You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1062: who am I? (4)

Qiao Lian stared blankly at the woman who suddenly appeared in front of her. She racked her brains and could not remember how this woman had been seen before.

But she was very familiar and disgusting.

Qiao Lian stared at her, then spoke after half a ring, "are you?"

The woman in front of her said, "I'm Qiao Yiyi, your cousin."

Qiao Lian tilted her head. "Oh."

She couldn't remember.

Can't remember anything.

Even the man who said just now was her husband, she couldn't remember.

Even looking at that person, she didn't feel anything.

Thinking of this, Qiao Lian looked at Qiao Yiyi, "Are you looking for me, is there something wrong?"

"There is something, of course something!"

Qiao Yiyi stared at her, suddenly dropped her head, and her eyes were red: "Qiao Lian, my brother and I truly love each other! I have his child! Why can't you just let your brother go?" Can you keep the second brother? Even now, you can keep his people, but you can't keep his heart! "


Qiao Lian held out his hand and touched his forehead.

It turned out that this wound was because of suicide.

It seemed that she really hated the two.

Therefore, when the man just looked at himself, he always showed a guilty look.

Is it because I'm sorry for myself?

She continued to look at Qiao Yiyi, "What then?"

Qiao Yiyi looked at her again, "Qiao Lian, I know, my presence makes you feel embarrassed, but I really can't do without the second brother."

"I like second brother and second brother likes me."

"The second brother is ashamed of you now."

Qiao Lian continued to look at her, "What then? What do you want me to do?"

Qiao Yiyi is a moment again, what does she want to make Qiao love?

She didn't know what she wanted Joe to do.

She was just at the door and heard Lu Nanze saying that she was his wife. She was overwhelmed and rushed in to speak those words.

What can she make Joe love?

She just wanted to stop Qiao Lian.

She bit her lip, stared at Qiao Lian, and then lowered her head after a while, then said, "I, I don't know, I just hope that you can tolerate me ..."

Qiao Lian tilted her head and continued to stare at her. "Isn't Xiao San usually hoping that he can take the place of the main room?"

Qiao Yiyi was slightly surprised by what she said, "Ah?"

Qiao Lian nodded, "Well, I'll do you well."

Qiao Yiyi stunned again, said stunned, "Ah?"

Qiao Lian frowned, and spoke after half a ring, "You go out."

Qiao Yiyi stepped out of the ward.

When Lu Nanze finished his work, it took half an hour.

He hurried back to the ward, trying to accompany Qiao Lian.

But when I opened the door of the ward, I saw that the bed was empty.

A nurse came in, "Mr. Lu, the lady on the bed, left a note for you, and then left by herself."

Lu Nanze's eyes narrowed, "What?"

Then took the note in the nurse's hand and saw a few words written on it: Let's divorce.

Lu Nanze: ...! !!

At the same time, Shen Liangchuan has come to Suzhou and is standing outside the hospital. He frowned and stared at Song Cheng. "Have you found out why Xiao Qiao was hospitalized?"

As soon as this remark came to an end, he saw a sneaky Qiao Lian wearing a sick suit and came out of the hospital!

PS: Sometimes, the dog's blood can also write something new ~ amnesia. I haven't used it in several books. I want to use it now and try to write a different feeling ~~ Next The storyline should be easier ~~ Amnesia is just to pave the way for later articles! Ah ~ I hope you don't dislike this plot!

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