You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1039: Don't hurt my child! (2)

After a fierce exercise, Qiao Yiyi lay in bed and fell asleep.

When she woke up, she realized that two hours had passed.

Opening his eyes, watching Lu Nanze sitting lazily on the sofa with a cigarette between his fingers.

Qiao Yiyi sat up straight, Jiao Didi said: "Second Brother ~~"

Lu Nanze still looked at her calmly, "It's getting late."

The implication is that you can go.

When Qiao Yiyi heard this, he immediately bit his lip.

It stands to reason that after eating enough, a man is the best time to speak, but every time Lu Nanze is very rational.

It was like he was not the one who had just experienced that **** with her.

Qiao Yiyi was extremely wronged, but after so many years, she knew Lu Nanze's temper best.

Remember, the last time she just tangled with him and wanted him to accompany her to a shopping mall, she had been with him for a year and was not with him ...

As soon as this idea came out, Qiao Yiyi immediately lowered his head.

She got up, put on her own clothes, and stood in front of Lu Nanze, "Second Brother, then, then I'm leaving ..."

Lu Nanze didn't lift his head, so he nodded, "Um."

Qiao Yiyi bit his lip, walked to the door, looked back, and looked at Lu Nanze.

Lu Nanze still took the cigarette, took a deep breath, and exhaled a ring of smoke.

Qiao Yiyi frowned, sighed, opened the door, and went out.

As soon as I went out, I saw Zhao Yang standing at the door, holding a glass of water and a pill in his hand.

Qiao Yiyi frowned immediately after seeing it.

Zhao Yang handed the pills to her.

Qiao Yiyi frowned, and said, "The second brother promised to give me a child!"

After hearing this, Zhao Yang's eyes fell on her neck. The kiss marks were like strawberries, rosy and beautiful.

Qiao Yiyi saw his gaze and raised his chin proudly.

Zhao Yang lowered his head, and then spoke after half a ring: "Miss Yiyi, are you sure ... not taking medicine?"

Qiao Yiyi snorted, "Zhao Yang, what are you, do you want to go against the meaning of the second brother?"

Zhao Yang frowned, "But if you really have a child, then this child is an illegitimate child. Would you like it?"

Qiao Yiyi sneered, "Zhao Yang, you better figure out your identity, don't take it for granted that everything is right here! What about my second brother and you can also point at it?"

After saying this, she reached out her hand and pushed the glass away, and then she went out.

Zhao Yang looked at her back and stopped talking.

For so many years, every time, it was him.

But she didn't know.

Moreover, if he told her that even if she was pregnant, he was the child's father, would she not be able to live in despair?

As soon as this idea came out, Zhao Yang immediately lowered his head and looked at the cup in his hand.

There was a sneer on his lips.

Just then, the room door was suddenly pushed open, Lu Nanze appeared at the door, looked at Zhao Yang, and asked, "The room is open?"

Zhao Yang nodded.

Lu Nanze went out and entered the opposite room.

Zhao Yang lowered his head. How could Mr. Lu reuse the bed where he and Qiao Yiyi slept?

Zhao Yang was thinking, Lu Nanze suddenly stopped and said, "Zhao Yang, how about I give you a child?"

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