You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1093: It turned out that she was Mo Xicheng's girlfriend! (9)

Shi Nian Yao immediately fell down.

Running without a dress, I ran straight out and looked for him outside. I couldn't help but want to see him.

Secondly, I just want a gift, but this guy has forgotten the gift at home!

Shi Nianyao is crying!

"So, what then? Let your babysitter bring you?"

Mo Xicheng: "I don't like babysitters. There is no one in the family. Or, I'll get them now."

When you're done, turn around.

Shi Nianyao hurriedly grabbed him, "No, no ~ I'm going to dance soon! You want to accompany my first dance!"

This is her first appearance in front of everyone! How can there be no male god.

There was a tangle between the male **** and the gift.

Shi Nianyao then said, "Gifts are trivial, and of course it is you!"

When this sentence fell, Mo Xicheng's eyes suddenly burst into a smile.

His hand in his pocket suddenly stretched out, took out a small and exquisite gift box, and put it in front of Shi Nianyao: "Happy birthday."

Shi Nianyao stayed straight.

Staring at the gift box in front of her, she brushed it again and lit up again.

The gift that I thought might be missed today actually appeared in front of me.

She immediately laughed.

That mouth is almost intolerable.

She immediately reached out and took the gift box. "You, why are you so bad, why do you tease me!"

Moxie bowed his head. "Then you said, did you run out for me or for a gift?"

Shi Nianyao's act of opening the gift froze, and he looked up silently.

Taking a quiet look at him, he lowered his head again.


It turns out that the male **** is also such a lovely person!

He was ... jealous!

And I'm still jealous of my gift!

Hahahaha ~

Mo Xicheng like this is simply too cute!

Thinking of this, Shi Nianyao raised his head with a smile, and then, while Mo Xicheng was not paying attention, he raised his toes and kissed his face.

Immediately turned back and ran straight back, "Of course for you, stupid! I'll change the dress ~"

Then she blushed, ran fast, and went straight to the dressing room.

Looking at her light back, Mosi Cheng stayed in place.

After standing for a long time, he seemed to return to God, reached out his hand, and slowly touched his own face.

Just now she took the initiative to kiss him. The soft touch, if she didn't run fast, he would have liked to eat her ...

Mo Xicheng thought of this, his lips finally raised slowly, overflowing with a smile.

Just then, his cell phone rang.

Mo Xicheng bowed his head and saw Mo's phone, "Where are you, come here!"

Moshi took a forehead.

five minutes later.

He came to the lobby and found Dad Mo.

Dad Mo grabbed him, lowered his voice and said, "How do I listen to Mo Zhi saying that you brought your girlfriend in? I told you, now, let her get out immediately!"

"Also, hurry up with the ugly eight to settle the marriage! Tonight!"

Morris added.

In a word, Mo Xicheng gave him a slight glance, "You come to sue?"

Mo Zhi suddenly hesitated, "Why did I sue? I just prevent you from making mistakes! I tell you, today you will settle your marriage with the ugly Baguai!"

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