? Dad, don't Can't figure it out! "

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