You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1040: Don't hurt my child! (3)

Zhao Yang was startled, and Nono said, "Mr. Lu ..."

Lu Nanze laughed, "Aren't you, like that Qiao Yiyi?"

Zhao Yang's lips moved, he didn't speak, and finally lowered his head, "Mr. Lu, I was wrong."

Lu Nanze said, "Work around me and move my feelings privately, you know."

Zhao Yang hurriedly lowered his head.

Lu Nanze: "Let's handle the matter over Hangzhou."

Zhao Yang frowned, knowing that this was Lu Nanze, and wanted to let him leave Hengdian and leave Qiao Yiyi, lest he be emotional.

Zhao Yang sighed and nodded, "Yes."


In the crew hotel.

Qiao Lian just had dinner and was about to go upstairs, and saw Qiao Yiyi lower her head and hurried from outside.

From a distance, she could see a red patch on her neck, like a kiss mark.

Qiao Lian frowned, but didn't think much, and went upstairs with him.

No live broadcast for several days.

Qiao Lian decided to play the game live for two hours tonight.

When she opened the live broadcast room, she was shocked by the data on the fans first! !! !!

The first place is still Siqiao.

The second place is still Prince.


Who will tell her, how do you think that Joe ’s fan value is 2 million?

Is this ... a reward of two million yuan? !!

She was stunned!

I only saw this because I was on the game, so she was in a daze on the live broadcast. The fan comments below have burst!

-I rely! What did I see? two millions? !!

—— Worship local tyrants!

-God! The second place has 1.5 million!

——Lianchuan, you are rich! !! !!

——Such a tyrant, please give me a slap!

And on the platform's homepage, it also directly hit the title of one million fans!

This reward is in the live broadcast circle, and it's directly on fire!

The name Siqiao became famous.

Qiao Lian came back to his heart, and then he coughed, and then said, "It was a great surprise to see this reward in two days without a live broadcast. Thank you Siqiao, thank you Prince."

The Prince immediately swiped the screen.

[Prince: Thank you, come to our club and be a coach! Be a member! Your level is enough to be a professional player! 】

Qiao Lian said with a smile: "No, I'm a principled person! Okay, I'm going to start the game ..."

The Prince immediately started to swipe the screen again:

[Prince: Play a game with me ~~]

Qiao Lian: ...

The fans were excited all of a sudden.

——Ahhhh, fight with him!

——Playing games with Prince Edward! We all want to watch the prince playing games, but unfortunately the prince did not broadcast live!

——Fortunately, you can see the Prince playing a contact match!

——Oh my god, Lianchuan, I promise you will go up tonight!

Qiao Lian: ...

She smiled bitterly, "Playing with the Great God, it seems, isn't it good?"

When this word came down, fans, immediately started frantically blowing bubbles and giving gifts. The next ones were all playing with the prince!

Qiao Lian: ...

The fan is God, and everyone is appealing. If she does not play a game with the prince, I'm afraid I'm sorry for the fan.

Qiao Lian twitched his lips. "Okay, let's play a game with the prince."

The Prince again swipes the screen:

[Prince: I can be together anytime, anywhere, you can call me anytime, anywhere. In the game, you are responsible for the beauty and beauty, and I am responsible for the murder. 】

Qiao Lian: ...! !!

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