You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1061: who am I? (3)

This sentence fell, Lu Nanze was stiff, and Qiao Yiyi stepped back! !!

Two people, all together, incredible, shocked, looked at Qiao Lian!


In the doctor's office.

The attending doctor frowned and looked at Lu Nanze, whose face was extremely heavy.

He thought for a while, and then said, "Mr. Lu, the brain is the most amazing part of the human body. At that time, when we saw such a large blood cave, we knew that Miss Qiao would definitely have some sequelae, but I did not expect that it would It is amnesia ... This amnesia may be caused by two reasons. First, a blood clot oppressed the nerves, making her temporarily forget the past. Second, it is possible that her past has a very cruel experience, so her The body, the filter is automatically selected, forgotten. These are all based on science. What kind of situation is Miss Qiao, we need to further check. But ... Miss Qiao is pregnant now, and many of the equipment and drugs can not be used, so , This is a bit slow. "

Lu Nanze nodded when he heard this.

He sat in a chair, pondering for a while, and then said, "Will she someday suddenly remember it?"

"It's all possible, maybe not."

Lu Nanze lowered his eyes.

After a while, he stood up, "I'm sure she's fine, we'll go through the discharge procedure!"

After hearing this, the doctor tangled and said, "Mr. Lu, the lady's head wound needs to be hospitalized for a few days. After all, the wound is a bit big. At least you need to wait for healing before you can be discharged."

Lu Nanze frowned and nodded.

Out of the doctor's office, Lu Nanze felt a very excited feeling.

Qiao Lian forgets the past.

She forgot the past!

Does this mean that she also forgot those resentments against herself?

Does this have pity on him and gave him and her a chance to return?

Thinking of this, Lu Nanze clenched his fists.

If so, then he must cherish this opportunity!

Thinking of this, he quickened his pace and went into the ward.

As soon as he entered the ward, he saw Qiao Lian sitting on the bed, looking at him in front of him, in a daze.

When she saw Lu Nanze coming in, she just raised her eyes and gave him a slight glance, then frowned, "Can you tell me now, who am I?"

Lu Nanze looked at her and stared at him for a while, then he said, "You are my wife."

Qiao Lian tilted her head and nodded again, "Oh."

"You have broken my child now, Qiao Lian, and we will have a good and happy life in the future, OK?"

After hearing these words, Qiao Lian nodded again, "Oh."

At the gate, Qiao Yiyi listened to Nanze's words and clenched his fists.

Qiao Lian has amnesia, which is definitely a good thing for the second brother!

Now, the second brother even wants to recognize the child in her belly!

All these years, one by one crazy in her mind, making her face emaciated.

After half a ring, she saw Lu Nanze stood up and went out. She hurried to the side and waited until Lu Nanze left. Then she walked to the door of the ward.

Her eyes were gloomy before she pushed the door open and walked into the ward.

She stood in front of Qiao Lian, looked at Qiao Lian, and then said, "Qiao Lian, do you know the relationship between the second brother and me?"

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