You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1050: Don't hurt my child! (13)

In a word, Qiao Lian stunned suddenly.

She looked at the assistant in surprise, "What are you talking about?"

The little assistant said: "It's true. After the opening today, Shen Yingdi called everyone over, and revealed Qiao Yiyi on the spot!"

"Qiao Yiyi did not admit it at first. Later, Shen Yingdi found the video in the crew, which clearly saw her entering the props group. Qiao Yiyi also insisted, not herself, she just went to the props group to take a look. Destruction. Later, Emperor Shen Ying said he had to call the police, and Qiao Yiyi was panicked. "

"Now the director has kicked Qiao Yiyi out of the crew!"

Qiao Yiyi? !!

Qiao Lian shrinks her eyes.

Why did Qiao Yiyi design her?

Falling from a height of one meter and five meters, if you are not pregnant yourself, you will fall to the ground.

According to Qiao Yiyi's personality, this kind of small trouble that is not painful or itchy cannot be shot like this.


Qiao Lianyi's eyes widened.

Unless, Qiao Yiyi wants her child's life!


But how did Qiao Yiyi know she was pregnant?

Qiao Yiyi knew that she was pregnant ... Does that mean that Lu Nanze also knew that she was pregnant?

She thought about it and sat up straight, she stared at the assistant in disbelief, and then slowly said, "What about Qiao Yiyi now?"

"Leave, pack up things, and have left the crew. I don't think she can hang around in this line! After doing such things, she lost all her face!"


Where have you been

Qiao Lianxi stood up, "How long has she been gone?"

"It didn't take long before I just went out."

Qiao Lian said directly, "You help me go and see, Qiao Yiyi left the hotel and where he went."

Although the little assistant didn't know what happened, he quickly returned to God, nodded, and ran out.

The room was quiet, and Qiao Lian was sitting in a wheelchair. There was a speculation that suddenly appeared, and she was shocked with cold sweat.

Five minutes later, the little assistant ran back.

She stared at Qiao Lian and said, "When I went downstairs, I saw Qiao Yiyi dragging his suitcase out. She waited for a while secretly outside and went to the hotel opposite the hotel."

The opposite hotel!

What is she going to the hotel opposite?

Is it because ... Lu Nanze is over there?

She suddenly figured out something.

Shen Liangchuan should not have known about her pregnancy at all, because for the past two days, Shen Liangchuan has been taking care of her, but she has not spoken about the child at all.

But if he didn't know he was pregnant, why didn't the doctor in the hospital tell Shen Liangchuan that he was pregnant?

The thought of Qiao Lian suddenly felt a hair behind.

She stood up shyly, "What about Shenliangchuan?"

The assistant said, "Still filming."

Qiao Lian directly instructed the young assistant: "Push me, we will go to the crew now!"

She's going to the crew now to tell him she's pregnant!

Because Lu Nanze knew she was pregnant.

According to Lu Nanze's temperamental character, she would definitely ruin her child.

Her child is very unsafe now! !!

When the little assistant heard this, his face changed in shock. "Joe, sister Joe, what happened?"

Qiao Lian looked dignified.

Now is not the time for her to have trouble with Shen Liangchuan, she must keep her child!

"Come on, let's find Shen Liangchuan !!"

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