You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1037: Do you know who I am? (10)

Dad Mo shook his head. "Don't you know, your mother was Si Jingyu, a good friend of Mrs. Shi, and the two of them had an agreement in childhood, and they will become their children's in-laws. The Shi family has flourished in recent years. No, if it weren't for this relationship, we wouldn't be able to do this family relationship. "

Mo Zhima frowned, "I don't want it! The lady of the Shi family, may not have a pig face, I want the little beauty in the crew now!"

Dad Mo frowned, "The kind of girl can't marry our family. And, you better converge! What your mother hates most is fucking. I lost my footing ... For so many years, your mother has not forgiven me! You have changed my vices! Run the company well! "

Mo Zhi suddenly pursed his mouth, "Dad!" ...


Shi Nianyao, who was far away in Hengdian, sneezed several times.

Mose looked at her while filming, and finally came over and poured her a glass of water.

Shi Nianya grinned at him, and then said, "Mo Xicheng, don't worry, Li Xue, I'll get it done!"

Moxie raised an eyebrow. "Oh, how did you get it?"

Shi Nianyao's eyes rolled around. "She came to me and wanted to give me some money and let me leave you, but I moved it with reason. She was moved by our love and voluntarily quit. ! "

Mo Xicheng: ...

Moxi Cheng smiled bitterly, didn't continue to question, just looked at Shi Nianyao, and thoughtful expression appeared.

At the same time, a small message in the Kyoto noble circle quietly flowed out.

Mo's family had an oral marriage agreement with Shi's family, but Mo Zhi was in a drunk, and scolded Miss Shi's family as a pig's head, saying he would never marry her!

As soon as this news came out, Miss Shi Jia became an instant joke for everyone.

But these people in Hengdian are doomed.


the other side.

A long black business car was parked in a five-star hotel.

Lu Nanze walked down from the car with a gloomy eyebrow.

He stood at the door and stared across from him for a moment.

There, Qiao Lian's hotel.

He looked for a while, and then he went upstairs.

after an hour. The hotel door was snapped, Lu Nanze looked up, and heard Qiao Yiyi's voice, "Second Brother, it's me."

Lu Nanze stood up, walked over, and opened the door.

When Qiao Yiyi saw him, he immediately stretched out his arm and was about to pinch his arm.

Lu Nanze blinked a bit of disgust between his eyebrows, took a step back and avoided her.

Then I looked at Qiao Yiyi, "This little thing can't be done, do you still have a face to see me?"

Qiao Yiyi suddenly pursed his mouth, "Second Brother, as soon as you meet, you say something about Joe's love, you ..."

After finishing the words, she saw the cold smile on the corner of Lu Nanze ’s lips. She immediately retracted her words and looked at him. There is no such good luck. I have arranged it! Absolutely no problem! "

When Lu Nanze heard this, he looked at her again, "Are you sure, it won't hurt Qiao Lian."

Qiao Yiyi nodded, "I'm sure!"

Lu Nanze stared at her, her eyes letting Qiao Yiyi take a nap.

Lu Nanze said with a smile: "Eight years ago, you also promised me that you would not let her get hurt and let her leave the club, but in the end, what did you do?"

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