You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1092: It turned out that she was Mo Xicheng's girlfriend! (8)

Morse: ...! !!

Seeing Mo Zhiqi's whole body trembling, he almost couldn't control the flood power in his body, Shi Nianyao spit out his tongue at him, and then grabbed Mo Xicheng's wrist, "Let's go."

Mo Xicheng looked at her, and wanted to teach Mo Zhi, but went with her.

As he passed by Mo Zhi, he stood still and looked at Mo Zhi.

The warning in his eyes made Mori take a step back, shrinking his shoulders. Immediately, Mori was so afraid of him that he felt very angry.

When Mo Xicheng went away, he shouted at the two people's back: "Okay, okay, Mo Xicheng, how dare you take her so brightly. Do you think that ugly monster is a mess?" I tell you, I'll go to her now and tell her you're dating another woman outside! "

Unfortunately, Shi Nianyao and Mo Xicheng ignored him and ran away.

Mo Zhiqi was sulking in the same place, and someone around stepped forward, "This Mo Xicheng is too much! A **** child is so magnificent, I really don't know where it comes from!"

"That's, and ... isn't that ugly eight monster too ugly, so this Mo Xicheng doesn't want to get engaged with her!"

After saying this, the man couldn't help but shoved Push's shoulder. "If he doesn't agree, then your dad will definitely let you marry for Mo's family. That ugly monster will become another Yours! "

In a word, he made Mo Zhi take a nap, his eyes narrowed, and he snorted coldly: "At this point, it's not what he wants or doesn't want! Huh, that ugly monster, I definitely don't want it! As for Shi Nian Yao, master, I have to get it! "


On the other side, Shi Nianyao dragged Mo Xicheng, left some pesky people there, and then quietly entered the back garden.

Immediately, Shi Nianyao turned his head, stared at Mo Xicheng with bright eyes, and stretched out the fiber hand: "Come, give me!"

Mo Xicheng looked at her and asked deliberately, "What?"

"Gift, my birthday today! What gift did you prepare for me?"

Moses sighed, frowning.

At that sigh, Shi Nian Yao sighed tightly, "You, wouldn't you not prepare a gift for me!"

Shi Nianyao started to muzzle his mouth, and his face was about to cry. That look was like sprouting others' hearts.

Moses Cheng simply said, "Of course I prepared."

Shi Nianyao's eyes lit up immediately. "Then come quickly!"

Moses Cheng lowered his head. "Okay."

Then he reached out his hand and went into his pocket.

Shi Nianyao's gaze followed his movements, staring at that pocket tightly, expecting that he could come up with something good.

But what I never expected was ...

Mosi digs and digs, and finally frowns, "Oops, I forgot to bring it!"

Shi Nianyao: ...! !!


This man is simply too bad! !! !!

How can Yinjia's birthday gift be forgotten!

Shi Nianyao closed his mouth and everyone was about to cry, "You, you ... Are you kidding me!"

Moxie bowed his head and flipped in the other pocket. "I remember when I went out, in my pocket ... Ah, I remembered, put it on the coffee table in the room, and forgot to bring it!"

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