You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1042: Don't hurt my child! (5)

In this game, Qiao Lian walked the middle, the prince was supposed to swim.

But he just stood in the grass beside Qiao Lian.

After the other person in the middle of the opponent came up, Qiao Lian used the bait as a bait to seduce the other party. The other party really couldn't stand the temptation, misplaced him, and was stunned by the Prince.

Qiao Lian hurried to keep up, and the two cooperated, killing a blood perfectly!

This killed the first person, Xiao Qiao and Zhou Yu, both did not lose blood!

It's seamless.

The fans below exploded!

--Oh my god! This fit is simply perfect!

——Lianchuan and Prince Edward are definitely a pair in reality! Look at the fan list, you know!

——What about Siqiao? How do I think that Si Qiao must be in love with Sichuan? Is the Prince competing with Si Qiao? But I think that Si Qiao is really in love!

Seeing this, Shen Liangchuan felt more comfortable.


Qiao Lian is playing a game, and she also needs to look at the comments of fans from time to time. After seeing this comment, she immediately laughed, "Don't guess at it! Siqiao is a girl!"

Shen Liangchuan: ...

So why did he tell Qiao Lian that he was a girl? !!

Now, if you want to use Siqiao's identity, you can't do it!

However, watching Prince Edward and Qiao Lian cooperate so well in the game, he felt that his heart seemed to be caught by a cat, uncomfortable!

How to do it?

How can we make them both, this game can't go on?

Thinking about it, Shen Liangchuan suddenly thought something, his eyes narrowed brightly.


Qiao Lian is playing a game with the Prince, in a wave of team battles at a critical moment.

Qiao Lian rushed to the front, seeing that he was going to be killed soon.

The prince intends to come to a hero to save the beauty!

But just then! !!

at this time! !! !!

On the game interface, it suddenly showed: Xiao Qiao quit the game.

Prince: ...! !!

The Prince looked at it and found that Xiao Qiao was standing still and was killed ...

Was killed ...

Prince: ...


Qiao Lian is planning to perform a very showy operation, but the game is suddenly forced to exit the next second!

And the number shows that you are logged in elsewhere.

Qiao Lian: ...! !!

Qiao Lian has stayed all over. She landed elsewhere?

Where did she land?

Why didn't she know that she was landing somewhere else?

Qiao Lian stared dumbfounded at the screen. This was what was shown on the live broadcast screen.

She immediately exclaimed: "Who hit my number!"

When playing the game, if someone logs in somewhere else, then she will automatically log out.

And if you go up, you can't answer the game you just played.

Qiao Lian: ...

Qiao Lian quickly re-embarked on the road, after entering his password, the login was successful.

She was stunned, wasn't it wrong?

Is it that the system is abnormal?

Qiao Lian said: "It must be a system error. This number is my new one. No one knows the password. Why was it suddenly hit ..."

She frowned and landed on the game again.

Unfortunately, the prince was still in the game just now and he didn't come out.

Qiao Lian has begun a new round of competition.


Late at night, Qiao Yiyi quietly came to the crew and walked to the props group. After a few minutes, she came out of the props group.

PS: Every time I write about the anchor game, I feel like I'm making sugar. Are these four chapters sweet? If it's sweet, just cast your monthly vote! Monthly passes have been overtaken again! Bow thanks!

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