You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1043: Don't hurt my child! (6)

When she left the props group, she sneered.

In this case, Qiao Lian's child will certainly not be able to keep it!

Thinking of this, she picked up her mobile phone and sent a message to Lu Nanze: Second brother, you can rest assured that everything is done.

Then she entered the hotel with satisfaction.


Shen Liangchuan stared at the live broadcast, Qiao Lian's game explanation, a faint smile on his lips.

This guy is really lazy.

Even if it is a new number, the password is still the same as before.

In the future, if she dares to play a game with the prince again, he will hit her once.

Thinking of this, Shen Liangchuan contentedly placed his two arms behind his head and stared at the phone.

At nine in the evening, he heard her yawn.

Shen Liangchuan froze slightly, was planning to type, let her take a good rest, and heard Qiao Lian said: "Get here today. See you tomorrow."

Then the screen went black.

The whole hotel was quiet for a moment.

Suddenly, he was empty in his heart.

It's like something suddenly disappeared.

Just listening to her voice, I don't think so yet. right now……

Shen Liangchuan sighed.

The sight fell on the door.

After a while, he stood up, walked to the door, looked out through the cat's eyes, and found no one.

He opened the door and was going to walk over to Qiao Lian, but he heard a squeak, and the prince also opened the door.

Shen Liangchuan: ...

Shen Liangchuan and Prince Edward looked at each other silently. Eventually, Shen Liangchuan and Prince Edward turned back together and entered their own room.


Early the next morning, Qiao Lian woke up by herself.

After washing, go to the crew.

As soon as I arrived at the entrance of the crew's lounge, I heard the sound of discussion inside.

"Have you heard? The anchorwoman in Lianchuan really hooked up with Shen Yingdi!"

"Yeah, otherwise how could No. 1 be her?"

"No, isn't Shen Yingdi married?"

"What about being married? Do you know what's happening in the circle? Besides, that love river really looks good."

"But, in this case, Mrs. Shen would be very pathetic!"

It was mixed with the rest of the voice, "Don't talk nonsense, speak like this, is there any evidence?"

When the words fell, I heard Shui Chenxiang sneer, "Evidence? I saw Shen Yingdi with my own eyes and came out of her room. The two were deeper in the middle of the night, couldn't they be discussing the script?"

"Ah? Really!"

"I'm going, this love river is so good! People like Shen Yingdi can hook up!"

"Cut, no matter what, it's a little three! What I look down on most is this kind of person!"

The person inside, you say, I say.

Qiao Lian listened outside and couldn't help sneering.

She knew that as a newcomer, she came to the air to become the No. 1 Xiao Qiaonv. This group was a little jealous, but it was so speechless to make rumors.

She stood at the door and went up with a generous look.

The moment she entered the door, the sound in the room suddenly disappeared.

Everyone looked at her awkwardly.

Only Shui Xiangxiang didn't see her come in because her back was facing her.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Shui Chenxiang continued to say, "Why don't you talk? I think this love river is really shameless! A husband and wife should also join together! Think about Mrs. Shen in Beijing. It should be How pathetic! "

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