You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1125: She broke Lu Nanze's child! (1)

"What is your second brother busy? Even if you are busy, you won't miss me!"

Qiao Yiyi does not spare or spare.

The nanny couldn't bear it, couldn't help sighing, and said, "Mr. Lu is really busy lately, soaked in the anchor room every day. It is said that people in the company are now looking for him to sign, and they are going to the anchor room! Mr. Lu changes the law every day, and invites a female anchor to dinner ~ Everyone says that they see each other on the route ~ "

In a word, Qiao Yiyi's face changed greatly; "What did you say?"

The babysitter looked at her, and was fed up with Qiao Yiyi's usual toes, and smiled. "I mean, Mr. Lu is in the company and is after a woman. That woman, like you, is named Joe, everyone Call her Miss Joe. "

Miss Joe ...

Qiao Yiyi's eyes widened stupidly, taking an incredible step back and hitting the table behind him, "She? It's her! It must be her ..."

Brother Er's mind, she was too clear.

The second brother is to let Joe fall in love with him while he has a memory loss!

Therefore, now, the two of them must be double-stayed and double-fly, and they are very moisturized every day.

But ... the two of them are together, so what about her?

She waited for eight years for her brother, was she abandoned to the side?

Qiao Yiyi bit his lip and clenched his fist, "No, you give me a cell phone, I want to call my second brother!"

With that said, Qiao Yiyi went directly to the babysitter and snatched the past.

The babysitter stepped back immediately. "Miss Qiao, don't bother, Mr. Lu said, don't bother him if it's fine."

"Who says I'm fine? I have something big! I'm looking for a second brother!"

Qiao Yiyi shouted, "You give me my phone!"

The nanny stared at her with a look of disgust. "Miss Joe, hurry up and eat."

Then, as if to avoid any virus, he took a step back and went out.

Qiao Yiyi watched as the nanny left the room, and there was only herself in the whole house, and she suddenly became anxious.

She rushed to the door of the room and shouted at the outside: "You open the door for me! Open the door! You give me your cell phone! I want my cell phone! Come on! I am looking for a second brother! I!"

After being closed for a few days, Qiao Yiyi was really afraid of being locked up.

If the second brother is really in love with Qiao, then the second brother will definitely put her under house arrest forever in order to prevent herself from becoming a bond between them!

This thought made her crazy.

Knocked on the door for a long time, there was no movement outside the door.

She slandered down the door and slid down.

She stared at everything in the room, and then did not know where the strength came from. She stood up stingily, sweeping all the food on the table to the ground!

The sound of crackling came over.

Qiao Yiyi covered her face and cried loudly.

Now, she could not pass on anything to the outside world, and there was no way she could save herself.

She cried for a long time and finally stopped.

At this moment, the room was full of the smell of meals.

There was a fish on the plate scattered on the ground.

After a while, the fish was stingy.

The fishy smell slowly spread over her nose.

I don't know if it was too long in the room or because he just cried too much. Qiao Yiyi suddenly felt a nausea, covered his chest, went straight to the bathroom, and then vomited!

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