You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1049: Don't hurt my child! (12)

Heart, a little bit cold.

In fact, from the moment I knew that I was pregnant, the moment I wanted to leave his heart firmly, I became unsteady.

Therefore, in this meeting, he didn't frown at him and didn't alienate him to the extreme.

Because, deep in her heart, she always held hope for the two of them.

But Shen Liangchuan, from beginning to end, did not mention the words that let her return to him.

She never spoke.

But now she is pregnant.

He still doesn't speak like this?

Isn't that ... Mo Moxin's heart knot, in his life, really can not let go?

Can the two of them really not go back?

Thinking of this, Qiao Lian clenched his fists.

When I was in a daze, I finally heard Shen Liangchuan's words, "You are not feeling well now. I'll send you back to Suzhou. Don't film the things in the crew."

In a word, Qiao Lian's eyes and pupils shrank!

Back to Suzhou ...

It turned out that he really didn't plan to take himself back.

So what did he do when he stayed in Suzhou during this time, even stayed in the crew, and even faceless in her hotel room?

Perhaps because of pregnancy, his temper became a little irritable.

The grievances since this time suddenly broke out at this moment.

She took a deep breath, and her attitude suddenly became cold, "OK."

Shen Liangchuan noticed her strangeness and glanced at her.


In the hospital, after Qiao Lian was discharged, the doctor entered the room and came to Lu Nanze's side.

The doctor said, "She woke up in time, and it looks like this child too, and she shouldn't die. I didn't go on, I was afraid she might find something strange."

Lu Nanze nodded. "If you do well, you will not be good when you fight against the grass."

The key is!

Now Shen Liangchuan is here. If she knows, Liang Qiao is pregnant.

Even if Qiao Love has an abortion!

According to his understanding of Shen Liangchuan, he will certainly immediately, even if forced, Qiao Lian will be brought to his side, and Qiao Lian will never be allowed to leave him.

Such things must not happen.

The best time to miss this child, the last thing that can happen is to let Shen Liangchuan know that this child exists!

Therefore, today is not a good opportunity.

But it doesn't matter, come to Japan.

His sight fell in the parking lot, slowly on the car that drove out.

He came to Hengdian this time for the child.

No rush, no rush ...


Qiao Lian was injured.

Shen Liangchuan originally intended that she immediately stop shooting and return to Suzhou.

However, Qiao Lian became stubborn and had to finish the scene before leaving.

Originally, it was a promotional video, but her clips didn't say much.

It was Shen Liangchuan's high requirements that they had to take NG once every time they took a shot.

Right now, Qiao Lian doesn't know who to anger with, and asks to complete all the shots.

In fact, many martial arts actors in the later period relied on stand-ins, mainly taking a few more close-ups of her face.

After two more delays in Hengdian, Qiao Lian's filming was finished.

She decided to return to Suzhou the next day.

The night before he left, the director suddenly summoned everyone to a meeting.

Qiao Lian didn't go, the little assistant went.

When he came back at night, the assistant looked pale, "Sister Qiao, do you know? This incident was not an accident at all, but Qiao Yiyi's plan!"

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